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Overseas Adoption in Australia

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Appendix D – Public hearings and other meetings


Public Hearings


Monday 9 May 2005, Canberra


Miss Ionela Cornhill

Mr Robert Cornhill

Mrs Ann Plohberger

Miss Raluca Plohberger

Adoptive Families Association of the ACT

Mr Robert Cornhill, Vice-President

Mrs Ann Plohberger, President

Attorney-General’s Department, Family Law Branch

Mr Kym Duggan, Assistant Secretary

Mr Scott Wilson, Senior Legal Officer, International Family Law Section

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)

Dr Diane Gibson, Head, Welfare Division

Ms Susan Kelly, Project Manager, Children, Youth and Families Unit

Ms Cynthia Kim, Unit Head, Children, Youth and Families Unit

Dr Richard Madden, Director

Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs

Ms Sue Cubbage, Assistant

Ms Mary-Anne Ellis, Citizenship & Language Services Branch

Mr Greg Mills, Secretary, Migration Branch

Mr Peter Vardos, First Assistant Secretary, Citizenship & Multicultural Affairs

Thursday 21 July 2005, Brisbane


Mrs Leith Harding

Mrs Kathryn Leckenby

Mrs Louise Neilsen

Mr Steven Neilson

Australian Council for Adoption Inc

Mrs Rita Carroll, Coordinator & Past President

Mrs Doral Law, Secretary

Australian Korean Friendship Group Queensland Inc

Mr Stephen Finkel , President

International Adoptive Families of Queensland

Ms Sharon Byerley, President

Mr John Telfer, Vice President

Queensland Taiwan Support Group

Mrs Philippa (Pippa) Evans , Coordinator

8 Community Statement

Friday 22 July 2005, Brisbane


Mr Cec Pederson

Mr Gerard Walsh

Mrs Margaret Walsh

Wednesday 3 August 2005, Melbourne


Mr Tobias (Toby) Bottrell

Mrs Frances Greenough

Mrs Jenny Michaelson

Mrs Marilyn Nagesh

Friday 23 September 2005, Sydney


Ms Joanne Ellen

Australian Families for Children

Mrs Ricky Brisson, Executive Officer

Australian Society for Intercountry Aid for Children (NSW)

Dr Lucinda Burns , Committee Member & Thailand Program Information Officer

Mrs Raewyn Clark , Newsletter & Member

Mr Tim O’Reilly , Committee Member

Dr Evelyne Schilz-Middleton , President

Families with Children from China

Mrs Karleen Gribble , Policy Officer

Intercountry Adoptees Support Network

Ms Lynelle Beverage , Founder & Director

Ms Analee Matthews , Editor & NSW Representative

Mr Chris Warner , Member

NSW Committee on Adoption and Permanent Care Inc

Ms Angharad Candlin, Vice Chair

Ms Jane West , Chairperson

9 Community Statements

Monday 10 October 2005, Canberra

Attorney-General’s Department, Family Law Branch

Mr Kym Duggan , Assistant Secretary

Mr Matthew Osborne , Director, International Family Law Section

Victorian Government, Office for Children, Department of Human Services

Ms Helen Brain , Manager, Out of Home Care Services, Placement & Support, Child Protection & Family Services

Mr David Clements , Manager Placement & Support, Child Protection and Family Services

Wednesday 12 October 2005, Canberra

New South Wales Government, Department of Community Services

Ms Sue Dawson , Deputy Director-General

Ms Mary Griffin , Director, Adoption & Permanent Care Services

Monday 17 October 2005 , Adelaide


Mrs Susan Priest

Mrs Danielle Potter

Mr Michael Potter

Association Representing Mothers Separated from their Children by Adoption ( South Australia ) Inc (ARMS)

Ms Maureen Craig, Deputy Chairperson

Ms Mary-Anne ( Meg) Lewis, Chairperson

Ms Pamela Longley, Life Member

Mrs Deborah Whitelock, Administrative Assistant

South Australian Chinese Adoption Support

Mr Nigel Holden, Vice President

Mr Mark Stewart, President

South Australian Government, Department for Families &Communities

Ms Cynthia Beare, Manager, Adoption and Family Information Service

Ms Jeanette ( Jeanie) Lucas, Senior Project Officer

Mr Rod Squires, Director, Adoption, Refugee and Volunteer Services

World Families Australia Inc

Mrs Sandra Petersen, Vice President

Ms Margaret Sanders, President

Ms Morgan Smith, Member, Management Committee

Mr Matthew Wright-Simon, Member

9 Community Statements

Tuesday 18 October 2005, Perth


Ms Anita Fratel

Adoption Research &Counselling Service Inc.

Ms Jennifer Newbould, Manager

Adoption Support for Families and Children

Ms Sally Flintoff, Committee Member

Mr Michael Harwood, General Member

Adoptions International of Western Australia

Mrs Maureen Roberts, Chairperson

Mrs Trudy Rosenwald, Assistant Principal Officer

Western Australian Government, Department of Community Development

Ms Leah Bonson , Director, East Directorate, Community Development & Statewide Services

Mr Colin Keogh , Manager, Adoption Service

5 Community Statements

Thursday 3 November 2005, Canberra

Attorney-General’s Department, Family Law Branch

Mr Kym Duggan, Assistant Secretary

Mr Matthew Osborne, Director, International Family Law Section

Mr Scott Wilson, Assistant Director, Senior Legal Officer, International Family Law Section

Private Briefing

Wednesday 25 May 2005, Canberra

Attorney-General’s Department, Family Law Branch

Mr Kym Duggan, Assistant Secretary

Mr Matthew Osborne, Director, International Family Law Section

Mr Paul Taylor , Principal Legal Officer, Administrative Law and Civil Procedure Branch

Telephone conference call

Wednesday 14 September 2005, between Canberra and Taiwan

ChristianSalvation Centre, Taiwan

Ms Paula Voigtman, Executive Director

Site inspection

Monday 12 September 2005, Canberra

ACT Adoptions Unit, Office for Children, Youth and Family Support, ACT Government – Level 6, 11 Moore Street, Civic, Canberra ACT

Ms Marysia Caesar , Adoptions Social Worker

Ms Julie Logan , Senior Administration Officer

Ms Sue Mickleburgh , Manager

Ms Leena Pekki , Adoptions Social Worker

Ms Ann Ponsonby , Team Leader

Ms Amita Rangachari , Adoptions Social Worker

Mr Paul Wyles, Director


Tuesday 26 April 2005, Hobart

Intercountry Adoption Central Authorities Meeting – organised by Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services, held at Family Planning Tasmania, 2 Midwood Street, NewTown TAS

Committee was represented by Mr David Fawcett MP, Member.

Thursday 10 November 2005, Canberra

Intercountry Adoption Central Authorities Meeting – organised by Attorney-General’s Department, held at Canberra Club, 45 West Row, Canberra City ACT

Committee was represented by Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, Chairman.


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