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Chapter 1 JCPAA functions and methods of operation

[1]       The Act can be viewed at the Committee’s website at

[2]       JCPAA, Report 411: Progress on equipment acquisition and financial reporting in Defence, August 2008, p. 158. 

[3]       Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Materiel Acquisition and Management in Defence, March 2003, p. 79.

Chapter 2 Summary of activities for 2009-10

[1]       JCPAA, Report 419: Inquiry into the Auditor-General Act 1997, December 2010.

[2]       In March 2010 the Government announced a further revised framework for government advertising following a review by former senior public servant Dr Allan Hawke AC.  As a result of the review the Auditor-General’s role in scrutinising proposed advertising campaigns before their launch was abolished.

[3]       JCPAA, Report 418: Review of Auditor-General’s Reports Nos. 4 to 38 (2009-10), December 2010.

[4]       See statement at

[5]       ANAO, Audit Report No. 8 2009-10, The Australian Taxation Office’s Implementation of the Change Program: a Strategic Overview, October 2009.

[6]       See

[7]       Mr Geoff Wilson, Australian National Audit Office - IT Performance Review, May 2010, available at

Appendix B – Committee expenses 2009-10

[1]       The secretariat also supported the House of Representative Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Innovation during 2009-10.  The figure for secretariat staffing expenses for the JCPAA excludes an estimation of such expenses devoted solely to the House committee.


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