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Managing our coastal zone in a changing climate: the time to act is now

26 October 2009

© Commonwealth of Australia 2009
ISBN 978-0-642-79233-4 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79234-1 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 5382KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

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Preliminary Pages (PDF 172KB)

Membership of the Committee
Committee Secretariat
Terms of reference
List of recommendations

Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 193KB)

Key coastal issues
Environmental impacts
Governance arrangements
Previous coastal inquiry reports
Outcomes of previous coastal inquiries
Changing climate and changed policy framework
Integrated coastal zone management and the catchment-coast-marine continuum
Support for a coastal zone inquiry
International context
Regional issues
Other matters
A note on the report structure

Chapter 2 Climate change and the coastal zone: the science and the impacts (PDF 762KB)

Recent developments in climate change science
Research findings since the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
Kyoto Protocol and future international climate change negotiations
Reducing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and helping shape a global solution
Climate change science and the coastal zone
Rising sea levels, melting ice and increasing frequency of extreme sea level events
Ocean acidification, higher ocean temperatures and changing ocean currents
National climate change science policy and programs relevant to the coastal zone
Department of Climate Change
Continued investment in research
National coordination of research
Improved communication of research outcomes

Chapter 3 Climate change and the coastal zone: adaptation strategies and practices to promote resilience (PDF 906KB)

COAG National Climate Change Adaptation Framework
Coastal adaptation in the National Climate Change Adaptation Framework
National Coastal Vulnerability Assessment—the ‘first pass’ assessment
Digital elevation modelling
National shoreline mapping: the ‘Smartline’ project
Assessing the vulnerability of coastal biodiversity
Case studies
Australian Government and coastal climate change adaptation programs in the coastal zone
Climate Change Adaptation Skills for Professionals Program
Local Adaptation Pathways Program
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
CSIRO—Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship
Role of state and local government in climate change adaptation in the coastal zone
Concluding remarks
Other themes identified in the National Climate Change Adaptation Framework relevant to the coastal zone
Health in coastal communities
Coastal industry
Coastal disaster and emergency management
Coastal infrastructure
Coastal Indigenous communities

Chapter 4 Key emerging issues: insurance, planning and legal matters relating to the coastal zone (PDF 761KB)

Climate change and coastal insurance issues
Gaps in insurance coverage for the coastal zone
Insurance industry recommendations to government
Climate change and coastal planning issues
State coastal planning policies
State sea level rise planning benchmarks and risk management framework
National building standards
Local government coastal adaptation policies
Climate change and coastal legal issues
Preventing future harm
Improving the statutory framework
Broader indemnification for local authorities?
National consistency of information and mandatory risk information disclosure
Recent cases relating to climate change impacts on the coast
Existing coastal development and concerns of individual property holders

Chapter 5 Sustainable coastal communities and environmental impacts on the coastal zone (PDF 1378KB)

Current environmental governance arrangements
Ecologically sustainable development and integrated coastal zone management
Role of other stakeholders in environmental management of the coastal zone
Coastal population growth and demographic change
National environmental policy and programs relating to the coastal zone
National Cooperative Approach to Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Framework and Implementation Plan
Caring for our Country program
National Reserve System and the coastal zone
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and the coastal zone
State of the Environment reports
Independent review of EPBC Act
Coastal World Heritage areas
Coastal Ramsar sites and other wetlands
Migratory and resident shorebirds
Environmental impacts on coastal and marine biodiversity
Coastal development and population impacts on coastal and marine biodiversity
Land and marine based sources of pollution
Climate change impacts on coastal and marine biodiversity
Natural Resource Management bodies
Socioeconomic issues related to the coastal zone
National Sea Change Taskforce
National sustainability policies and programs relating to coastal communities
Building sustainable coastal communities

Chapter 6 Governance arrangements and the coastal zone (PDF 1235KB)

Existing coastal governance arrangements
Issues regarding coastal governance arrangements
Current Australian Government role in coastal zone management
State and territory role in coastal zone management
Victorian Coastal Strategy
Local government role in coastal zone management
Call for national leadership in coastal zone management
Local government perspectives
Stakeholder involvement and community skills, knowledge and engagement
Communication and information sharing
Other models for coastal zone management
Dr Wescott: national coastal policy
Professor Thom’s five-step model
Australian Network of Environmental Defender’s Offices
Regional planning
A new model for coastal zone management
Intergovernmental Agreement on the Coastal Zone

Appendix A: Inquiry process (PDF 61KB)
Appendix B: List of submissions (PDF 59KB)
Appendix C: List of witnesses (PDF 101KB)
Appendix D: List of exhibits (PDF 119KB)
Appendix E: List of abbreviations (PDF 66KB)
Appendix F: State and territory coastal governance arrangements (PDF 337KB)
