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Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

1998 Federal Election and Matters Related Thereto
Media Releases

Media release, 29 June 1999


The Australian Electoral Officer for the Northern Territory, Mr Kerry Heisner, will be appearing before the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters on 29 June to discuss improvements to Australia's electoral laws as part of the Committee's inquiry in to the 1998 federal election.

'Mr Heisner will be appearing to clarify a number of issues in relation to the conduct of voting in the Northern Territory as part of the 1998 federal election,' Chairman Mr Gary Nairn, Member for Eden-Monaro, said.

'The Northern Territory Country Liberal Party (NTCLP) and the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) have given divergent reports on how well polling was conducted in the Northern Territory. The Committee hopes the hearing tomorrow will go some way to crystallising the facts of the matter,' Mr Nairn explained.

Matters of particular concern are the activities of the mobile polling teams and one static booth in Alice Springs.

'Understanding the sequence of events in conducting such polls will be crucial to reconciling the differing points of view,' Mr Nairn concluded.

29 June 1999
Further information: Gary Nairn MP (Chair) 02 - 6277 4939 (Parliament House)
Bev Forbes (Secretary) 02 - 6277 4582


House of Representatives Committee Room 1R5
Parliament House

3.30 - 5.00 pm Australian Electoral Commission - Mr Kerry Heisner, Australian Electoral Officer for the Northern Territory

Membership of the Committee

Mr Gary Nairn MP (Chair)
Mr Laurie Ferguson MP (Deputy Chair)
Senator Andrew Bartlett
Senator the Hon. John Faulkner
Senator Ross Lightfoot
Senator Andrew Murray
Senator Karen Synon
Mr Michael Danby MP
Mr John Forrest MP
Hon. Alex Somlyay MP

Inquiry into the Conduct of the 1998 Federal Election and matters related thereto : Terms of Reference

On 10 December 1998 the Special Minister of State, Senator the Hon. Chris Ellison, referred the following to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters:

"That the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters inquire into and report on all aspects of the conduct of the 1998 federal election and matters related thereto."

The terms of reference for an election inquiry are generally very broad, allowing the Committee to focus on those issues which are considered most pressing by the Committee and the respondents to the inquiry.
