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House Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Innovation

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into long-term meteorological forecasting in Australia

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Terms of Reference

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Innovation shall inquire into and report on long-term meteorological forecasting in Australia.

The Committee will inquire into and report on long-term meteorological forecasting with particular reference to:

  • The efficacy of current climate modelling methods and techniques and long-term meteorological prediction systems;
  • Innovation in long-term meteorological forecasting methods and technology;
  • The impact of accurate measurement of inter-seasonal climate variability on decision-making processes for agricultural production and other sectors such as tourism;
  • Potential benefits and applications for emergency response to natural disasters, such as bushfire, flood, cyclone, hail, and tsunami, in Australia and in neighbouring countries; and
  • Strategies, systems and research overseas that could contribute to Australia’s innovation in this area.

Last reviewed 18 March 2009 by Committee Secretariat
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