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House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations and Workforce Participation
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Working for Australia's future: Increasing participation in the workforce

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Appendix C– List of exhibits



Exhibit Title

1 University of Melbourne Long-Term Unemployment and Work Deprived Individuals: Issues and Policies, by A M Dockery and E Webster
2 Ms K McCready A Community Development Job Guarantee, by William Mitchell, Sally Cowling and Martin Watts, Centre of Full Employment and Equity, University of Newcastle, April 2003
3 Mr  Marcus  L'Estrange Press articles by Marcus L'Estrange on unemployment
4 Australian Institute of Management Snapshot of Labour Shortages and Avenues of Supply, 2002, Source: US Census Bureau
5 Brotherhood of St Laurence Much obliged. Disadvantaged job seekers' experiences of the mutual obligation regime Brotherhood of St Laurence, St Vincent de Paul Society and University of Melbourne Centre for Public Policy 2003
6 University of Melbourne Changes Over Time in the Male and Female Employment Ratios in Australia: The Role of Changes in the Age Distribution of the Population Research paper by Dr R Dixon
7 ACT Council of Social Services Reducing Inequality: Economic and Employment Policy in the ACT , ACTCOSS policy paper, February 2003
8 Dr  Roger  Wilkins Labour Market Outcomes and Welfare Dependence of Persons with Disabilities in Australia. Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 2/03
9 Dr  Roger  Wilkins Reliance on Income Support in Australia: Prevalence and Persistence, Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 6/02
10 University of Melbourne The Effects of Changes in Family Composition and Employment Patterns on the Distribution of Income in Australia: 1982 to 1997-1998. Melbourne Institute Working Paper No. 19/03
11 Lifeline Australia Inc Pathways to education and employment. Final Report 6 December 2002
12 Institute for Private Enterprise Australian Bulletin of Labour, National Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders University, Adelaide, Vol. 28 No.3 September 2002
13 Institute for Private Enterprise Upholding the Australian Constitution, The Samuel Griffith Society - Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of, September 2001, Vol 13
14 Institute for Private Enterprise The Case for Further Deregulation of the Labour Market. Research paper prepared by Des Moore on behalf of contributing members of the Labour Ministers' Council, November 1998
15 Central Western Regional Development Board Central West Shift Share Analysis. Prepared for the Central West Regional Development Board by the Western Research Institute, August 2003
16 Mr  Kevin  Brennan Various published research articles and papers
17 Logan City Council Logan Employment Task Force newsletter December 2002, Volume 3
18 Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Globalisation of the Minerals Industry and it's Impact on the Sustainability of Human Resource Capital in the Minerals Industry, in Australia, 2002. Sustainable Development Conference, November 2002. Paper by D. Larkin, CEO
19 Business Council of Australia 50+ Age Can Work. A Business Guide for Supporting Older Workers, Report by the Business Council of Australia, August 2003
20 Business Council of Australia Age Can Work: The Case for Older Australians Staying in the Workforce. Report to the Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Business Council of Australia by Emeritus Professor S. Encel. Honorary Research Associate, Social Policy Research Centre, University of NSW dated April 2003.
21 Business Council of Australia The Cost of Dropping Out: The economic impact of early school leaving. Report by the Business Council of Australia, dated January 2003
22 Australian Industry Group Reform of the Social Safety System for Jobless Individuals and Families. Submission to the governments discussion paper on Building a simpler system to help jobless individuals and families
23 National Farmers' Federation Regional Business. A Plan for Action - Report to the Federal Minister for Transport and Regional Services. Dated June 2003
24 National Farmers' Federation Harvesting Australia. Report of the National Harvest Trail Working Group, June 2000
25 National Farmers' Federation Labour Market Adjustment in Regional Australia. Research Discussion Paper by Jeremy Lawson and Jacqueline Dwyer, 2002-04 , Economic Group, Reserve Bank of Australia
26 National Farmers' Federation Skill needs now and in the future in the rural industry. Report to the Minister for Education, Training and Youth Affairs buy the Rural Industry Group of the National Farmers' Federation, February 2001
27 National Farmers' Federation Estimating Farm Labour Trends in Australia, by Anne M. Garnett, Economics Programme, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University and Philip E.T Lewis, The Centre for Labour Market Research, University of Canberra
28 Physical Disability Council of Australia Ltd Physical Disability Council of Australia Ltd, Submission to Senate Inquiry into Poverty
29 Physical Disability Council of Australia Ltd Physical Disability Council of Australia Cost Benefit Analysis - Cost of Disability
30 Ms  Barbara  Gabogrecan Survey Results. The Importance of Training and Employment to Business Growth - Executive Summary
31 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Small Area Labour Markets – March Quarter 2003, Employment Analysis and Evaluation Group, Australia. Economic and Labour Market Analysis Branch
32 Westpac Banking Corporation Westpac 2003 Social Impact Report
33 National Ethnic Disability Alliance\Physical Disability Council of Australia The NEDA submission to the Commonwealth Government called Building a Simpler System to Help Jobless Families and Individuals, 2002
34 Ms  Lenore  Grunsell Letter to NSW Education department
35 Centre for Independent Studies A Self-Reliant Australia - Welfare Policy for the 21st Century. Centre Independent Studies Occasional Paper 86 by Peter Saunders dated 2003
36 Centre for Independent Studies Poor Laws (3) How to Reform the Award System and Create More Jobs. Centre for Independent Studies Issue analysis No. 41 by Kayoko Tsumori dated 10 November 2003
37 National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd Review of Retail Trading Hours in Western Australia. Submission by the National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd April 2003
38 National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd Graph - Top 5 Grocery Retail Chains Share of Trade – AC Nielsen Retail Service
39 National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd Small wineries being crushed by giants - Press article by Simon Evans
40 National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd Graphs - Retail Grocery Market Share Overseas Comparisons
41 National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd Table - Woolworths/Coles BiLo 2000-2002 - The Growing Market Stranglehold of Woolworths and Coles BilO
42 National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd Press article – ‘Boral ruling calls for section 46 review’, Australian Financial Review March 4, 2003
43 National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia Pty Ltd Table - The Growing Stranglehold of the Major Supermarket Chains - The Decline in Independent Stores. Foodweek October 23, 2000 (ABS) Retail World Annual Reports 1992, 1999
44 Council on the Ageing NSW Pamphlet - Mature Age Employment Network
45 Council on the Ageing NSW Mature Age Employees - What's in it for me as an employer? Information sheet by the State Chamber of Commerce (NSW), October 2001
46 Council on the Ageing NSW Generation X doesn't want to work as hard Press cutting, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 February 2004
47 Council on the Ageing NSW ‘Same old story stops mature jobseekers’. Press cutting, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 February 2004
48 East Coast Apprenticeships Confidential
49 Department of Education, Science and Training Adult Learning in Australia. A consultation paper by the Department of Education, Science and Training
50 Department of Education, Science and Training Celebrating Mature Age Training Excellence. Showcasing industry case studies across Tourism and Hospitality
51 National Farmers’ Federation On Track - Real Skills Rural Future. Rural Skills Australia information brochure
52 National Farmers’ Federation National Harvest Labour Information Service - Making sure Growers and Jobseekers find each other. Information brochure from Harvest Trail
53 Women's Action Alliance It's the family ties that bind, Press article from TheAge, 16 February 2004
54 Women's Action Alliance Confidential Letter
55 Women's Action Alliance Measuring the value of unpaid household, caring and voluntary work of older Australians. Research Paper No. 34, October 2003, by David de Vaus, Mathew Gray and David Stanton, Australian Institute of Family Studies
56 MS Australia When discrimination is OK, Journal article from HR Monthly, December 2000
57 MS Australia Transforming Disability into Ability. Policies to promote work and income security for disabled people, OECD, 2003
58 MS Australia Factors that influence employer decisions in hiring and retaining and employee with a disability. Joe Graffam, Alison Shinkfield, Kaye Smith and Udo Polzin, Institute of Disability Studies, and School of Psychology, Deakin University. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Vol 17, Number 3, 2002
59 MS Australia Employer benefits and costs of employing a person with a disability. Joseph Graffama, Kaye Smith, Alison Shinkfield and Udo Polzina - institute of Disability Studies, Deakin University
60 Council on the Ageing (NSW) Answers to Questions on Notice. Providing evidence relating to the positive effects of employing mature age people.
61 Council on the Ageing (NSW) Answers to Questions on Notice. A letter from NSW Department of Education and Training to COTA, providing evidence relating to the positive effects of employing mature aged people.
62 Australian Federation of Deaf Societies Flying High - Success stories of Deaf Tasmanians. Publication produced by the Tasmanian Deaf Society Inc.
63 Centre of Full Employment and Equity CofFee Labour Market Indicators August 2003
64 United Services Union Employment Information Services: Info Sheet No. 1.2 NSW Local Government Employment
65 United Services Union Employment Info Series Info Sheet No. 1.1 NSW Local Government Employment
66 Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Aboriginal Employment diversity in Rio Tinto Sustainable Development Mining Environmental Management January 2004
67 Brotherhood of St Laurence Changing Pressures 'Precarious work uncertain futures' No. 10 March 2002 Brotherhood of St Laurence
68 Brotherhood of St Laurence Much Obliged Disadvantaged job seekers' experiences of the mutual obligation regime May 2003
69 Royal Society for the Blind of South Australia Inc The Royal Society for the Blind RSB Together, just see what we can do
70 Hunter Councils Hunter Councils Inc. Annual Report 2002-2003
71 National Farmers’ Federation A report on the effect of raising minimum wages on rural businesses
72 National Farmers' Federation Taxation Zones and the City-Country Divide - A Discussion paper
73 Department of Education, Science and Training Securing Success: Group practice in training people aged 45 and over who are disadvantaged in the labour market
74 Department of Education, Science and Training Securing Success (Summary booklet): Good practice in training people aged 45 and over who are disadvantaged in the labour market
75 Department of Education, Science and Training PISA in Brief: From Australia's perspective - Highlights from the full Australian report
76 Building Service Contractors Association of Australia – WA Inc ANTA Think Piece: The Small Business Sector and the Training Package Model, Jill Gray, October 2003
77 Building Service Contractors Association of Australia – WA Inc Effectiveness of Time Requirements in Assuring a Quality Learning Experience for Apprentices and Trainees. Monash University - ACER, Centre for Economics of Education and Training, Dr Robert Sadler
78 Women's Electoral Lobby (WA) Women's Report Card. Measuring Women's Progress. Western Australia Department for Community Development, Office for Women's Policy
79 Underemployed People's Union WA Inc. Underemployment - Gambling with our Future Conference Report. Conference held on 29 November 2003, Curtin University. Organised by the Underemployed People's Union WA Inc, The Australian National Organisation of Unemployed (ANOU) and The Centre for Human Rights and Education, Curtin University.
80 Underemployed People's Union WA Inc. Presentation to Standing Committee on Employment and Workplace Relations in Perth by Mary Jenkins ANOU and UPU
81 Underemployed People's Union WA Inc. Presentation by Dr Geoff Pain to the Employment and Workplace Relations Committee
82 Women's Electoral Lobby (WA) Three Case studies submitted by the Women's Electoral Lobby WA
83 Centre of Full Employment and Equity Unemployment and Vacancies. Centre of Full Employment and Equity, University of Newcastle
84 Centre of Full Employment and Equity ‘Closing the bracket’. The Australian, Press article by George Megalogenis, 28 February 2004
85 East Coast Apprenticeships East Coast Apprenticeships Adult Entry Program (AEP)
86 Department of Family and Community Services Factors that influence employer decisions hiring and retaining an employee with a disability. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 17, 2002
87 Department of Family and Community Services Employer benefits and costs of employing a person with a disability. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 17, 2002
88 Department of Family and Community Services Person with a Disability. Research from the Institute of Disability Studies, Deakin University
89 Department of Transport and Regional Services Regional Partnerships, An Australian Government Initiative. Information folder
90 Department of Transport and Regional Services Sustainable Regions – Approved and Announced Projects as at 24 May 2004. Tables summarising projects funded under the Regional Partnerships and Regional Solutions Programms
91 Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs Population Flows – Immigration Aspects 2002-03 edition. Publication
92 Department of Transport and Regional Services Welfare Reform Taskforce – Regional participation Trials. A short statement summarising regional participation trials being progressed under the auspices of the Welfare Reform Taskforce.
93 Department of Transport and Regional Services Council of Australian Governments (COAG) indigenous Trials. A short statement summarising the Council of Australian Governments Indigenous Trials.
94 Department of Transport and Regional Services Summary of projects approved under the Regional Solutions Programme
95 Department of Transport and Regional Services Regional Partnerships Programme
96 Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Job Network Disability Support Pension Pilot Interim Evaluation Report, October 2004
97 Department of Education, Science and Training AustralianTechnicalColleges, A Discussion Paper, 2005

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