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Chapter 1 Introduction

Background to the review

1.1                   The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) has a statutory duty to examine all reports of the Auditor-General that are presented to the Australian Parliament, and report the results of its deliberations to both Houses of Parliament. In selecting audit reports for detailed review, the Committee considers factors such as:

    • the significance of the program or issues raised in audit reports;

    • the significance of the audit findings;

    • the arguments advanced by the audited agencies; and

    • the public interest value of the report.

1.2                   The Committee reviewed the nine audit reports presented to Parliament by the Auditor-General between August and November 2012.  

1.3                   The Committee decided to focus on recent developments in Indigenous service delivery, and in doing so selected Audit Report No.8 2012–13 Australian Government Coordination Arrangements for Indigenous Programs for detailed review.

1.4                   The Committee decided to expand the inquiry to obtain a fuller picture of the issues facing Indigenous service delivery at a range of levels by:

    • concurrently examining two earlier Indigenous audit reports, in addition to the selected report:

      • Audit Report No.43 2011–12 National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery

      • Audit Report No. 26 2011–12 Capacity Development for Indigenous Service Delivery;

    • inviting the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner to submit comments on the audits under review; and
    • calling the COAG Reform Council to appear at a public hearing to discuss progress on the COAG’s National Indigenous Reform Agenda.

1.5                   Public hearings were held in Canberra on:

    • Wednesday, 6 February 2013

    • Wednesday, 13 March 2013

    • Wednesday, 20 March 2013.

The Committee’s report

1.6                   This report of the Committee’s examination draws attention to the main issues raised at the respective public hearings, in submissions and in responses to questions on notice. Where appropriate, the Committee has commented on unresolved or contentious issues, and has made recommendations.

1.7                   The Committee’s report is structured as follows:

    • Chapter 2 – Audit Report No.8 2012–13 Australian Government coordination arrangements for Indigenous programs

    • Chapter 3 – Audit Report No.43 2011–12 National Partnership Agreement on Remote Service Delivery

    • Chapter 4 – Audit Report No.26 2011–12 Capacity development for Indigenous service delivery

1.8                   The following appendices provide additional information:

    • Appendix A—List of submissions

    • Appendix B—List of public hearings and witnesses

1.9                   A copy of this report, transcripts of hearings and submissions—including responses to the Committee’s written questions—are available on the Committee’s website:

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