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House Standing Committee on Family, Community, Housing and Youth

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Inquiry into homelessness legislation

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Submissions will be made available here when they are received and authorised for publication.

The Committee encourages submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations. While we prefer submissions lodged in an original, electronic format, we do not want to exclude contributors who do not have access to computing facilities. Therefore, we will accept submissions in a range of formats which may include typewritten and handwritten documents.

Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

For more information on submissions, please refer to our brochure on preparing a submission.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of  97 submissions in the following list.

  1. Mr Mike Jessop (PDF 153KB)
  2. Mr Brian Woods (PDF 79KB)
  3. Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) (PDF 111KB)
  4. Attachment to Submission 3 - WWDA (PDF 995KB)

  5. Southern Youth and Family Services Association Inc (PDF 359KB)
  6. Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) (PDF 55KB)
  7. Attachment to Submission 5 - ASRC (PDF 5424KB)

  8. Equal Opportunity Commission, Western Australia (PDF 541KB)
  9. Commissioner for Children and Young People, Western Australia (PDF 2821KB)
  10. Allergy, Sensitivity & Environmental Health Association Qld Inc (PDF 183KB)
  11. Kids Under Cover (PDF 83KB)
  12. Name withheld (PDF 38KB)
  13. YP Space MNC Inc (PDF 140KB)
  14. Quality Management Services (PDF 949KB)
  15. The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (PDF 109KB)
  16. City of Melbourne (PDF 38KB)
  17. Aboriginal Hostels Limited (PDF 174KB)
  18. Women's Health Victoria (PDF 43KB)
  19. Cairns Community Legal Centre Inc (PDF 282KB)
  20. Quality Improvement Council, Quality Management Services & Quality Improvement and Community Services Accreditation (PDF 64KB)
  21. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (PDF 73KB)
  22. Ms Esther Dourado (PDF 68KB)
  23. Inner Sydney Catholic Justice Group (PDF 50KB)
  24. Central Coast Group of Amnesty International (PDF 46KB)
  25. Coalition Against Youth Homelessness (PDF 173KB)
  26. Youthlaw: Young People's Legal Rights Centre (PDF 75KB)
  27. The Victorian Children's Resource Program (PDF 77KB)
  28. The Hon Dr Bob Such MP, Member for Fisher, South Australian Parliament (PDF 220KB)
  29. NSW Young Lawyers Human Rights Committee (PDF 4476KB)
  30. Homelessness NSW (PDF 138KB)
  31. Law Institute of Victoria Ltd (PDF 705KB)
  32. Byron Emergency Accommodation Project Inc (PDF 38KB)
  33. ANGLICARE Diocese of Sydney (PDF 241KB)
  34. Welfare Rights and Legal Centre Ltd(PDF 64KB)
  35. Regional Youth Development Officers' Network (PDF 277KB)
  36. Hanover Welfare Services (PDF 471KB)
  37. Christo Youth Services (PDF 141KB)
  38. Women's Legal Service Victoria (PDF 225KB)
  39. Australian Christian Lobby (PDF 170KB)
  40. NSW Association for Adolescent Health Inc & NSW Youth Health Council (PDF 132KB)
  41. Homelessness Australia (PDF 406KB)
  42. The Australian Psychological Society Ltd (PDF 408KB)
  43. UnitingCare Australia (PDF 213KB)
  44. Salvation Army, Tasmanian Division (PDF 168KB)
  45. St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia (PDF 494KB)
  46. Financial and Consumer Rights Council Inc (PDF 174KB)
  47. Community Housing Tasmania Ltd (PDF 35KB)
  48. NSW Women's Refuge Movement Working Party Inc (PDF 231KB)
  49. Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House Inc (PDF 707KB)
  50. The Richmond Fellowship of NSW (PDF 137KB)
  51. Domestic Violence Victoria (PDF 112KB)
  52. Queensland Youth Housing Coalition Inc (PDF 362KB)
  53. Mercy Foundation (PDF 351KB)
  54. National Youth Coalition for Housing Inc (PDF 476KB)
  55. Mission Australia (PDF 1654KB)
  56. Youth Accommodation Association (NSW) Inc (PDF 718KB)
  57. Salvation Army, Australia Eastern Territory (PDF 152KB)
  58. Shelter NSW (PDF 98KB)
  59. Mr Max Vardanega (PDF 43KB)
  60. NSW Women's Refuge Movement (South Western/Western Metropolitan Region) (PDF 104KB)
  61. Welfare Rights Centre (PDF 66KB)
  62. Australian Council of Social Service (PDF 202KB)
  63. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 459KB)
  64. Hotham Mission Asylum Seeker Project (PDF 129KB)
  65. National Shelter Inc (PDF 430KB)
  66. Alcohol & other Drugs Council of Australia (PDF 182KB)
  67. Homeless Persons' Legal Service (PDF 957KB)
  68. City of Sydney Council (PDF 3650KB)
  69. Australian Government - Department of Health and Ageing (PDF 1536KB)
  70. Catholic Social Services Australia (PDF 719KB)
  71. Australian Government - Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF 153KB)
  72. Wesley Mission Melbourne (PDF 106KB)
  73. St Bartholomew's House Inc (PDF 83KB)
  74. North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency and Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 1542KB)
  75. Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (PDF 2056KB)
  76. Queensland Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardians (PDF 70KB)
  77. Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Ltd (PDF 246KB)
  78. Supported Accommodation Providers' Association Inc (PDF 1294KB)
  79. Australian Red Cross (PDF 4538KB)
  80. ACT Goverment (PDF 610KB)
  81. Homeless Outreach Psychiatric Service (PDF 264KB)
  82. Council to Homeless Persons (PDF 120KB)
  83. Mental Health Council of Australia (PDF 208KB)
  84. Human Rights Law Resource Centre Ltd (PDF 715KB)
  85. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (PDF 121KB)
  86. Tenants Union of Victoria Ltd (PDF 116KB)
  87. Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic (PDF 673KB)
  88. Australian Government - Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (PDF 719KB)
  89. Network of Immigrant and Refugee Women of Australia Inc (PDF 164KB)
  90. National Children's and Youth Law Centre (PDF 98KB)
  91. Ms Wendy Talbot (PDF 35KB)
  92. Attachment to Submission 89 - Ms Wendy Talbot (PDF 150KB)

  93. Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 392KB)
  94. Salvation Army Australian Southern Territory (PDF 103KB)
  95. Queensland Government (PDF 1913KB)
  96. Tasmanian Government (PDF 1163KB)
  97. McAuley Community Services for Women (PDF 67KB)
  98. Australian Government - Attorney-General's Department (PDF 770KB)
  99. New South Wales Government (PDF 1819KB)
  100. Government of South Australia (PDF 340KB)
  101. top

    Last reviewed 8 February, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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