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Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Full list of completed inquiries and reports
Reviews of Auditor-General's Reports


Review of Auditor-General's Reports Nos. 4 to 21 (2009-10)

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On Wednesday, 22 December 2010, the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit tabled its report on the review of Auditor General's Reports Nos. 04 to 38(2009/10) entitled Report 418 - Review of Auditor-General's Reports Nos. 04 to 38 (2009/10).

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Report accessibility:

If you have difficulty accessing the report, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

This report is comprised of preliminary pages, 10 chapters and 3 appendices.

REPORT 418: Review of Auditor-General's Reports Nos. 04 to 38 (2009-10)

Preliminary pages (PDF415KB)
Contents, Foreword, Committee Membership, Terms of Reference, List of Abbreviations and List of Recommendations

Chapter 1 (PDF 194KB)

Chapter 2 (PDF 343KB)
Administration of Grants by the National Health and Medical Research Council

Chapter 3 (PDF 400KB)
The Australian Taxation Office's Implementation of the Change Program: a strategic overview

Chapter 4 (PDF 366KB)
Processing of Incoming International Air Passengers

Chapter 5 (PDF 335KB)
AusAID's Management of the Expanding Australian Aid Program

Chapter 6 (PDF 310KB)
The National Broadband Network Request for Proposal Process

Chapter 7 (PDF 304KB)
Administration of Climate Change Programs

Chapter 8 (PDF 353KB)
Coordination and Reporting of Australia's Climate Change Measures

Chapter 9 (PDF 297KB)
Management of the AusLink Roads to Recovery Program

Chapter 10 (PDF 294KB)
Building the Education Revolution - Primary Schools for the 21st Century

Appendix A (PDF 102KB)
List of Submissions

Appendix B (PDF 147KB)
List of Public Hearings
