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Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Electoral Funding and Disclosure Inquiry

The reference for this inquiry lapsed when the Committee ceased to exist at the dissolution of the House of Representatives on 8 October 2001.

In August 2000 the Special Minister of State, Senator the Hon Chris Ellison, requested the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters inquire into those recommendations of the Australian Electoral Commission's 1996 and 1998 Funding and Disclosure Reports not currently incorporated in legislation or not previously examined by the Committee. The Committee will report on the desirability of incorporating the remaining AEC funding and disclosure recommendations into the existing legislation.

The inquiry was advertised in all national papers on 9 or 12 September 2000. However, in November 2000, the Committee decided to extend the reporting timetable until its inquiry into the Integrity of the roll was completed.

The inquiry recommenced and was readvertised in The Weekend Australian on 7 July 2001. All existing submissions were being considered. Further written submissions were invited from organisations and individuals interested in placing evidence before the Committee.


Scheduled public hearings

Transcripts of public hearings

Media releases

Issues paper



1996 funding and disclosure report (prepared by the Australian Electoral Commission)

1998 funding and disclosure report (prepared by the Australian Electoral Commission)

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
