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Inquiry into research training and research workforce issues in Australian universities

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Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

For more information on submissions, please refer to our brochure on preparing a submission.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of 106 submissions and 6 supplementary submissions in the following list.

  1. Prof John Clark (PDF 121KB)
    Prof John Clark - Attachment A (PDF 18KB)
    Prof John Clark - Attachment B (PDF 19KB)
  2. Dr Ruth Bridgstock (PDF 45KB)
  3. Dr Margaret Zeegers and Dr Deirdre Barron (PDF 41KB)
  4. Dr Lee Skerratt (PDF 29KB)
  5. Mr David Packham OAM (PDF 383KB)
  6. Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) (PDF 154KB)
  7. Australian Council of Engineering Deans (PDF 131KB)
  8. Professor Arthur Sale et al (PDF 72KB)
  9. Members of the Centre for Study of Research Training and Impact (SORTI), University of Newcastle (PDF 26KB)
  10. University of Western Sydney (PDF 47KB)
  11. University of Southern Queensland (PDF 409KB)
  12. Southern Cross University (PDF 839KB)
  13. Australian Council of Deans of Science (PDF 40KB)
  14. Australian Universities Quality Agency (PDF 227KB)
  15. Victoria University (PDF 59KB)
  16. Professor Judy Searle et al (PDF 312KB)
  17. University of Sydney (PDF 24KB)
  18. Curtin University of Technology (PDF 58KB)
  19. Professor Su Lloyd (PDF 291KB)
  20. Edith Cowan University (PDF 56KB)
  21. Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (PDF 1337KB)
  22. James Cook University (PDF 94KB)
  23. The Australian National University (PDF 300KB)
  24. 23-1 Supplementary to Submission 23
    The Australian National University (PDF 759KB)

  25. Australian Research Council (PDF 297KB)
  26. 24-1 Supplementary to Submission 24
    Australian Research Council (PDF 260KB)

  27. University of Wollongong (PDF 23KB)
  28. University of Ballarat (PDF 45KB)
  29. Associate Professor Ellen McIntyre (PDF 1338KB)
  30. Coalition of National Nursing Organisations (PDF 566KB)
  31. The Australian Society for Microbiology (PDF 93KB)
  32. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (PDF 46KB)
  33. The University of New South Wales (PDF 148KB)
  34. University of South Australia (PDF 269KB)
  35. Vision CRC Limited (PDF 42KB)
  36. The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (PDF 108KB)
  37. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (PDF 57KB)
  38. Queensland University of Technology (PDF 66KB)
  39. Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS) (PDF 307KB)
  40. Murdoch University (PDF 733KB)
  41. Australian Deans of Built Environment and Design (PDF 170KB)
  42. Professor Nigel Laing (PDF 207KB)
  43. 40-1 Supplementary to Submission 40
    Professor Nigel Laing (PDF 10KB)

  44. CRC Association Inc (PDF 3601KB)
  45. Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (PDF 106KB)
  46. Course Management Committee of the Australian Course in Advanced Neuroscience (PDF 123KB)
  47. Genetics Society of AustralAsia Inc (PDF 115KB)
  48. Australian Academy of Science (PDF 77KB)
  49. Professor Terry Evans et al (PDF 396KB)
  50. Council for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (PDF 2368KB)
  51. La Trobe University (PDF 242KB)
  52. Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, ANU (PDF 19KB)
  53. Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (PDF 205KB)
  54. Innovative Research Universities Australia (PDF 183KB)
  55. Ms Jan Thomas et al (PDF 106KB)
  56. National Tertiary Edcuation Union (PDF 198KB)
  57. The Australian Technology Network (PDF 162KB)
  58. Group of Eight Limited (PDF 380KB)
  59. The University of Melbourne (PDF 60KB)
  60. Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture (PDF 500KB)
  61. Professor Peter Drummond (PDF 120KB)
  62. National Tertiary Education Union (University of Queensland Branch) (PDF 83KB)
  63. Dr Steve Madden (PDF 48KB)
  64. Australian Academy of the Humanities (PDF 321KB)
  65. National Tertiary Education Union (CQU Branch) (PDF 168KB)
  66. RMIT University (PDF 120KB)
  67. Australian Association for Research in Education (PDF 244KB)
  68. Charles Sturt University (PDF 617KB)
  69. Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (PDF 228KB)
  70. Heart Foundation (PDF 70KB)
  71. Macquarie University Postgraduate Representative Association (PDF 103KB)
  72. Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (PDF 33KB)
  73. Research Australia (PDF 19KB)
  74. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts (PDF 205KB)
  75. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts - Attachment A (PDF 66KB)
    Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts - Attachment B (PDF 95KB)
    Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts - Attachment C (PDF 86KB)

  76. Australian Council of Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies (DDoGS) (PDF 120KB)
  77. Deakin University (PDF 47KB)
  78. University of the Sunshine Coast (PDF 127KB)
  79. Department of Climate Change (PDF 20KB)
  80. Monash University (PDF 426KB)
  81. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (PDF 98KB)
  82. Flinders University (PDF 1083KB)
  83. The University of Adelaide (PDF 1055KB)
  84. Griffith University (PDF 124KB)
  85. Institute Postdoctoral Researchers Association (Telethon Institute) (PDF 46KB)
  86. Universities Australia (PDF 346KB)
  87. CSIRO (PDF 164KB)
  88. The University of Notre Dame (Australia) (PDF 38KB)
  89. Queensland Government (PDF 241KB)
  90. Charles Darwin University (PDF 189KB)
  91. Australian Research Council College of Experts (PDF 1335KB)
  92. Australian Council of Deans of Education Inc (PDF 41KB)
  93. Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand (PDF 51KB)
  94. Council of Australian Postgraduate Assocations (CAPA) (PDF 1810KB)
  95. 90-1 Supplementary to Submission 90
    Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) (PDF 626KB)

  96. Swinburne University of Technology (PDF 27KB)
  97. Dr Adam Cawley (PDF 202KB)
  98. 92-1 Supplementary to Submission 92
    Dr Adam Cawley (PDF 28KB)

  99. Associate Professor David Clark-Murphy (PDF 19KB)
  100. The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) (PDF 333KB)
  101. Professor Brian Fitzgerald (PDF 28KB)
  102. The University of Western Australia (PDF 205KB)
  103. Australian Catholic University (PDF 20KB)
  104. Government of South Australia (PDF 91KB)
  105. Australian Education Union (PDF 61KB)
  106. The University of Queensland (PDF 3022KB)
  107. 100-1 Supplementary to Submission 100
    The University of Queensland (PDF 10956KB)

  108. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (PDF 122KB)
  109. Dr Kevin Ryland (PDF 176KB)
  110. Professor Allan Borowski (PDF 11KB)
  111. Melbourne College of Divinity (PDF 70KB)
  112. Minister for Defence Science and Personnel (PDF 131KB)
  113. NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet (PDF 374KB)
Last reviewed 9 February, 2011 by Committee Secretariat
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