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Report 417: Review of Auditor-General's Reports tabled between February 2009 and September 2009

22 June 2010

© Commonwealth of Australia 2010
ISBN 978-0-642-79248-8 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-0-642-79249-5 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1735KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary Pages (PDF 424KB)

Membership of the Committee
Committee Secretariat
List of abbreviations
List of recommendations

Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 193KB)

Background to the review
The Committee’s report

Chapter 2 Green Office Procurement and Sustainable Office Management (PDF 348KB)

Audit Report No. 25 2008-09
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Green information technology
Green buildings
Resource and waste management
Green car programs

Chapter 3 Management of the M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier Upgrade Project (PDF 306KB)

Audit Report No. 27 2008-09
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Scope changes
Capability of the M113
Timely delivery of the project
Value for money

Chapter 4 Quality and Integrity of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Income Support Records (PDF 439KB)

Audit Report No. 28 2008-09
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Current status of the Cúram project
Data integrity
Update of clients’ asset records
Incomplete electronic records of service
Corporate knowledge and key staff

Chapter 5 Management of the Movement Alert List (PDF 349KB)

Audit Report No. 35 2008-09
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Australian citizens on MAL
Access by external agencies
Data population
Quality control of data
Measurement and reporting
Effectiveness of MAL
Confidence in MAL
Child support and abduction
Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

Chapter 6 Settlement Grants Program (PDF 366KB)

Audit Report No. 36 2008-09
Settlement Grants Program
The Audit
Overall audit conclusions
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Effectiveness of the SGP
Identifying settlement needs
Five-year focus of the SGP
Risk management
Scope of grants following funding announcement
IT system stability
Future of the Grants Management System (GMS)

Chapter 7 Planning and Allocating Aged Care Places and Capital Grants (PDF 247KB)

Audit Report No. 40 2008-09
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Debriefing of unsuccessful applicants
Requirements of special needs groups
Review of planning ratios and allocation process
Indigenous allocation
Costs of key components of the Aged Care Approvals Rounds
Post-allocation monitoring of providers

Chapter 8 Construction of the Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre (PDF 307KB)

Audit Report No. 43 2008-09
Respecified project
The Audit
Overall audit conclusions
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Structural sustainability of the centre
 Transfer of responsibility for the project to Finance
Unique nature of the project
Cost estimates
Overlapping of design and construction phases
Post-implementation review
Protocols for whole-of-government contracts

Chapter 9 Planning and Approval of Defence Major Capital Equipment Projects (PDF 463KB)

Audit Report No. 48 2008-2009
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Individually tailoring project requirements
Description of technical risk and presentation of cost estimates in capability development Cabinet submissions
Involvement of the Department of Finance in verifying cost estimates in Cabinet submissions
Records management within Defence
The relationship between the Performance Audit and the Major Projects Report

Chapter 10 Protection of Residential Aged Care Accommodation Bonds (PDF 451KB)

Audit Report No. 05 2009-10
Regulatory framework
DoHA’s prudential regulation function
Recent developments
The Audit
Overall audit conclusion
ANAO recommendations
The Committee’s review
Risk management
Record keeping and documentation
Assisting aged care providers and identifying at risk providers
Non-compliance issues
Liquidity of providers
Impact of property and ownership structure
Investing and using bond money
Smaller providers in low-income areas

Appendix A – List of submissions (PDF 99KB)

Review of Auditor-General’s Reports Nos. 18 to 31 (2008/09)
Review of Auditor-General’s Reports Nos. 32 (2008/09) to 1 (2009/10)

Appendix B – List of exhibits (PDF 115KB)

Review of Auditor-General’s Reports Nos. 18 to 31 (2008/09)

Appendix C – Details of Public Hearings (PDF 152KB)

Review of Auditor-General’s Reports Nos. 18 to 31 (2008/09)
