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House Standing Committee on Employment and Workplace Relations

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into pay equity and associated issues related to increasing female participation in the workforce

Inquiry home | Submissions | Public hearings | Media releases | Report

Terms of Reference

That the Committee inquire into and report on the causes of any potential disadvantages in relation to women's participation in the workforce including, but not limited to:
  • The adequacy of current data to reliably monitor employment changes that may impact on pay equity issues;

  • The need for education and information among employers, employees and trade unions in relation to pay equity issues;

  • Current structural arrangements in the negotiation of wages that may impact disproportionately on women;

  • The adequacy of recent and current equal remuneration provisions in state and federal workplace relations legislation;

  • The adequacy of current arrangements to ensure fair access to training and promotion for women who have taken maternity leave and/or returned to work part time and/or sought flexible work hours; and

  • The need for further legislative reform to address pay equity in Australia.
