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Appendix C – Blueprint status

Progress on implementing projects responding to the Blueprint recommendations (as at 25 June 2012)[1]

Blueprint Recommendation





Simplify Australian Government services for citizens



The Reliance Framework Business Case, developed by the Department of Finance and Deregulation, explores a range of options to improve citizens' access to Government services online. Specifically, the Reliance Framework seeks to enable citizens to: communicate updated details to multiple agencies simultaneously; pre-fill forms using information previously submitted to a government agency; and view all their communications with government in one place. 


Develop better ways to deliver services through the community and private



See 1.1 above


Deliver services in closer partnership with State, Territory and local governments



See 1.1 above


 Reduce unnecessary business regulatory burden



Standard Business Reporting (SBR) has been developed to streamline financial reporting from business to government. Approximately 80,000 businesses are benefitting from the adoption of SBR. The ATO has announced that all electronic reporting channels will be moved to SBR by July 2015.


Enable citizens to collaborate with government in policy and service design



The website was launched on 10 March 2011 to make public sector data more available. As at 13 June 2012, it contained 1,103 datasets. In addition, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) released its Principles on open public sector information in May 2011.                                                                                                                                 


Conduct a citizen survey





Strengthen strategic policy



The APS Strategic Policy Network (SPN) was established in late 2010 to share best practices and foster collaboration and innovation on strategic policy issues. The SPN comprises SES officers from across  APS agencies who meet every 2 months. This initiative has been very well supported and resulted in the establishment of the SPN+ comprising non-SES officers.


Build partnerships with academia, research institutions and the community and private sectors



Strategic partnerships between the APS and academia through ANU have been established.  These partnerships included the Australian National Institute for Public Policy (ANIPP), National Security College (NSC), the HC Coombs Policy Forum and the Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW). Annual reports are being prepared for ANIPP, NSC and CIW.  


Improve policy implementation



The APS Policy Implementation Network (APSPIN) was established in June 2011. The APSPIN, comprising Deputy Secretaries across a range of APS agencies, meet regularly to share advice and experiences among members in order to better solve key implementation challenges facing the APS.  Meetings of the APSPIN have been successful and steps are underway to create a similar implementation network for non-SES officers.


Revise and embed the APS values 



Revisions to the APS values are included in the Public Service Amendment Bill 2012, which was introduced into the Parliament on 1 March 2012. Supporting guidance material has also been developed and will be provided to agencies later this year after passage of the Bill.


Articulate the roles and responsibilities of Secretaries



Clarification of the roles and responsibilities of Secretaries is included in the Public Service Amendment Bill 2012. Revised performance agreements for Secretaries were finalised in March 2012. 


Revise employment arrangements for Secretaries



The Public Service Amendment Bill 2012 outlines the revised employment arrangements for Secretaries.


Strengthen leadership across the APS



A number of senior leadership groups have been established to strengthen leadership across the APS. The Secretaries’ Board was established in May 2010 and meets on a monthly basis. The APS 200 was established in June 2010 and held a number of events throughout 2011. Following feedback from members, the format for APS 200 events has been varied to include more interactive forums.


Improve talent management across the APS



The Strategic Centre for Leadership, Learning and Development was established in July 2010 at the APSC.  A number of programs to improve the talent management across the APS are facilitated by the Strategic Centre, including: an APS Leadership Development Strategy, a SES Band 2 Talent Development Program, and an SES Orientation Program. Initial feedback from the SES Band 2 talent management program has been positive. The APSC will be completing biannual reports of the Strategic Centre detailing the progress, outputs and milestones achieved.


New APSC with responsibilities to lead APS



Responsibility for workplace relations matters for Australian Government employment transferred to the APSC from DEEWR in August 2010 and a revised Strategic Plan for the APS was released in October 2011. The APSC is responsible for implementation of leadership and learning and development reform.


Ensure employment bargaining arrangements support one APS



On 31 January 2011 the APSC released the revised Australian Government Employment Bargaining Framework. In June 2012, 92 agencies have new enterprise agreements in place. The enterprise agreements bargained in the current round are  being analysed to assess consistency achieved with the recommended Framework. The APSC completes biannual reports on the progress of the review of APS classification arrangements and work level standards which is currently being completed.


Assess the size and role of the SES


The Review of the Senior Executive Service (Beale Review) was completed in the second half of 2011 and publicly released by the Government on 16 September 2011. 


Coordinate workforce planning



The APSC in collaboration with agencies has developed the APSC Workforce Planning Guide, the APS Job Family Model and two training programs to build the understanding and practice of workforce planning for HR Practitioners and middle and senior managers who have workforce planning responsibilities. The Planning Guide has been well received by agencies and is assisting them to develop workforce plans for their organisations.


Streamline recruitment and improve induction


The APSJobs website has been redesigned and tested via user surveys and focus groups.  It was launched on July 2012 as the APS Recruitment Portal (Portal) with increased functionality. APS Recruitment Guidelines have also been updated and will be released in July 2012.


Expand and strengthen learning and development



Work has commenced to develop an APS Core Skills Strategy identifying the service-wide development needs for all levels of the APS, completion is due in the second half of 2012. The APSC will be completing biannual reports outlining the progress and outcomes of the APS Core Skills Strategy .


Strengthen the performance framework



A conceptual APS Performance Management Framework is being developed. A research paper,  Developing High Performance: Performance Management for the Public Sector, has been finalised.  Case studies are being planned involving up to six agencies to help gain a better understanding of the issues which impact performance management. Biannual reporting by the APSC outlines the progress and outcomes of the APS Performance Management Framework.


Encourage employees to expand their career experience


The APSC has developed and disseminated principles supporting the effective implementation of employee mobility initiatives of a temporary nature for professional development purposes, and how these can be incorporated into an agency's professional development and talent management programs.


Conduct agency capability reviews



Three pilot reviews were completed in 2011 with the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE), the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPAC), and the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR).  Six formal agency capability reviews have been scheduled for 2012.


Introduce shared outcomes across portfolios



The Shared Outcomes Framework has been developed. Several potential projects have been identified and the viability of the projects as trials of the Framework is being assessed, including clarifying the scope of possible project activities with relevant agencies. 


Reduce internal red tape to promote agility



A number of projects have been undertaken to reduce internal red tape across the APS including the release of the Australian Government Model Chief Executive Instructions (CEIs) templates, updated Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, and revisions to the Protective Security Manual and Fraud Control Guidelines. 


Review the measures of agency efficiency



The Review of the Measures of Agency Efficiency  was completed in March 2011. The review recommended keeping the efficiency dividend but improving its flexibility. 


Strengthen the governance framework



The Governance Arrangements for Australian Government Bodies (Governance Policy) is being considered in the context of the broader Commonwealth Financial Accountability Review (CFAR). The purpose of CFAR is to analyse the current Commonwealth financial framework to improve governance practices, risk management, accountability and compliance.


Small agencies to improve the efficiency of their corporate functions



The Estimates Memorandum (EM) for ‘Shared services for new small agencies in the Australian Government’ was issued on 20 June 2011 and requires that newly established small agencies obtain their corporate services from their parent agency or another existing shared service provider within the Australian Government unless there are demonstrable net benefits of doing otherwise. Further improvements to small agency efficiency are being considered as part of CFAR.



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