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Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage

Inquiry into public good conservation - Impact of environmental measures imposed on landholders
Media releases

Media Advice: 31 March 2000


The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage will undertake an inquiry into the Impact of Conservation Controls imposed on landholders by government.

The Inquiry, which will be advertised in both metropolitan and regional press from 1 April 2000, has been requested by the Minister for Environment and Heritage, Senator Robert Hill.

The House Environment Committee, chaired by the Hon Ian Causley, will consider:

  • the impact of conservation measures imposed by governments on landholders and farmers;
  • international developments in ameliorating the cost of conservation for landholders;
  • how to establish the private and public good components of conservation; and
  • how to equitably share the costs associated with conservation among all members of the community.

For Media Comment contact Ian Causley, House Environment Committee Chair, telephone 02 6642 6356 (Grafton electorate office), 02 6277 4218 (Parliament House office).

For Committee and Inquiry background information, contact the Committee secretariat on 026277 4580 or Media Adviser: Sally Webster (02) 6277 2063, 0401 143 724,

