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Advisory Report Australian Education Bill 2012

May 2013

© Commonwealth of Australia 2013

ISBN 978-1-74366-028-7 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-1-74366-029-4 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 873KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary pages (PDF 33KB)
Chapter 1 Overview of the Australian Education Bill 2012 (PDF 143KB)

Referral and conduct of the inquiry
Context of the Bill
Intent of the Bill
Goals and directions for education reform
Improving performance of schools and students
School Funding
Commencement and transition period to new arrangements
Amendments foreshadowed
Procedural questions arising during inquiry

Chapter 2 Feedback from school communities (PDF 241KB)

Future of education reform and objectives of the Bill
Objectives of Bill
The National Plan for School Improvement
Quality teaching and quality learning
Empowering school leaders
Transparency and accountability
Meeting student need
Consultation in the development of the National Plan
Balancing national consistency with schools’ diversity
Committee comment
School funding
Loadings to address educational disadvantage
Broader funding concerns
Committee comment
Concluding comments

Dissenting Report - Mr Rowan Ramsey MP, Mrs Karen Andrews MP, Mr Alex Hawke MP, Mr Alan Tudge MP (PDF 334KB)

Lack of Detail
Concern that schools will lose funding
No Legal Standing

Appendix A – Submissions (PDF 38KB)
Appendix B – Witnesses and hearings (PDF 62KB)
Appendix C – Federal funding arrangements (PDF 121KB)
