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<< Return to previous page | House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Training

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Preliminary Pages

Membership of the Committee


Ms Sharon Bird MP


Deputy Chair

Dr Dennis Jensen MP



Mr Jason Clare MP

Mr Sid Sidebottom MP


Ms Julie Collins MP

Hon Tony Smith MP (until 10/11/08)


Mrs Yvette D’Ath MP

Dr Andrew Southcott MP


Mr Steve Irons MP

Mr Tony Zappia MP


Mr Robert Oakeshott MP (from  10/11/08)



Committee Secretariat



Dr Glenn Worthington

Inquiry Secretaries

Mr Justin Baker

Ms Jane Hearn
(from 10/2/09 to 1/5/09)

Research Officer

Mr Raymond Knight

Office Manager

Mr Daniel Miletic

Administrative Officer

Ms Kane Moir





Terms of reference


The Standing Committee on Education and Training being empowered to inquire into and report any annual reports referred to it by the House of Representatives, has agreed to undertake an inquiry into the 2006-07 Annual Report of the Department of Education, Science and Training.

The Committee nominated the following areas that were of particular interest:

  • Decline in enrolments in enabling sciences at universities;
  • Issues concerning mature age apprenticeships;
  • The education of children with special needs;
  • Skills training to meet emerging trade demands; and
  • The Australian Qualification Framework.


List of abbreviations





Australian Council of Deans of Science


Australian Council of Educational Research


Australian Industry Group                                                                   


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation


Australian Quality Training Framework


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations


Department of Education, Science and Training


Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies


Industry Skills Council


Ministerial Council for Vocational and Technical Education


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


National Centre for Vocational Education Research


Registered Training Organisation


Science, Engineering and Technology


Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study


Vocational Education and Training


List of recommendations

1       The Committee’s Review

Recommendation 1 (para 1.17)

That the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations include information in its Annual Report on the number and timeliness of responses to questions taken from committees of the Parliament outside of questions taken in Senate Estimates sessions.

2       National vocational education and training system

Recommendation 2 (para 2.90)

That the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, in consultation with the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and stakeholders, ensure that provision is made to capture and incorporate private sector vocational education and training data into NCVER analysis.

3       Decline in Enrolments in Enabling Sciences

Recommendation 3 (para 3.16)

That the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations consult with the Australian Council of Deans of Science, the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Council of Educational Research and other relevant stakeholders in relation to improving collection and aggregation of data on university enrolments and completions that will provide trend information for narrow areas of enabling sciences such as physical, mathematical and chemical sciences.



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