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<< Return to previous page | House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Innovation

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Preliminary Pages

Membership of the Committee



Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP


Deputy Chair

Hon Fran Bailey MP



Mr James Bidgood MP

Mr Michael Johnson MP


Mr Nick Champion MP

Mr Rowan Ramsey MP


Mr Darren Cheeseman MP

Ms Amanda Rishworth MP


Dr Dennis Jensen MP

Mr Mike Symon MP


Committee Secretariat



Mr Russell Chafer

Inquiry Secretary

Mr Anthony Overs

Research Officer

Ms Natalya Wells

Administrative Officers

Ms Naomi Swann

Mr Angus Hogg


Terms of reference


The Inquiry will examine:

1.         The contribution that Australian universities make to research training in Australia, including:

a)         The contribution of research training programs to Australia’s competitiveness in the areas of science, research and innovation;

b)         The effectiveness of current Commonwealth research training schemes; and

c)         The adequacy of current research training schemes to support Australia’s anticipated future requirements for tertiary-qualified professionals in a wide range of disciplines.

2.         The challenges Australian universities face in training, recruiting and retaining high quality research graduates and staff, including, but not limited to:

a)         Adequacy of training and support (including income support) available to research graduate students in Australia;

b)         Factors for graduates that determine pursuit of a career in research;

c)         Opportunities for career advancement for research graduates and staff;

d)        Factors determining pursuit of research opportunities overseas;

e)         Australia’s ability to compete internationally for high quality researchers; and

f)          Whether Australia’s academic workforce is ageing, and the impact this may have on Australia’s research capacity.

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