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Review of the rollout of the National Broadband Network - Second Report

24 November 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011
ISBN 978-0-642-79575-5 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79576-2 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 2280KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary Pages (PDF 129KB)
Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 169KB)

Reporting Timeframe
Objectives and Scope of the Review
Areas of Possible Future Review
Conduct of the Review
Report Outline

Chapter 2 Review of National Broadband Network Rollout Progress (PDF 445KB)

Performance Reporting
NBN Co Reporting Requirements
Development of Key Performance Indicators
Key Features of the Performance Report
Key Milestones Achieved
Key Performance Indicators
National Broadband Network Rollout Progress
NBN Co Financial Results
Other Issues
NBN Co Workforce
Demand for Wireless
Concluding Comments

Chapter 3 Competition and Regulatory Issues (PDF 545KB)

Binding Definitive Agreements with Telstra and Optus
Telstra Agreement
Telstra’s Structural Separation Undertaking and Draft Migration Plan
Optus Agreement
Additional Agreement Issues
Workforce Retraining
Special Access Undertaking
Wholesale Broadband Agreement
Recourse to ACCC
Competition and Pricing
Points of Interconnect
Loss of Infrastructure
Basic Package Pricing
Voice Only Services
Other Issues
Private Sector Equity Engagement
Commercial-in-Confidence Material
Concluding Comments

Chapter 4 Access to Broadband Services in Regional and Remote Areas (PDF 605KB)

Current Broadband Access
Satellite Services
Access to Government Services
Extending the Fibre Footprint
Government Readiness for the NBN
Regional development
Consultation with Regional and Remote Communities
Public Education Activity
Consultations in the Broken Hill region
Digital Divide
Concluding Comments

Dissenting Report - Australian Greens (PDF 206KB)
Appendix A – Submissions and Exhibits (PDF 48KB)
Appendix B – Hearings and Witnesses (PDF 61KB)
