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Chapter 1 Workplace bullying: we just want it to stop

[1]       SF, Committee Hansard, Closed Session.

[2]       Carlo Caponecchia and Anne Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying: An evidence-based guide for managers and employees, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2011, p. 139.

[3]       Rosemary Owens, ‘Decent Work for the Contingent Workforce in the New Economy’, Australian Journal of Labour Law, vol. 15, 2002, p. 209.

[4]       Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, pp. 139-140.

[5]       Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 140.

[6]       Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 140.

[7]       Australian Institute of Employment Rights, Submission 109, p. 4.

[8]       International Labour Organisation, Violence at Work: A major workplace problem, 1 January 2009, referenced in Australian Industry Group (AiG), Submission 59, p. 7.

[9]       Ms Michele Grow, Chief Executive Director, Davidson Trahaire Corpsych (DTC), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 1.

[10]     Safe Work Australia, Draft Code of Practice: Managing the Risk of Workplace Bullying (Draft Code of Practice), July 2012, p. 4.

[11]     Mrs Rae Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 53.

[12]     Ms Sandra Craig, Manager, National Centre Against Bullying, Alannah and Madeline Foundation, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, pp. 41- 42.

[13]     Unions NSW, Submission 61, p. 26.

[14]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p.

[15]     GM, Committee Hansard, Closed Session.

[16]     Dr Donna Louise McGrath, Submission 87, p. 3.

[17]     Ms Moira Rayner, Deputy Chair, Workplace Relations Section, Law Institute of Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 14.

[18]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, pp. 8-9.

[19]     Dr Sara Branch, Research Fellow, Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, Griffith University, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 10.

[20]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, pp. 61-62.

[21]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 3.

[22]     JE, Committee Hansard, Closed Session.

[23]     LW, Committee Hansard, Closed Session.

[24]     WM, Submission 152, p. 2.

[25]     CP, Submission 145, p. 2.

[26]     Workplace Investigation Services Pty Ltd, Submission 98, p. 7.

[27]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 14.

[28]     Referenced in Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 14.

[29]     Referenced in Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 14. Mr Rex Hoy, Chief Executive Officer, Safe Work Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 12.

[30]     Ms Sue Elaine Holmes, Assistant Commissioner, Productivity Commission (PC), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 17.

[31]     Professor Maryam Omari, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 2.

[32]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 1.

[33]     Australian Public Service Commission, Submission 122, p. 2.

[34]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 14.

[35]     Productivity Commission, Benchmarking Business Regulation: Occupational Health and Safety, March 2010.

[36]     Ms Holmes, PC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 17.

[37]     Diversity Council of Australia (DCA), Submission 185, p. 8.

[38]     Ms Holmes, PC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 17.

[39]     AiG, Submission 59, p. 10.

[40]     Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 4.

[41]     Mr Hoy, Safe Work Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 19.

[42]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 13.

[43]     Australian Council of Trade Unions, Submission 63, p. 5.

[44]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 41.

[45]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 41.

[46]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 2.

[47]     DCA, Submission 185, p. 7.

[48]     Mr Damian Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 52.

[49]     Ms Rachael Uebergang, Co-coordinator, Northern Territory Working Women's Centre, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 4.

[50]     Dr Carlo Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 1.

[51]     Ms Katherine Eames, Industrial Services Officer, Queensland and Northern Territory Branch, Independent Education Union of Australia, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 25; Mr Jason James O’Dwyer, Workplace Relations Manager, Master Electricians Australia (MEA), Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 31;

[52]     Dr Carlo Caponecchia, Submission 81, pp. 9-10.

[53]     AiG, Submission 59, p. 3.

[54]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 9.

[55]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 10; Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Submission 62, p. 8.

[56]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 10.

[57]     Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 5; ACCI, Submission 62, p. 8; Mr O’Dwyer,  MEA, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, pp. 31-32.

[58]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 9.

[59]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 9; Dr Jane Murray, Assistant Professor, Bond University, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 8.

[60]     Dr Sheryl Ramsay, Senior Lecturer, Griffith University, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 8; and Dr Jane Murray, Assistant Professor, Bond University, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 8.

[61]     Moira Jenkins and Karl Luke, Submission 210, p. 15.

[62]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 31.

[63]     Law Society of Western Australia, Submission 130 Attachment A, p. 16; Australian Public Service Commission, Submission 122, p. 2; Australian Nursing Federation, Submission 85, p. 9..

[64]     Law Society of New South Wales, Submission 123.1, p. 2.

[65]     Professor Omari, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 2.

[66]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 4.

[67]     Queensland Law Society, Submission 73, p. 1.

[68]     Law Institute of Victoria, Submission 52, p. 1.

[69]     Dr Murray, Bond University, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 12.

[70]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 2.

[71]     It is also anticipated that the South Australian Parliament will pass the harmonised Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 (SA) by the end of 2012, which shall also adopt these definitions and terminology.

[72]     Section 5 of the model Work Health and Safety Acts.

[73]     A more detailed explanation can be found on the Safe Work Australian website, in the interpretive guideline: ‘The meaning of a person conducting a business or undertaking’.

[74]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 3.

[75]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 4.

[76]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 3.

[77]     Safe Work Australia’s members include representatives from each state and territory, the Commonwealth, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Australian Industry Group.

[78]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 7.

         All references in this Report to the obligations under the model WHS law and their provision numbers are consistent throughout the jurisdictions which have enacted the legislation.

[79]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 11.

[80]     Mr Hoy, Safe Work Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, pp. 23-24.

[81]     ACCI, Submission, 62, p. 10.

[82]     Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 5.

Chapter 2 Legislative and regulatory frameworks

[1]       Diversity Council Australia (DCA), Submission 185, p. 10.

[2]       Ms Rachael Uebergang, Co-coordinator, Northern Territory Working Women’s Centre (NTWWC), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 5.

[3]       The following are just some of the submissions received from individuals who feel there are inadequate options for legal recourse following workplace bullying: DA, Submission 138; MS, Submission 140; DH, Submission 147; KL, Submission 157; JR, Submission 160; MM, Submission 263.

[4]       See for example Ryan Carlisle Thomas Solicitors (RCT Solicitors), Submission 106, p. 4.

[5]       A number of submissions from individuals spoke about the adverse health effects they had suffered because of workplace bullying, see for example: A.M, Submission 14, pp. 1-3; E.R, Submission 166, pp. 3-4, 6-7; C.W, Submission 192, pp. 3 and 8.

[6]       Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Submission 63, p. 7.

[7]       headspace, Submission 56, p. 5.

[8]       ‘Safe Work Australia is... a tripartite body representing the interests of the Commonwealth, states and territories as well as workers and employers in Australia’: Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 3.

[9]       Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 7.

[10]     For example, the Commonwealth work health and safety legislation only applies in relation to workers in the Australian Public Service and of national corporations that self-insure under the Commonwealth scheme: see Comcare, Submission 120, p. 4.

[11]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 7. The uniform legislation, known as the model Work Health and Safety Act and the model Work Health and Safety Regulations, has also commenced in each of the jurisdictions that enacted it but for Tasmania, where they will commence on 1 January 2013. They model laws may be enacted in Western Australia and South Australia in the future. The Victorian Government has said that they will not enact the model Work Health and Safety laws in their current form. This was also discussed in chapter 1.

[12]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 5-6.

[13]     For example, see ACTU, Submission 63, p. 20; Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Submission 62, p. 7.

[14]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 10.

[15]     This report will refer to the model Work Health and Safety Act when describing the laws of ACT, Cth, NSW, Qld, NT and Tasmania. The laws of South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria will be referenced individually.

[16]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 8.

[17]     Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA), s. 24; Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA), s. 36; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), s. 73.

         The issue resolution provisions of the South Australian Act are likely to be superseded if, and when, the Parliament of South Australia passes the current Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 (SA).

[18]     The model Work Health and Safety Act adopts the term ‘worker’ which is broader than ‘employee’ because it includes for example, volunteers and contractors in addition to employees. Comparatively, the current work health and safety laws in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia (the jurisdictions that have not yet enacted the model Work Health and Safety laws) refer to ‘employees’. For ease, this report refers to ‘workers’ because that term is adopted in most jurisdictions.

[19]     Dr Moira Jenkins and Mr Karl Luke, Submission 210, p. 2; WorkSafe WA, Submission 206, p. 9; Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 7; SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 5. See: Model Work Health and Safety Act, s. 19; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), s. 21; Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA), s. 19; Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA), s. 19.

[20]     Community and Public Sector Union, State Public Services Federation Group (CPSU-SPSFG), Submission 188, p. 11.

[21]     DCA, Submission 185, p. 11; Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 3; SafeWork SA, Submission 82, pp. 8-9.

[22]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, pp. 8-9; see model Work Health and Safety Act, s. 4; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), s. 5.

[23]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, pp. 8-9.

[24]     Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, p. 6.

[25]     Mr Bryan Russell, Executive Director, SafeWork SA, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 6.

[26]     ACTU, Submission 63, pp. 22-34; Finance Sector Union, Submission 165, pp. 3, 8-9; Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, p. 4; CPSU-SPSFG, Submission 188, p. 11.

[27]     Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, p. 3.

[28]     Mr Karl Luke, Partner, Thomsons Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, pp. 26-27.

[29]     AFEI, Submission 60, p. 4.

[30]     Model Work Health and Safety Act, s. 27; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), s. 144; Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA), s. 55; Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA), s. 59C.

[31]     Section 144 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) and s. 4 of the model Work Health and Safety Act define ‘officer’ with reference to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), s. 9. See Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 8.

[32]     See Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), s. 144; Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA), s. 55; Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA), s. 59C.

The officer’s duties provisions of the South Australian Act are likely to be superseded if, and when, the Parliament of South Australia passes the current Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 (SA). Once harmonised, the obligations of officers under South Australian legislation will mirror that of officers in Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory and the limited jurisdiction of the Commonwealth. These obligations are provided at para 2.29.

[33]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 8; Australian Federation of Employers and Industries (AFEI), Submission 60, p. 14; Model Work Health and Safety Act, s. 27.

[34]     Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), Submission 84, p. 14.

[35]     Mr Neale James Buchanan, Director, Operations, Workplace Standards Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 15.

[36]     Model Work Health and Safety Act, s. 28; Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA), s. 21; Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984(WA), s. 20; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), s. 25. See also Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 18-23.

[37]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 19 & 21; Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA), s. 59; Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), s. 32.

[38]     WorkSafe Victoria, ‘Business, Director, Three Workers Convicted And Fined For Bullying’, 9 February 2010, <,-director,-three-workers-convicted-and-fined-for-bullying> viewed 3 September 2012.

[39]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 18-23.

[40]     The definition provided in s 55A of the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA) will be superseded if Parliament passes, and upon the commencement of, the Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 (SA). 

[41]     Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA), s. 55A(1).

[42]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 6.

[43]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 5.

[44]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 6. See also Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 7.

[45]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 8; Mr Russell, SafeWork SA, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 8.

[46]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 5; Australian Services Union South Australia and Northern Territory Branch, Submission 69, p. 4; Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, p. 7.

[47]     WorkSafe WA, Submission 206, pp. 7-8.

[48]     WorkSafe WA, Submission 206, p. 8.

[49]     See Mr Luke, Thomson’s Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 30; Master Builders Australia (MBA), Submission 105, pp. 10-11.

[50]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 18. See also model Work Health and Safety Act, s. 33.

[51]     Ms Yvonne Henderson, Commissioner for Equal Opportunity, Equal Opportunity Commission of Western Australia (EOCWA), Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 22.

[52]     Safe Work Australia, ‘Role of inspectors in compliance and enforcement’ , <> viewed 10 September 2012; WorkSafe Victoria, ’What Actions Can Inspectors Take’, <> viewed 24 September 2012; SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 8.

[53]     See the comparison of penalty levels in work health and safety legislation in Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 18-23.

[54]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 18-23.

[55]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 8.

[56]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 8 & 18.

[57]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 8.

[58]     AFEI, Submission 60, p. 15.

[59]     DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 15.

[60]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, pp. 10-11.

[61]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 9.

[62]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 49-57.

[63]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 11; See also: Government of Western Australia, Department of Commerce, ‘Codes of practice’, <
WorkSafe/Content/About_Us/Legislation/Codes_of_practice.html> viewed 5 October 212; Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA), s. 57; model Work Health and Safety Act, ss. 274 and 275.

[64]     Mr Mark McCabe, Work Safety Commissioner, WorkSafe ACT, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 August 2012, p. 3. See also ACT Government, Submission 191, p.4.

[65]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 11; SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 9. See model Work Health and Safety Act, ss. 274 and 275 and Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA), s. 57.

[66]     See ACT Government, Submission 191, pp. 3-4; see also Western Australian Government Department of Commerce, ‘Codes of Practice’, <http://www.> viewed 24 September 2012; Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, ‘Codes of Practice’, <
legislation/codes/index.htm> viewed 24 September 2012; Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 6.

[67]     See Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 49-57 for a list of the workplace bullying Codes of Practice and guidance materials currently available in each Australian jurisdiction.

[68]     Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, p. 1.

[69]     Mr McCabe, WorkSafe ACT, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 August 2012, p. 3.

[70]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 9-10.

[71]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 9.

[72]     Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, pp. 2-3, 6-7 and 24; ACTU, Submission 62, p. 22; IRIQ Pty Ltd, Submission 190, p. 5; Ms Uebergang, NTWWC, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 5; Ms Katrine Hildyard, Secretary, South Australia and Northern Territory Branch, Australian Services Union, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 21.

[73]     Mr Kevin Harkins, Secretary, Unions Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 2.

[74]     Model Work Health and Safety Act, s. 275(4).

[75]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 11.

[76]     Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, p. 3.

[77]     Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, p. 2.

[78]     Dr Jenkins and Mr Luke, Submission 210, p. 7.

[79]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 8-9.

[80]     See Victoria Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC), Submission 80, pp. 5-7; Australian Mines and Metals Association, Submission 124, p. 21.

[81]     Mrs Carolyn Davis, Manager Work Health, Safety and Compensation Policy, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 5.

[82]     Mr Damian Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 51.

[83]     Mrs Rae Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 54.

[84]     DD, Committee Hansard, Closed Session.

[85]     Brodie Panlock’s employer and colleagues were fined under the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. For more information about the offences and penalties, see WorkSafe Victoria, ‘Business, Director, Three Workers Convicted And Fined For Bullying’, 9 February 2010, <,-director,-three-workers-convicted-and-fined-for-bullying> viewed 3 September 2012.

[86]     Department of Justice Victoria, ‘Brodie’s Law’, <> viewed 3 September 2012.

[87]     DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 19.

[88]     ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 9.

[89]     RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 15.

[90]     Ms Henderson, EOCWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 22.

[91]     Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 13.

[92]     ACTU, Submission 139, p. 3.

[93]     Mr Damian Panlock and Mrs Rae Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, pp. 51-57.

[94]     Mr Damian Panlock and Mrs Rae Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 52.

[95]     Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 7.

[96]     For an example of an exception to support for a nationally consistent arrangement see Mr Eric Windholz, Associate, Centre for Regional Studies, Monash University, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, pp. 23-27.

[97]     The Alannah and Madeline Foundation (AMF), Submission 125, p. 28.

[98]     AMF, Submission 125, p. 28.

[99]     DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 19; ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 7; AMF, Submission 125, p. 28.

[100]   Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia, Submission 96, p. 3.

[101]   Master Grocers Australia, Submission 115, p. 2.

[102]   DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 19. The ACT Government noted that the offence of using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence, is found in s. 474.17 of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth): ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 7.

[103]   See DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 19; AFEI, Submission 60, p. 3; ACT Government, Submission 191, pp. 6-7.

[104]   WorkSafe WA, Submission 206, p. 10. The full title of the WA Criminal Code is the Criminal Code Compilation Act 1913.

[105]   AFEI, Submission 60, p. 5.

[106]   ACT Government, Submission 191, pp. 6-7.

[107]   ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 7.

[108]   AFEI, Submission 60, p. 5.

[109]   AFEI, Submission 60, p. 5.

[110]   Mr Damian Panlock and Mrs Rae Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 51.

[111]   Ms Robin Banks, Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 22.

[112]   Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 4.

[113]   DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 16.

[114]   RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 10.

[115]   ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 5.

[116]   Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commission of Tasmania, Submission 186, p. 6.

[117]   Ms Banks, Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner of Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 21.

[118]   Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC), Submission 139, p. 3; Mr Michael Harmer, Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 2; Australian Human Rights Commission, Submission 121, pp. 4-5;

[119]   DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 16.

Ms Moira Rayner, Deputy Chair, Workplace Relations Section, Law Institute of Victoria described the that vicarious liability of ‘a person or body who did not actually do anything and who may not have known is deemed to be liable [for the unlawful conduct] because of their power in the workplace’, see Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 16.

[120]   DEEWR, Submission 84, pp. 18-20.

[121]   Fair Work Australia, ‘Transition to Fair Work Australia: Key Changes’, <> viewed 1 October 2012.

[122]   Fair Work Australia, ‘Transition to Fair Work Australia: Key Changes’, <> viewed 1 October 2012.

[123]   Fair Work Australia, ‘Transition to Fair Work Australia: Key Changes’, <> viewed 1 October 2012.

[124]   Fair Work Ombudsman, ‘What is happening in my state?’, <> viewed 1 October 2012.

[125]   Fair Work Australia, ‘Transition to Fair Work Australia: Key Changes’, <> viewed 1 October 2012.

[126]   Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), s. 3(e).

[127]   DEEWR, Submission 84, pp. 12-13; Mr Bill Loizides, Group Manager, Workplace Relations Policy, Education and Partner Development, Fair Work Ombudsman, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, pp. 12-13; Mr Nick Behrens, General Manager, Advocacy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ), Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 15; Ms Clare East, Education and Training Policy Adviser, CCIQ, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 15; Mr Harmer, Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 2.

[128]   See DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 12; RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 11; and, VTHC, Submission 139, p. 8.

[129]   Ms Henderson, EOCWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 21.

[130]   Ms Nicole Mary Wells, Senior Vice President, Unions Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 6.

[131]   For example, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, Mining and Energy, Northern District Branch, (CFMEU-MENDB) Submission 118, pp. 6-7 and DEEWR, Submission 84, pp. 12-13.

[132]   CFMEU-MENDB, Submission 118, p. 7.

[133]   DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 12.

[134]   RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 13.

[135]   RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 13.

[136]   Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 18.

[137]   ACCI, Submission 62, p. 13.

[138]   Safe Work Australia, ‘Key Workers Compensation Information, Australia 2012’, <> viewed 4 October 2012.

[139]   For a comparison of Australia’s workers’ compensation schemes see the Safe Work Australia publication, Comparison of Workers’ Compensation Arrangements in Australia and New Zealand,

[140]   For an example of how Australia’s workers’ compensation schemes generally work, see Comcare, ‘Key features of the Commonwealth workers’ compensation scheme’, <> viewed 5 September 2012. Further details can be found in the Safe Work Australia publication, Comparison of Workers’ Compensation Arrangements in Australia and New Zealand,

[141]   JobWatch, Submission 103, p. 19.

[142]   headspace, Submission 56, p. 6.

[143]   Government of South Australia, Submission 216, pp. 10-11.

[144]   JobWatch, Submission 103, p. 19.

[145]   Australian Industry Group (AiG), Submission 59, p. 6; VACC, Submission 80, p. 8.

[146]   For example, RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 13; Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), Submission 188, p. 11.

[147]   For example, VTHC, Submission 139, p. 7.

[148]   RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 13.

[149]   VTHC, Submission 139, p. 7.

[150]   CPSU, Submission 188, p. 11.

[151]   VACC, Submission 80, p. 8. A similar argument was made by the AiG, Submission 59, p. 6.

[152]   RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 14; MBA, Submission 105, p. 10; AFEI, Submission 60, pp. 15-16.

[153]   Mr Graham Harbord, Member, Australian Lawyers Alliance, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 16; RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 14; Ms Evelyn Margaret Field, Director, Evelyn M Field Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 35.

[154]   Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 176.

[155]   Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, pp. 175-177.

[156]   RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 14.

[157]   ACTU, Submission 63, p. 23.

[158]   VTHC, Submission 139, p. 3.

[159]   ACTU, Submission 63, p. 23.

Chapter 3 From legislation to implementation

[1]       Dr Carlo Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 3.

[2]       JR, Submission 37, pp. 1-2.

[3]       Carlo Caponecchia and Anne Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying: An evidence-based guide for managers and employees, Allen & Unwin, 2011, p. 141.

[4]       Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 5.

[5]       Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 141.

[6]       DTC provides services to more than 2000 organisations across private, public and not-for-profit sectors. Its customers range in sizes from micro-businesses to large organisations of more than 100,000 employees located across several countries.

[7]       Ms Michele Grow, Chief Executive Director, Davidson Trahaire Corpsych (DTC), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, pp. 1-2.

[8]       Safe Work Australia, Draft Code of Practice: Managing the Risk of Workplace Bullying (Draft Code of Practice), July 2012, p. 3.

[9]       Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, pp 6-7.

[10]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 10.

[11]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 10.

[12]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, pp. 10-11.

[13]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 11.

[14]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012,  p. 10.

[15]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012,  p. 11.

[16]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 11.

[17]     Ms Toni Ah-Sam, Chair, Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 17.

[18]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 11.

[19]     Dr Moira Jenkins, Submission 183, p. 18.

[20]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 7.

[21]     Australian Council of Trade Unions, Submission 63, pp. 17-19.

[22]     Ms Melissa Payne, Assistant Director, Member Service Centre, Community and Public Sector Union, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 August, pp. 8-9; Finance Sector Union Australia, Submission 165, p. 2; Australian Nursing Federation (Victoria Branch), Submission 117, p. 21; Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association, Submission 119, p. 12.

[23]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p.  110.

[24]     LO, Committee Hansard, Closed Session.

[25]     Australian Industry Group (AiG), Submission 59, p. 10.

[26]     Ms Kate Price, Regional Manager ACT, Davidson Trahaire Corpsych (DTC), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 6.

[27]     Mrs Sarah Marie Davies, Psychological Services Manager, Employee Assistance Service Australia (EASA), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 20.

[28]     Workplace Conflict Resolution, Submission 100, pp. 2-3.

[29]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 15.

[30]     Law Institute of Victoria, Submission 52, p. 2.

[31]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, pp. 14-15.

[32]     Dr Carlo Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 5.

[33]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 3.

[34]     Ms Meredith Hammat, President, UnionsWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, pp. 15-16.

[35]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 111.

[36]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 111.

[37]     ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 12.

[38]     Mrs Davies, EASA, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 22.

[39]     Ms Price, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 3.

[40]     Ms Price, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 4.

[41]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 7.

[42]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 13.

[43]     Mr Tim Law, Organisational Consultant, Sally Jetson and Associates (SJ&A), Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 28

[44]     Ms Rachael Uebergang, Co-coordinator, Northern Territory Working Women's Centre, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, pp. 2-3.

[45]     Ms Hammat, UnionsWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 16.

[46]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 17.

[47]     KC, Submission 141, p. 2.

[48]     KC, Submission 141, p. 2.

[49]     Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce, Submission 80, p. 8.

[50]     ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 12.

[51]     Mr Stephen Smith, Director, National Industrial Relations, Australian Industry Group, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 10 July 2012, p. 8.

[52]     Mr Mark McCabe, Work Safety Commissioner, Worksafe ACT, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 August 2012, p. 3.

[53]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 14.

[54]     Mr Michael Harmer, Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 5.

[55]     Mr Paul Moss, Manager , Employee Relations Consulting, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA), Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 11.

[56]     Mr Moss, CCIWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 11.

[57]     Mr Harmer, Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 5.

[58]     Ms Sophie Van Der Merwe, UnionLink Adviser, Community and Public Sector Union/Civil Service Association of WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 16.

[59]     Ms Sally Jetson, Consulting Director, Sally Jetson and Associates (SJ&A), Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 29.

[60]     Ms Van der Merwe, Community and Public Sector Union/Civil Service Association of WA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 16.

[61]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 6.

[62]     Ms Ah-Sam, Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 18.

[63]     Mr McCabe, Worksafe ACT, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 August 2012, p. 2.

[64]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 2.

[65]     ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 2.

[66]     ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 13.

[67]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 5.

[68]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 4.

[69]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 4.

[70]     Mrs Davies, EASA, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 22.

[71]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 18.

[72]     Ms Price, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 5.

[73]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 18.

[74]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 18.

[75]     AiG, Submission 59, p. 12.

[76]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 18.

[77]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 18.

[78]     Ms Jetson, SJ&A, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 31.

[79]     Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Submission 62, p. 9.

[80]     ACCI, Submission 62, pp. 16-17.

[81]     See for example the following cases: Wendy Bann v Sunshine Coast Newspaper Company

Ltd Pty [2003] AIRC 915 (30 July 2003); Pecotic v AV Jennings Holdings Limited [2007]

NSWIRComm 1001 (6 June 2007); Bilson v Mission Australia [2010] FWA 6297 (31 August 2010); R

White v Caterpillar of Australia Ltd [2001] AIRC 1193 (14 November 2001); Breene v Jenny Craig

Weight Loss Centre Pty Ltd [2004] AIRC 187 (27 February 2004); Ozzimo v Australian Postal

Corporation T/A Australia Post [2011] FWA 7831 (30 November 2011).

[82]     Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland, Submission 67, pp. 1-2.

[83]     Mr Michael Borowick, Assistant Secretary, Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, pp. 19-20.

[84]     Mr Jarrod Michael Moran, Senior OHS and Workers Compensation Officer, ACTU, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 20.

[85]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 4.

[86]     Mrs Davies, EASA, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 24.

[87]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 5.

[88]     Mr Graham Harbord, Member, Australian Lawyers Alliance, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 13.

[89]     For example, see DC, Submission 268; HL, Submission 114; SD, Submission 178.

[90]     See: Commonwealth: Public Service Regulations 1999 (Cth), s. 3.2; Queensland: Public Services Act 2008 (Qld), s. 175; New South Wales: Public Sector Employment and Management Regulation 2009 (NSW), r. 13; Victoria: Public Service Workplace Determination (Vic), cl. 41.2; Tasmania: State Service Act 2000 (Tas), s. 48(3) and Commissioner’s Directive No. 6: Procedures for the investigation and determination of whether an employee is able to efficiently and effectively perform his/her duties, cl. 4.6; South Australia: Public Sector Act 2009 (SA), s. 56; Western Australia: Public Service Award 1992 (WA), cl. 26(4);  Australian Capital Territory: Public Sector Management Standards 2006 (ACT), s. 289; Northern Territory: Public Sector Employment and Management Act (NT), s. 45.

[91]     Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), Submission 122, p. 2.

[92]     Ms Annwyn Godwin, Merit Protection Commissioner, Australian Public Service Commission, (APSC) Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 9; see also the relevant provisions of jurisdictional legislation referenced above.

[93]     APSC, Submission 122:2, p. 3.

[94]     APSC, Submission 122:2, p. 2.

[95]     Ms Godwin, APSC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, pp. 8-9.

[96]     APSC, Submission 122:2, p. 3.

[97]     Ms Godwin, APSC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 8.

[98]     Ms Godwin, APSC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 8.

[99]     DC, Submission 268, pp. 5-6.

[100]   APSC, Submission 122, p. 3.

[101]   AiG, Submission 59, p. 14.

[102]   National Network of Working Women Centres (NNWWC), Submission 86, p. 11.

[103]   CH, Submission 24, p. 2.

[104]   NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 11.

[105]   Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 19.

[106]   AiG, Submission 59, p. 12.

[107]   Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 2.

[108]   ACCI, Submission 62, pp. 16-17.

Chapter 4 Workplace cultures

[1]       Ms Michele Grow, Chief Executive Director, Davidson Trahaire Corpsych (DTC), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 2.

[2]       National Network of Working Women’s Centres, Submission 86, p. 6.

[3]       Alannah and Madeline Foundation, Submission 125, p. 6.

[4]       Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER), Submission 109, p. 12.

[5]       Carlo Caponecchia and Anne Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying: An evidence-based guide for managers and employees, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2011, p. 55.

[6]       AIER, Submission 109, p. 17.

[7]       AIER, Submission 109, pp. 10-11.

[8]       Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 55.

[9]       WISE Workplace Investigations, Submission 98, p. 4.

[10]     Australian Council of Trade Unions, Submission 63, p. 17.

[11]     Mrs Sarah Marie Davies, Psychological Services Manager, Employee Assistance Service Australia (EASA), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 22.

[12]     Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Queensland, Submission 67, p. 2.

[13]     Mr Stephen Sedgwick, Commissioner, Australian Public Service Commission, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 2.

[14]     WISE Workplace Investigations, Submission 98, p. 6.

[15]     Australian Public Service Commission, Submission 122, p. 6.

[16]     Workplace Conflict Resolution (WCR), Submission 100, pp. 2-3.

[17]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 139.

[18]     Ms Toni Mellington, Director, DC Workplace Consulting, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 31.

[19]     ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 12.

[20]     WCR, Submission 100, p. 2.

[21]     WCR, Submission 100, p. 2.

[22]     Safe Work Australia, Draft Code of Practice: Managing the Risk of Workplace Bullying (Draft Code of Practice), July 2012, p. 13.

[23]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 2.

[24]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 6.

[25]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 13.

[26]     WCR, Submission 100, p. 5.

[27]     AIER, Submission 109, pp. 13-14.

[28]     AIER, Submission 109, pp. 10-11.

[29]     Diversity Council of Australia, Submission 185, p. 14.

[30]     Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Submission 84, p. 10.

[31]     AIER, Submission 109, pp. 13-14.

[32]     AIER, Submission 109, p. 15.

[33]     Mr Michael Harmer, Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 1.

[34]     PP, Submission 9, p. 3.

[35]     CP, Submission 145, p. 1.

[36]     Maryam Omari, Submission 28, p. 2.

[37]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 142.

[38]     Professor Maryam Omari and Mr David Blades, Submission 28, p. 2.

[39]     Ms Grow, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 8.

[40]     Draft Code of Practice, July 2012, p. 13.

[41]     Ms Jade Hamilton, Training and Mediation Consultant, Employee Assistance Service Australia, (EASA) Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 23.

[42]     Ms Kate Price, Regional Manager ACT, Davidson Trahaire Corpsych (DTC), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 6.

[43]     Ms Price, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 7.

[44]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 142.

[45]     Mr Damian Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 52.

[46]     Ms Price, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 7.

[47]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 143.

[48]     Caponecchia and Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying, 2011, p. 142.

[49]     Australian Human Rights Commission, Submission 121, p. 8.

[50]     The Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, ‘Centre for Workplace Leadership’, Media Release, 14 October 2012.

[51]     The Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, ‘Centre for Workplace Leadership’, Media Release, 14 October 2012.

Chapter 5 Enhancing tools for the prevention and resolution of workplace bullying

[1]       Mr Michael Maloney, Manager, Workplace Relations, Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory (CCNT), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 17.

[2]       Ms Toni Ah-Sam, Chair, Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network (NTIBN), Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, pp. 14-18.

[3]       Carlo Caponecchia and Anne Wyatt, Preventing Workplace Bullying: An evidence-based guide for managers and employees, Allen & Unwin, 2011, p. 144.

[4]       H Ewart, ‘Lawyers question workplace bullying protections’, 7.30, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 10 September 2012; and H Ewart, ‘Government fears extent of workplace bullying’, 7.30, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 25 September 2012.

[5]       Dr Angela Martin, Senior Lecturer, Management, University of Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 47; Mr Michael Harmer, Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 1, Ms Kate Price, Regional Manager ACT, Davidson Trahaire Corpsych (DTC), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 6.

[6]       Alannah and Madeline Foundation (AMF), Submission 125, p. 15.

[7]       AMF, Submission 125, pp. 12-13.

[8]       Robert Carlisle Thomas Solicitors (RCT Solicitors), Submission 106, pp. 3-4.

[9]       Dr Carlo Caponecchia, Submission 81.1, p. 1-2.

[10]     Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Submission 62, p. 9; Mr Nick Behrens, General Manager, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ), Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 14

[11]     National Network of Working Women’s Centres (NNWWC), Submission 86, p. 10; BK, Submission 131, pp. 3-5; DO, Submission 51, p. 2; KL, Submission 157, pp. 1-2.

[12]     Ms Meredith, Hammat President, UnionsWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, pp. 15-16; NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 10.

[13]     Mr Michael Borowick, Assistant Secretary, Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 17; Mr Behrens, CCIQ, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 14.

[14]     DM, Submission 91, p. 2; Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Submission 63, p. 24; Victorian Trades Hall Council, Submission 139, p. 12; RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 9; NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 7; Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 6.

[15]     H Ewart, ‘Lawyers question workplace bullying protections’, 7.30, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 10 September 2012; and H Ewart, ‘Government fears extent of workplace bullying’, 7.30, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 25 September 2012.

[16]     Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ), Submission 67, p. 3.

[17]     CCIQ, Submission 67, p. 3.

[18]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 7.

[19]     Unions NSW, Submission 61, p. 17.

[20]     Unions NSW, Submission 61, p. 28.

[21]     Mr Behrens, CCIQ, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 14.

[22]     Mr Behrens, CCIQ, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 14.

[23]     Master Grocers Australia, Submission 115, p. 3.

[24]     KJ, Committee Hansard, Closed Session.

[25]     Unions NSW, Submission 61, p. 17.

[26]     AMF, Submission 125, p. 20.

[27]     headspace, Submission 56, p. 8.

[28]     Office of the Employee Ombudsman, Submission 79, p. 3.

[29]     Dr Angela Martin, Senior Lecturer, Management, University of Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 47.

[30]     Mr Maloney, CCNT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 17; Ms Ah-Sam, NTIBN, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 17.

[31]     Ms Ah-Sam, NTIBN, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 17.

[32]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81.1, p. 1.

[33]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81.1, pp. 1-2.

[34]     Ms Ah-Sam, NTIBN, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 17.

[35]     Mr Maloney, CCNT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 17.

[36]     “eSmart is a world-first, holistic approach to reducing bullying and cyberbullying within the Australian community and is informed by other successful behaviour change campaigns such as SunSmart and Quit which have an integrated, multi-layered, sustainable and systemic approach to social change.  These interventions create the environments in which it is easy and normal for individuals to make smart/healthy/self-protective choices. ... eSmart is a web-based system. Each of the six ‘pieces of the pie’ or domains has within it a series of ‘attributes’ containing key questions and activities that a school must complete in order to achieve eSmart ‘status’, in the same way as SunSmart status is achieved and maintained”. (AMF, Submission 125, p. 17)

[37]     AMF, Submission 125, p. 20.

[38]     AMF, Submission 125, p. 20.

[39]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 6.

[40]     headspace, Submission 56, p. 8.

[41]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81.1, p 1.

[42]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p 7.

[43]     Mr Mark McCabe, Work Safety Commissioner, Worksafe ACT, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 16 August 2012, p. 1.

[44]     Mr Jarrod Michael Moran, Senior WHS and Workers Compensation Officer, Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 17.

[45]     Unions NSW, Submission 61, p. 5.

[46]     Ms Sally Jetson, Consulting Director, Sally Jetson and Associates, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 28.

[47]     Ms Michele Grow, Chief Executive Director, DTC, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 3.

[48]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81.1, p. 1.

[49]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 6.

[50]     Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Submission 121, p. 3.

[51]     AHRC, Submission 121, p. 7.

[52]     Dr Sara Branch, Research Fellow, Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, Griffith University, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 12.

[53]     SH, Committee Hansard, Closed Session.

[54]     Mr Moran, ACTU, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 18.

[55]     Employment Law Centre of Western Australia (Inc) (ELC), Submission 269, p. 5.

[56]     ELC, Submission 269, p. 5.

[57]     Ms Hammat, UnionsWA, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 16.

[58]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 6.

[59]     Ms Moira Rayner, Deputy Chair, Workplace Relations Sections, Law Institute of Victoria, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 14.

[60]     Dr Moira Fay Jenkins, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 28.

[61]     LP, Submission 21, p. 2.

[62]     Mr Borowick, ACTU, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 19.

[63]     CCIQ, Submission 67, p. 3.

[64]     Mr Behrens, CCIQ, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 14.

[65]     Dr Simon Blackwood, Acting Deputy Director, Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland, Committee Hansard, Closed Session, Canberra, 18 September 2012, p. 12.

[66]     Dr Blackwood, Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland, Committee Hansard, Closed Session, Canberra, 18 September 2012, p. 4.

[67]     Mr McCabe, WorkSafe ACT, Committee Hansard, Closed Session, Canberra, 18 September 2012, p. 12.

[68]     Mr Ian Munns, Director, Policy and Education, WorkSafe WA Division, Department of Commerce Committee Hansard, Closed Session, Canberra, 18 September 2012, p. 12.

[69]     Mr Finian Scallan, WHS and Workers Compensation Project Officer, ACTU, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 18.

[70]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81.1, p. 1.

[71]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 7.

[72]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 2.

[73]     Ms Rachael Uebergang, Co-coordinator, Northern Territory Working Women's Centre, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 2.

[74]     Ms Ah-Sam, NTIBN, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 18.

[75]     AMF, Submission 125, pp. 12-13.

[76]     AMF, Submission 125, p. 14.

[77]     CCIQ, Submission 67, p. 3.

[78]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81.1, p. 2.

[79]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 4.

[80]     Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 7.

[81]     Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER), Submission 109, p. 16.

[82]     AIER, Submission 109, pp. 16-17.

[83]     AEIR, Submission 109, p. 18.

[84]     Unions NSW, Submission 61, p. 11.

[85]     Professor Maryam Omari and Mr David Blades, Submission 28, p. 4.

[86]     Dr Caponecchia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 23 August 2012, p. 3.

[87]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 14.

[88]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 4.

[89]     Unions NSW, Submission 61, p. 6.

[90]     Mr Borowick, ACTU, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 22.

[91]     Ms Victoria Lee Ryall, eheadspace Manager, headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 8.

[92]     Ms Anne Purdy, Coordinator, Young Workers Legal Service, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 33.

[93]     headspace, Submission 56, p. 4.

[94]     Mr Damian Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 53.

[95]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 12.

[96]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 12.

[97]     Ms Robin Banks, Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 16.

[98]     Ms Ryall, headspace, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 9.

[99]     Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relation (DEEWR), Submission 84, p. 5.

[100]   headspace, Submission 56, p. 8.

[101]   ACCI, Submission 62, p. 12.

[102]   AMF, Submission 125, p. 17.

[103]   DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 6.

The AHRC recently launched its BackMeUp campaign to encourage young people to support those targeted by cyber bullying. The AFP’s work in this area focuses on a program known as ThinkUKnow which aims to raise awareness among parents, carers and teachers of the issues that young people face online. The AFP through its High Tech Crime Prevention Team also works with schools in the ACT in delivering cyber-safety presentations, which address cyber-bully.

[104]   AMF, Submission 125, p. 3.

[105]   For example, Vocational Education Training and Employment Act 2000 (Qld).

[106]   Queensland Government, Department of Education, Training and Employment, ‘Work Experience Placements for School Students’, <> accessed 4 October 2012.

[107]   Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 12.

[108]   Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 12.

Chapter 6 Enforcement and remedies

[1]       National Network of Working Women’s Centres (NNWWC), Submission 86, p. 9.

[2]       Ms Jan Shepphard, Senior Industrial Advocate, Australian Services Union (ASU), Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 24.

[3]       headspace, Submission 56, p. 7.

[4]       For example, see MS, Submission 204, p. 1; Name withheld, Submission 66, p. 2.

[5]       Mr Damian Panlock and Mrs Rae Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 51; MR, Submission 233.

[6]       See chapter 2 for a discussion on how employers and workers can be held accountable for workplace bullying under current criminal laws and work health and safety laws.

[7]       Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 6.

[8]       Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, pp. 4-5; Ryan Carlisle Thomas Solicitors (RCT Solicitors), Submission 106, pp. 8-9.

[9]       People and Culture Strategies, Submission 108, p. 3.

[10]     People and Culture Strategies, Submission 108, p. 3.

[11]     Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ), Submission 67, p. 1. See also Australian Industry Group (AiG), Submission 59, p. 16.

[12]     Mr Nick Behrens, General Manager, Advocacy, CCIQ, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 18. Mr Behrens commented that the report was prepared by a Ministerial working group under the previous Labor Government in Queensland. There was a change of government in Queensland in early 2012. The report has not yet been published.

[13]     Safe Work Australia, ‘Comparative Performance Monitoring Report’, 13th edn (October 2011), p. 17 <
/WhatWeDo/Publications/Documents/609/Comparative_Performance_Monitoring_Report_13th_Edition.pdf> viewed 26 September 2012. See also Chapter 2 for further discussion of the enforcement mechanisms available under Australia’s work health and safety laws.

[14]     Mr Karl Luke, Partner, Thomsons Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 30.

[15]     Comcare, Submission 120, p. 16.

[16]     Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), Submission 63, p. 24; Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC), Submission 139, p. 12; RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 9; NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 7.

[17]     RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 9.

[18]     ACTU, Submission 63, p. 24.

[19]     Mr Michael Harmer, Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 3.

[20]     Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), Submission 188, p. 10.

[21]     Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch), Submission 117, p. 32.

[22]     JobWatch, Submission 103, p. 18.

[23]     CPSU, Submission 188, p. 18.

[24]     Master Builders Australia, Submission 105, p. 10.

[25]     Mr Paul O’Connor, Chief Executive Officer, Comcare, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 25.

[26]     ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 5.

[27]     The data does not include the mining sector. See Safe Work Australia, ‘Comparative Performance Monitoring Report’, 13th edn (October 2011), p. 17, <http://www.> viewed 26 September 2012.

[28]     Safe Work Australia, ‘Comparative Performance Monitoring Report’, 13th edn (October 2011), p. 21, <
/WhatWeDo/Publications/Documents/609/Comparative_Performance_Monitoring_Report_13th_Edition.pdf> viewed 26 September 2012

[29]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 4.

[30]     Safe Work Australia, ‘Comparative Performance Monitoring Report’, 13th edn (October 2011), p. 21, <
/WhatWeDo/Publications/Documents/609/Comparative_Performance_Monitoring_Report_13th_Edition.pdf> viewed 26 September 2012.

[31]     Mr O’Connor, Comcare, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 25; Mr Shay Deguara, Representative, Unions New South Wales and Public Service Association of New South Wales, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 10 July 2012, p. 22.

[32]     NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 7.

[33]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 4.

[34]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 4.

[35]     Productivity Commission, Performance Benchmarking of Australian Business Regulation: Occupational Health & Safety, March 2010, p. 279.

[36]     Mrs Pamela Estreich, State Inspector, WorkCover Authority of New South Wales and Mr John Watson,  General Manager, Work Health Safety Division, WorkCover Authority of New South Wales, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 10 July 2012 , pp. 2 and 5.

[37]     Mr Mark Crossin, Occupational Health and Safety Officer, Unions NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 10. Mr Crossin explained that he was Director of NT WorkSafe from 2002 to 2008.

[38]     Mr Crossin, Unions NT, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 11.

[39]     ACTU, Submission 63, p. 24.

[40]     Mr Neale James Buchanan, Director, Operations, Workplace Standards Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, pp. 19-20.

[41]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, pp. 10-11.

[42]     Independent Education Union of Australia, Submission 70, p. 5.

[43]     For example, see Mr Kevin Harkins, Secretary, Unions Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 2; ACTU, Submission 63, p. 28. See also: Ms Caroline Dean, President, Challenge Bullying Inc, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 10.

[44]     Mr Rex Hoy, Chief Executive Officer, Safe Work Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 18.

[45]     Ms Caroline Dean, President, Challenge Bullying Inc, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 10.

[46]     For example, Ms Dean, Challenge Bullying Inc, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 10; SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 11; Government of South Australia, Submission 216, pp. 7-8; Mr Buchanan, Workplace Standards Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 16.

[47]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 11.

[48]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 8.

[49]     NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 8.

[50]     Mr Buchanan, Workplace Standards Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 16.

[51]     Ms Rachael Uebergang, Co-coordinator, Northern Territory Working Women’s Centre, Committee Hansard, Darwin, 17 July 2012, p. 2

[52]     Ms Shepphard, ASU, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 17 July 2012, p. 26.

[53]     Comcare, Submission 120, p. 16.

[54]     SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 11.

[55]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 7.

[56]     Comcare, Submission 120, p. 16; NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 12.

[57]     Safe Work Australia, ‘Role of inspectors in compliance and enforcement’, <> viewed 10 September 2012; WorkSafe Victoria, ’What Actions Can Inspectors Take’, <> viewed 24 September 2012; SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 8.

[58]     NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 8.

[59]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 7.

[60]     Government of South Australia, Submission 216, pp. 7- 8.

[61]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 6; Mr Rex Hoy, Chief Executive Officer, Safe Work Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 17 August 2012, p. 12.

[62]     Safe Work Australia, ‘National Compliance and Enforcement Policy’, <> viewed 13 September 2012.

[63]     Safe Work Australia, ‘National Compliance and Enforcement Policy’, <> viewed 13 September 2012

[64]     The model Work Health and Safety Act and Regulations have only been enacted in the Commonwealth, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania to date. 

[65]     Safe Work Australia, ‘National Compliance and Enforcement Policy’, published 26 September 2011, p. 2, <
ncp.aspx> viewed 13 September 2012.

[66]     Workers’ compensation laws were also discussed in chapter 2.

[67]     Mr John Watson, General Manager, Work Health and Safety Division, WorkCover Authority of New South Wales, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 10 July 2012, p. 4.

[68]     ACTU, Submission 63, p. 23.

[69]     VTHC, Submission 139, p. 3.

[70]     Mrs Rae Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p.51; Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 7; Harmers Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 7,

[71]     See chapter 2 and The Alannah and Madeline Foundation (AMF), Submission 125, p. 28.

[72]     ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 7; AMF, Submission 125, p. 28; Crimes Act 1914 (Commonwealth), s. 474.17.

[73]     See ACT Government, Submission 191, pp. 6-7; WorkSafe WA, Submission 206, p. 10; Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), Submission 84, p. 19. See discussion on current state and territory criminal laws in chapter 2.

[74]     Mr Kevin Harkins, Secretary, Unions Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 1.

[75]     Mr and Mrs Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 51.

[76]     Mr Damian Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 51.

[77]     Department of Justice, Victoria, Australia, ‘Victorians Urged to Take a Stand Against Bullying’, 8 August 2012, <
stand+against+bullying, viewed> 9 October 2012.

[78]     Dr Carlo Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 8; Australian Services Union (ASU), Submission 72, p. 12; ACTU, Submission 63, p. 8; ACT Government, Submission 191, p. 13; Government of South Australia, Submission 216

[79]     Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 8.

[80]     ASU, Submission 72, p. 12.

[81]     Professor Maryam Omari, Committee Hansard, Perth, 8 August 2012, p. 5. See also Professor Maryam Omari and Mr David Blades, Submission 28.

[82]     Mr Bryan Russell, Executive Director, SafeWork SA, Committee Hansard, Adelaide, 7 August 2012, p. 6.

[83]     For example see Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 3; Justitia Lawyers and Consultants, Submission 104, p. 5.

[84]     Safe Work Australia, Submission 74, p. 3.

[85]     See Mrs Rae Panlock, Committee Hansard, Melbourne, 11 July 2012, p. 52; Mr Harmer, Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 5; Dr Donna-Louise McGrath, Submission 87, pp. 2 & 7.

[86]     Dr Donna-Louise McGrath, Submission 87, p. 7.

[87]     Mr Harmer, Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Committee Hansard, Brisbane, 18 July 2012, p. 5.

[88]     Details of the case and allegations were reported on the ABC News, see 7.30 ABC, ‘Lawyers question workplace bullying protections’, Transcript, 10 September 2012, <http://www.> viewed 11 September 2012.

[89]     ‘The Standing Council on Law and Justice comprises the Attorneys-General of the Commonwealth and states and territories, the Western Australia Minister for Corrective Services and the Minister of Justice of New Zealand’, see Standing Committee of Attorneys-General, <> viewed 14 September 2012.

[90]     Standing Council on Law and Justice, ‘Communique’, 18 November 2011, <$file/SCLJ_Communique_18_November_2011_FINAL.pdf> viewed 19 September 2012.

[91]     For example, see AH, Submission 10; KL, Submission 157; KB, Submission 201.

[92]     See chapter 2.

[93]     See chapter 2 for further discussion on these legislative frameworks.

[94]     For example, see JK, Submission 55; MM, Submission 236

[95]     RCT Solicitors, Submission 106, p. 9.

[96]     See chapter 2 for further discussion on work health and safety law.

[97]     In NSW the legislation also gives unions limited rights to prosecute. See Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW), s. 230(1)(c).

[98]     Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 4.

[99]     See Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986, s. 55A. This provision was discussed in more detail in Chapter 2 of this report.

[100]   SafeWork SA, Submission 82, p. 5.

[101]   Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 10.

[102]   Government of South Australia, Submission 216, p. 10.

[103]   Dr Caponecchia, Submission 81, p. 7.

[104]   Ms Robin Banks, Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 20.

[105]   Ms Banks, Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Tasmania, Committee Hansard, Hobart, 12 July 2012, p. 20.

[106]   Mr Russell, SafeWork SA, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 7 August 2012, p. 6.

[107]   Mr Russell, SafeWork SA, Committee Hansard, Sydney, 7 August 2012, p. 6.

[108]   Law Institute of Victoria, Submission 52, p. 3; Australian Nursing Federation, Submission 117, p. 8; VTHC, Submission 139, p. 12; C.P, Submission 145, p. 5.

[109]   VTHC, Submission 139, pp. 7 and 12.

[110]   Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER), Submission 109, p. 17

[111]   For example, see Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 6; Government of South Australia, Submission 216, pp. 3 and 11; Australian Nursing Federation, Submission 117, p. 8; VTHC, Submission 139, p. 12.

[112]   Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 6; Australian Nursing Federation, Submission 117, p. 8; VTHC, Submission 139, p. 12.

[113]   See chapter 2 of this report for further discussion of the Fair Work Act 2009 and when it can be relied on in relation to workplace bullying. See also Ms Bernadette O’Neill, General Manager, Fair Work Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, pp. 1-2.

[114]   Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 6.

[115]   Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 6.

[116]   Harmer’s Workplace Lawyers, Submission 88, p. 6.

[117]   United Mineworkers’ Federation of Australia (UMFA), Submission 118, pp. 6-7.

[118]   UMFA, Submission 118, p. 7.

[119]   Ms O’Neill, Fair Work Australia, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 13 September 2012, p. 4.

[120]   For example, NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 11.

[121]   For example, JN, Submissions 175 & 175.1.

[122]   AiG, Submission 59, p. 14.

[123]   The limited availability of workers’ compensation was discussed in chapter 2 of this report.

[124]   NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 11.

[125]   See chapter 2 of this report and also NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 11.

[126]   NNWWC, Submission 86, p. 11.

[127]   Community and Public Sector Union – State Public Service Federation Group, Submission 188, pp. 10-11.

[128]   DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 21.

[129]   DEEWR, Submission 84, p. 21.
