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Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts

Environmental Management of Commonwealth Land


Chair Mr W E Truss MP
Deputy Chair Hon. J A Crosio MP
Members Mr L J Anthony MP
Mr B F Billson MP
Hon. R J Brown, MP[1]
Mr E H Cameron MP
Mr W G Entsch MP
Mr J B Hockey MP
Mr H A Jenkins MP
Miss J M Kelly MP
Hon. Dr C M Lawrence MP
Hon. S P Martin MP
Mr G R McDougall MP
Dr A J Southcott MP

Ms Susan Cardell
Ms Helen Collins
Mr Ian Dundas (Committee Secretary)
Dr Sarah Hnatiuk

[1] On 12 February the Hon R J Brown replaced Mr J Langmore who resigned from the House of Representatives on 9 December 1996.


The need for a Commonwealth contaminated sites policy framework (paragraph 3.10)

    (1) That the Commonwealth Government reassess the priorities and resources of Environment Australia to develop a Commonwealth policy on the environmental management of Commonwealth land, including site contamination, pollution protection and appropriate levels of public disclosure.
    (2) That the Commonwealth Government examine these issues again once it is known what the Commonwealth Government will have to do to implement the outcomes of the Intergovernmental Committee on Ecologically Sustainable Development Working Group on Commonwealth/State roles and responsibilities for the environment.

The response to the unexploded ordnance problem (paragraph 3.13)

    (3) That the Department of Defence, as part of its national approach to the management of UXO information:
    • develop a program to identify and assess UXO contamination and allocate more resources in each State to carry out these assessments; and
    • include in its annual report a statement of the progress made in implementing the UXO program.
