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Indigenous Law and Justice Inquiry

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Submissions to this inquiry were received from the following individuals/organisations and copies of some of those submissions are available on this site or from the Committee Secretariat. Further submissions will be made available on this site as original paper copies are converted to electronic documents.

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There are a total of 44 submissions in the following list.

  1. Ms Jennifer Saunders (pdf 16KB)
  2. Western Aboriginal Legal Service (pdf 42KB)
  3. South Eastern Aboriginal Legal Service (SEALS) (pdf 51KB)
  4. The Law Society of South Australia (pdf 19KB)
  5. Freehills Law Firm (pdf 23KB)
  6. Ngalaya Aboriginal Corporation (pdf 19KB)
  7. Country Women's Association of NSW (pdf 28KB)
  8. Central Australian Womens Legal Service Inc (CAWLS) (pdf 270KB)
  9. Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service (pdf 63KB)
  10. Womens Legal Services (pdf 73KB)
  11. Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc (ALRM) (pdf 550KB)
  12. Central Australian Aboriginal Legal and Service Inc (CAALAS) (pdf 40KB)
  13. North Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service (NAALAS) (pdf 42KB)
  14. Attorney-General, South Australia (pdf 2,094KB)
  15. Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co operative Ltd (pdf 156KB)
  16. The Law Society of New South Wales (pdf 20KB)
  17. Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission (pdf 67KB)
  18. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (ATSIS) (pdf 135KB)
  19. Access to Justice Committee of the Law Council of Australia (pdf 108KB)
  20. ATSIC Yilli Rreung Regional Council (pdf 75KB)
  21. South Eastern Aboriginal Legal Service(SEALS) (pdf 701KB)
  22. National Legal Aid (pdf 32KB)
  23. Women's Legal Service, SA Inc (pdf 84KB)
  24. Aboriginal Law & Justice Strategy & Kurduju Regional Crime Prevention Committee (pdf 85KB)
  25. Legal Aid Commission of NSW (pdf 241KB)
  26. Top End Women's Legal Service (TEWLS) (pdf 75KB)
  27. Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council (pdf 1,107KB)
  28. Many Rivers Aboriginal Legal Service (pdf 368KB)
  29. Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (pdf 72KB)
  30. Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women's Legal Centre (pdf 86KB)
  31. Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission (pdf 171KB)
  32. Pipers Barristers and Solicitors (pdf 293KB)
  33. Central Australian Women's Legal Service Inc (Supplementary No 8) (pdf 171KB)
  34. Womens's Legal Services SA Inc (pdf 293KB)
  35. National Association of Community Legal Centres (pdf 92KB)
  36. Attorney-General's Department (pdf 468KB)
  37. Legal Services Commission of South Australia (pdf 129KB)
  38. Northern Territory Government (pdf 72KB)
  39. Legal Aid Commission of NSW (pdf 797KB)
  40. The Law Society of South Australia (pdf 536KB)
  41. Western NSW Community Legal Centre Inc. (pdf 393KB)
  42. Western NSW Community Legal Centre Inc. (pdf 308KB)
  43. Newcastle Aboriginal Support Group (pdf 22KB)
  44. Attorney-General's Department (pdf 241KB)

