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Report on the conduct of the 2007 federal election and matters related thereto

22 June 2009

© Commonwealth of Australia 2009
ISBN 978-0-642-79156-6 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79157-3 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1971KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

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Preliminary Pages (PDF 181KB)

Chair’s foreword
Membership of the Committee
Committee Secretariat
Terms of reference
List of abbreviations
Summary and recommendations

Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 56KB)

Committee role

Chapter 2 2007 election overview and key issues (PDF 179KB)

Administration of the 2007 election
2004 election issues
Comments on the conduct of the 2007 election
The multiple voting myth
Committee conclusion
Election context and major issues
Enfranchisement of eligible electors
Legislative changes between the 2004 and 2007 federal elections
McEwen recount and Henderson review
Electoral roll
Voter turnout and votes issued
Informal voting
Election costs

Chapter 3 Enabling the franchise (PDF 234KB)

Close of rolls enrolment
Committee conclusion
Exercising the franchise
2007 election electoral roll
Committee conclusion
Enfranchising postal voters
Proposed changes
Committee conclusion
Modernising postal vote applications
Committee conclusion

Chapter 4 Maintaining an effective electoral roll (PDF 245KB)

Enrolment awareness and participation
Committee conclusion
Proof of identity for enrolment
Committee conclusion
Maintaining the currency of the electoral roll
Committee conclusion
Roll maintenance strategies and activities
Source of enrolment forms
Facilitating electronic interactions
Committee conclusion
Encouraging young Australians to enrol
Committee conclusion

Chapter 5 Election and enrolment — State and Territory issues (PDF 172KB)

Reports by Australian Electoral Commission state managers
New South Wales
Western Australia
South Australia
Northern Territory
Relationships with state and territory electoral authorities
Committee conclusion
Contributions to growing the electoral roll
Youth enrolment activities
Source of enrolment forms

Chapter 6 Increasing the participation of Indigenous and homeless electors (PDF 168KB)

Indigenous electors
Indigenous participation
Efforts to engage with Indigenous electors
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Electoral Information Service program
Future efforts to increase participation by Indigenous electors
Committee conclusion
Homeless electors
Engaging homeless electors
Enrolment and voting provisions relating to homeless electors
Efforts to increase participation by homeless electors
Proposals to increase participation by homeless electors
Committee conclusion

Chapter 7 Responding to the increased demand for early voting (PDF 228KB)

Early voting trends
Pre-poll voting
Postal voting
Absent voting
Overseas voting
Trends for early voting in state and territory elections
Explaining the growth in early voting
Responding to the increase in early voting
Impact of the trend to early voting
Committee conclusion
Home division pre-poll votes as ordinary votes
More timely preliminary scrutiny of declaration votes
Expanding access to pre-poll voting opportunities
Mobile polling flexibility
Pre-poll voting at shopping centres
Postal vote applications issued by political parties
The impact of ‘party’ postal voting applications
Approved form for postal voting applications

Chapter 8 Formality issues (PDF 542KB)

House of Representatives
Efforts to reduce informality at the 2007 election
Comments on informality by inquiry participants
Committee conclusion
‘Saving’ informal votes
Savings provision for the South Australian House of Assembly elections
Savings provisions for non-sequential numbering in the Commonwealth Electoral Act
Committee conclusion
Implications arising from the McEwen petition
Court of Disputed Returns process and decision
Henderson review
Process for handling disputed ballot papers
Committee conclusion
Clarification of permitted official marks, and removals to ‘on-demand’ printing of ballot papers

Chapter 9 Modernisation and sustainability of electoral administration (PDF 181KB)

Election costs and cost pressures
Inquiry into the effect of the efficiency dividend on smaller public agencies
Funding arrangements and the impact of the efficiency dividend
2009-10 Budget
Committee conclusion
National Tally Room
Flexible regime for forms design
Flexibility in the allocation of enrolment processing tasks
Electronic certified lists in polling places and pre-poll centres
Proposed technical and operational amendments to the Commonwealth Electoral Act
Committee conclusion

Chapter 10 Modernising regulatory arrangements (PDF 96KB)

Commonwealth Electoral Act offence provisions
Committee conclusion
Events in the division of Lindsay
Committee conclusion

Chapter 11 Other issues (PDF 177KB)

Prisoner voting
Implications of the Roach decision
Committee conclusion
Overseas and expatriate voting
Proposals for change
Efforts to enfranchise under current arrangements
Committee conclusion
Assisted voting for blind and low vision electors
Committee conclusion
Roll and certified list prints in electronic form
Committee conclusion
Senate counting systems
Criticisms of current counting arrangements
Election outcomes under different current counting arrangement
Australian Electoral Commission advice on Senate counting systems
Committee conclusion
Finance industry access to the electoral roll
Proposed changes
Committee conclusion

Dissenting Report - Coalition (PDF 93KB)
Dissenting Report - Australian Greens (PDF 41KB)
Supplementary Remarks - Daryl Melham MP (PDF 134KB)
Appendix A – Submissions and Exhibits (PDF 46KB)
Appendix B – Public Hearings (PDF 61KB)
Appendix C – Selected data (PDF 104KB)
