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Standing Committee on Family and Community Affairs

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation

Terms of Reference

On 25 June 2003 the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, the Hon Larry Anthony MP, and the Attorney-General, the Hon Daryl Williams AM QC MP, asked the committee to inquire into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation.

Having regard to the Governments recent response to the Report of the Family Law Pathways Advisory Group, the committee should inquire into, report on and make recommendations for action:

(a) given that the best interests of the child are the paramount consideration:

  • (i) what other factors should be taken into account in deciding the respective time each parent should spend with their children post separation, in particular whether there should be a presumption that children will spend equal time with each parent and, if so, in what circumstances such a presumption could be rebutted; and

  • (ii) in what circumstances a court should order that children of separated parents have contact with other persons, including their grandparents.

(b) whether the existing child support formula works fairly for both parents in relation to their care of, and contact with, their children.

(c) with the committee to report to the Parliament by 31 December 2003.

Submissions to the inquiry are sought by Friday 8 August 2003. Given the tight reporting time for this inquiry those making submissions are asked to keep their submissions concise. Contributors making submissions are advised to obtain guidelines on the preparation of a submission. These are available from the committee secretariat or from the committee's website. If you would like your submission, or parts of it, to be made confidential, please indicate this clearly in your submission.

Submissions should be directed to:

Committee Secretary
Standing Committee on Family and Community Affairs
Child Custody Arrangements Inquiry
Department of the House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: (02) 6277 4566
Fax: (02) 6277 4844

Public hearings, community forums and briefings also will be held to collect further evidence. Details of these will be posted on this website as soon as they are known.



Public hearings and community forums

Media releases

Related documents - referred to in the Terms of Reference


Last reviewed 7 February, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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