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Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network

Committee Members - 43rd Parliament

The Committee's resolution of appointment provides that the Committee consist of 16 members, 4 Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Government Whip or Whips, 4 Members of the House of Representatives to be nominated by the Opposition Whip or Whips, and one non-aligned Member, 3 Senators to be nominated by the Leader of the Government in the Senate, 3 Senators to be nominated by the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, and one Senator to be nominated by any minority group or groups or independent Senator or independent Senators. Participating members may also be appointed.


Mr Robert Oakeshott MP Chair (Independent, Lyne, NSW)

Mr Ed Husic MP Deputy Chair (Australian Labor Party, Chifley, NSW)

Senator Simon Birmingham (Liberal Party of Australia, SA)

Senator Doug Cameron (Australian Labor Party, NSW)

Senator Alex Gallacher (Australian Labor Party, SA)

Senator Scott Ludlam (Australian Greens, WA)

Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald (Liberal Party of Australia, Queensland)

Senator Dean Smith (Liberal Party of Australia, WA)

Senator the Hon Lin Thorp (Australian Labor Party, Tasmania)

Mr Paul Fletcher MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Bradfield, NSW)

Mr Luke Hartsuyker MP (The Nationals, Cowper, NSW)

Hon Sussan Ley MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Farrer, NSW)

Mr Rob Mitchell MP (Australian Labor Party, McEwen, Victoria)

Ms Michelle Rowland MP (Australian Labor Party, Greenway, NSW)

Mr Mike Symon MP (Australian Labor Party, Deakin, Victoria)

Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Wentworth, NSW)


Participating Members (44)

Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (Liberal Party of Australia, Tasmania)
Senator Chris Back (Liberal Party of Australia, WA)
Senator Cory Bernardi (Liberal Party of Australia, SA)
Senator Catryna Bilyk (Australian Labor Party, Tasmania)
Senator Mark Bishop (Australian Labor Party, WA)
Senator the Hon Ronald Boswell (The Nationals, Queensland)
Senator Sue Boyce (Liberal Party of Australia, Queensland)
Senator the Hon George Brandis (Liberal Party of Australia, Queensland)
Senator Carol Brown (Australian Labor Party, Tasmania)
Senator David Bushby (Liberal Party of Australia, Tasmania)
Senator Michaelia Cash (Liberal Party of Australia, WA)
Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck (Liberal Party of Australia, Tasmania)
Senator Mathias Cormann (Liberal Party of Australia, WA)
Senator Trish Crossin (Australian Labor Party, NT)
Senator Alan Eggleston (Liberal Party of Australia, WA)
Senator the Hon John Faulkner (Australian Labor Party, NSW)
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (Liberal Party of Australia, NSW)
Senator Mitch Fifield (Liberal Party of Australia, Victoria)
Senator Mark Furner (Australian Labor Party, Queensland)
Senator the Hon Bill Heffernan (Liberal Party of Australia, NSW)
Senator Gary Humphries (Liberal Party of Australia, ACT)
Senator the Hon David Johnston (Liberal Party of Australia, WA)
Senator Barnaby Joyce (The Nationals, Queensland)
Senator Helen Kroger (Liberal Party of Australia, Victoria)
Senator Sue Lines (Australian Labor Party, WA)
Senator Gavin Marshall (Australian Labor Party, Victoria)
Senator the Hon Brett Mason (Liberal Party of Australia, Queensland)
Senator Anne McEwan (Australian Labor Party, SA)
Senator Claire Moore (Australian Labor Party, Queensland)
Senator Fiona Nash (The Nationals, NSW)
Senator Stephen Parry (Liberal Party of Australia, Tasmania)
Senator Marise Payne (Liberal Party of Australia, NSW)
Senator Helen Polley (Australian Labor Party, Tasmania)
Senator Louise Pratt (Australian Labor Party, WA)
Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson (Liberal Party of Australia, Victoria)
Senator Anne Ruston (Liberal Party of Australia, SA)
Senator Scott Ryan (Liberal, Victoria)
Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion (Country Liberal Party, NT)
Senator Arthur Sinodinos AO (Liberal Party of Australia, NSW)
Senator Glenn Sterle (Australian Labor Party, WA)
Senator the Hon Ursula Stephens (Australian Labor Party, NSW)
Senator John Williams (The Nationals, NSW)
Senator Nick Xenophon (Independent, SA)
Mr Paul Neville MP (The Nationals, Queensland)
The Hon Bruce Scott MP (The Nationals, Queensland)


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Last reviewed 21 May 2013 by the Committee Secretariat
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