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Preliminary pages

Chair’s Foreword

Through this inquiry, the committee was presented with a number of issues that were outside the scope of the terms of reference. However, the committee concluded that these issues were important and should be reported to the Parliament, and are therefore included in various sections of the report.

Through this report, the Parliament is able to gain an overview of industry and community views associated with possible enactment of the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Bill 2011 (the Bill), and also the main views related to the Government’s Fibre in New Developments policy which underpins the proposed legislation.

While the committee made a number of additional findings, the main provisions of the Bill are supported by the majority of the committee. Where the committee found areas of dispute, these were less about the Bill and more about the underlying policy that has led to this Bill.

Major findings of the report include:

  • Internal customer service protocols should be put in place within NBN Co to ensure that the timeframe for issuing statements is completed within benchmarked customer service timeframes.

  • NBN Co should commit to specific timeframes, to publish its performance on the fibre rollout against timeframes and that these commitments be subject to regulatory oversight.

  • Investigation into the possible impact on risk premiums of regular changes in development regulations with appropriate measures to be put in place to anticipate this type of outcome and rectify any negative consequence.

In relation to the Bill’s possible impact on competition in the existing fibre provider market in new developments, the committee acknowledged the views put forward by fibre industry groups. These industry groups highlighted the potential adverse impact that the Government’s existing Fibre in New Developments policy may have for smaller existing fibre providers, and the committee is urging the Government to review these concerns.

Taking into consideration the findings and recommendations of the Australian Government Competitive Neutrality Complaints Office report when it is released, it is important that the Government investigate (with a view to rectifying if necessary) the degree to which the rollout of the National Broadband Network has the potential to diminish competition in the fibre provider market.

I thank those who contributed to this inquiry by providing submissions or appearing in person before the committee.

Mr Robert Oakeshott MP

Committee Membership


Mr Robert Oakeshott MP


Deputy Chair

Mrs Yvette D’Ath MP



Mr Paul Fletcher MP

Senator Simon Birmingham


Mr Luke Hartsuyker MP

Senator Carol Brown


Mr Ed Husic MP

Senator Doug Cameron


Hon Sussan Ley MP

Senator Mary Jo Fisher


Ms Michelle Rowland MP

Senator Scott Ludlam


Mr Mike Symon MP

Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald


Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP

Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens

Participating Members


Senator the Hon Eric Abetz

Senator Steve Hutchins (from 24.3.2011 until 30.6.2011)


Senator Judith Adams

Senator the Hon David Johnston


Senator Chris Back

Senator Barnaby Joyce


Senator Guy Barnett (until 30.6.2011)

Senator Helen Kroger


Senator Cory Bernardi

Senator Gavin Marshall (from 24.3.2011)


Senator Catryna Bilyk (from 24.3.2011)

Senator the Hon Brett Mason


Senator Mark Bishop (from 24.3.2011)

Senator Anne McEwan (from 24.3.2011)


Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell

Senator Julian McGauran (until 30.6.2011)


Senator Sue Boyce

Senator the Hon Nick Minchin (until 30.6.2011)


Senator the Hon George Brandis SC

Senator Claire Moore (from 24.3.2011)


Senator David Bushby

Senator Fiona Nash


Senator Michaelia Cash

Mr Paul Neville MP (from 10.5.2011)


Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck

Senator Kerry O’Brien (from 24.3.2011 until 30.6.2011)


Senator the Hon Helen Coonan

Senator Stephen Parry


Senator Mathias Cormann

Senator Marise Payne


Senator Trish Crossin (from 24.3.2011)

Senator Helen Polley (from 24.3.2011)


Senator Alan Eggleston

Senator Louise Pratt (from 24.3.2011)


Senator the Hon John Faulkner (from 24.3.2011) Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson


Senator the Hon Alan Ferguson (until 30.6.2011)

Senator Scott Ryan


Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Hon Bruce Scott MP (from 26.5.2011)


Senator Mitch Fifield

Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion


Senator Michael Forshaw (from 24.3.2011 until 30.6.2011)

Senator Glenn Sterle (from 24.3.2011)


Senator Mark Furner (from 24.3.2011)

Senator the Hon Judith Troeth (until 30.6.2011)


Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan

Senator Russell Trood (until 30.6.2011)


Senator Gary Humphries

Senator John Williams


Senator Annette Hurley (from 24.3.2011 until 30.6.2011)

Senator Dana Wortley (from 24.3.2011 until 30.6.2011)



Senator Nick Xenophon

Committee Secretariat

Committee Secretary

Mr Peter Stephens

Inquiry Secretary

Ms Stephanie Mikac

Terms of Reference

On 12 May 2011, the Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network resolved to adopt for inquiry the provisions of the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Bill 2011, as referred by the House of Representatives Selection Committee on 10 May 2011.

Committee Membership


Australian Communications Consumer Action Network


Australian Competition and Consumer Commission


Australian Communications and Media Authority


Telecommunications Act 1997


Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line


Australian Government Competitive Neutrality Complaints Office


Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Bill 2011




Communications Alliance


Closed Circuit Television




Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy


Explanatory Memorandum


Free-to-Air television








Greenfield Fibre Operators of Australia


Housing Industry Association


Internet Protocol Television


Megabits per second


Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy


National Broadband Network


NBN Co Limited


Radio Frequency


Regulation Impact Statement


Retail Service Provider




Urban Development Institute of Australia


Unconditional Local Loop Service


Universal Service Obligations


Universal Service Provider


Urban Taskforce Australia


Part 1 – General Amendments

Recommendation 1

The committee recommends that the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Bill 2011 be passed.


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