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Report 419 - Inquiry into the Auditor-General Act 1997

December 2010

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011

ISBN 978-0-642-79400-0 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79401-7 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1953KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary pages (PDF 336KB)
Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 227KB)

The Auditor-General Act 1997
Purpose of the inquiry
Conduct of the inquiry
Structure of the report

Chapter 2 Legislative support for new functions (PDF 233KB)

Explicit recognition of assurance activities

Chapter 3 Clarification of rights and responsibilities (PDF 437KB)

Government Business Enterprises
Auditing performance indicators
Legal professional privilege
Fees for financial statement audits
Acting as auditor under the Corporations Act
Providing advice and information
Auditing standards
Parliamentary privilege
Exemptions from FOI and the Privacy Act
Definitions of ‘persons’ giving evidence
Explicit access to Cabinet documents
Comments on reports and extracts of reports
Tabling embargo during the caretaker period
Provision of information to committees

Chapter 4 Strengthening the audit independence of the Auditor-General (PDF 226KB)

Appointment of the Auditor-General
Budget resourcing

Chapter 5 Jurisdictional issues – ‘following the dollar’ (PDF 302KB)

Cross-jurisdictional arrangements – grants to States/Territories
Commonwealth jurisdiction – auditing related entities/contractors
Other Commonwealth activities

Appendix A – List of Submissions (PDF 55KB)
Appendix B – List of Exhibits (PDF 64KB)
Appendix C – List of Public Hearings (PDF 99KB)
