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Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage

Inquiry into employment in the environment sector


Submissions to this inquiry were received from the following individuals/organisations.

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No Received from
1 Didg Information Systems (PDF 209KB)
2 Email Media (PDF 791KB)
3 Palm Beach Schools Surf and Environmental Education (PDF 162KB)
4 Environment Industry Development Network (PDF 644KB)
5 Surfrider Foundation (PDF 1,086KB)
6 Australian Superconductors (PDF 2,221KB)
7 Meehan, Ass Prof Barry and Thomas, Dr Ian (PDF 595KB)
8 Gold Coast City Council (PDF 654KB)
9 Water Industry Operators Association Inc (PDF 183KB)
10 Barton Group and Environment Institute Australia (PDF 559KB)
11 Civil Contractors Federation (PDF 322KB)
12 National Association of Forest Industries Ltd (PDF 846KB)
13 Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (PDF 667KB)
14 McLeod, Dr Stephen (PDF 1,873KB)
15 World Wide Fund for Nature Australia (PDF 2,958KB)
16 Melbourne Environmental Jobs Network (PDF 351KB)
17 Forests & Forest Industry Council of Tasmania PDF 879KB)
18 Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (PDF 227KB)
19 Renewable Energy Generators Australia Limited (PDF 467 KB)
20 Greening Australia (PDF 492KB)
21 Institution of Engineers, Australia (PDF 46 KB)
22 Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Western Australia (PDF 2264KB)
23 Renewable and Sustainable Energy ROUNDTABLE (PDF 135KB)
24 Australian Political Ministry Network Ltd(PolMin) (PDF 538KB)
25 Department of Education, Science and Training (PDF 515KB)
26 Department of Environment and Heritage (PDF 2654KB)
27 CRC Reef Research Centre Limited (PDF 103KB)
28 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (PDF 295KB)
29 Lawson, Mr Steven (pdf 87 KB)
30 GreenChip (PDF 675KB)
31 Vulcz, Rosemary (PDF 573 KB)
32 South Australian Government (PDF 4652 KB)
33 Barton Group and Environment Institute of Australia (supplementary to submission 10) (PDF 1929KB)
34 Environment Business Australia(PDF 51KB)
35 Wajon, Dr Eddy (PDF 382KB)
36 Didg Information Systems [supplementary submission to no 1] (PDF 1,036KB)
37 Darlington, Mr Bon,Dalvean, Mr Michael and Manson, S. R. (PDF 1,127KB)
