Public Hearing - Thursday 14 November - Canberra

Inquiry into Employment in the Environment Sector

The House of Representatives Environment and Heritage Committee is inquiring into the current contribution of environmental goods and services to employment in Australia, and the potential for future growth.

In particular, the Committee is interested in examining how federal policy can assist future growth to be achieved.

The Committee is also interested in ensuring that Australia has an appropriately skilled workforce to service environmental needs, and in examining possible information and reporting systems that would boost the uptake of environmental goods and services, enhance overall business performance, and assist development of the sector.

The Committee will hold the third public hearing of its inquiry this Thursday, 14 November to hear the views of the Barton Group and the Environment Institute of Australia.

The Barton Group is an alliance of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), from across a range of industry sectors. The Group was formed in 2001 to oversee the implementation of the Environment Industry Action Agenda and Mr William Leane, Executive Manager, will appear before the Committee on behalf of the Barton Group.

The Environment Institute of Australia is the peak industry association for environmental professionals. Ms Slawka Bell, Executive Director and Mr Bill Haylock, National Executive representative, will appear on behalf of the Environment Institute.

Public Hearing, Thursday 14 November 2002

Who: The Barton Group and the Environment Institute of Australia

Where: Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra

When: Thursday, 14 November, 11.00 am – 12.00 pm

The House Environment Committee will also hold a number of public hearings around Australia in 2003.

Background: Environmental goods and services can be broadly interpreted to include activities such as production of pollution reduction equipment, employment of environmental consultants and workers in the public sector involved in national park management, as well as provision of services in related activities such as tourism, and conservation and environmental management in agriculture, mining and manufacturing.

For media comment, please contact:

Bruce Billson, House Environment Committee Chair, tel (02) 6277 4879 (Parliament House office)

For more detail on the inquiry, including submissions, please contact:

The House Environment Committee Secretariat on (02) 6277 4580 or visit the inquiry web site at