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Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Report 404 Review of Auditor-General’s Reports

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Appendix A – Conduct of the Committee’s review


Selection of Audit Reports: 3rd and 4th Quarter 2003-04


In May 2004 the Committee considered fourteen audit reports tabled in the third quarter of 2003-2004 and four audit reports tabled in the fourth quarter of 2003-2004. These were:

  • No. 25 Performance Audit
    Intellectual Property Policies and Practices in Commonwealth Agencies
    Across Agency
  • No. 26 Performance Audit
    Supporting Managers - Financial Management in the Health Insurance Commission
    Health Insurance Commission
  • � No. 27 Performance Audit
    Management of Internet Portals at the Department of Family and Community Services
    Department of Family and Community Services
  • No. 28 Audit Activity Report
    Audit Activity Report: July to December 2003
    Audit Activity Report
  • No. 29 Performance Audit
    Governance of the National Health and Medical Research Council
    National Health and Medical Research Council
    Department of Health and Ageing
  • No. 30 Performance Audit
    Quality Internet Services for Government Clients - Monitoring and Evaluation by Government Agencies
    Across Agency
  • No. 31 Business Support Process Audit
    The Senate Order for Departmental and Agency Contracts (Financial Year 2002-2003 Compliance)
    Across Agency
  • No. 32 Performance Audit
    Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft: Project Management
    Department of Defence
  • No. 33 Performance Audit
    The Australian Taxation Office's Collection and Management of Activity Statement Information
    Australian Taxation Office
  • No. 34 Performance Audit
    The Administration of Major Programs
    Australian Greenhouse Office
  • No. 35 Business Support Process Audit
    Compensation Payment and Debt Relief in Special Circumstances
    Across Agency
  • No. 36 Performance Audit
    The Commonwealth's Administration of the Dairy Industry Adjustment Package
    Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Dairy Adjustment Authority
  • No. 37 Performance Audit
    National Marine Unit
    Australian Customs Service
  • No. 38 Performance Audit
    Corporate Governance in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Follow-up Audit
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  • No. 39 Performance Audit
    Integrity of the Electoral Roll - Follow-up Audit
    Australian Electoral Commission
  • No. 40 Performance Audit
    Department of Health and Ageing's Management of the Multipurpose Services Program and the Regional Health Services Program
    Department of Health and Ageing
  • No. 41 Performance Audit
    Management of Repatriation Health Cards
    Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • No. 42 Business Support Process Audit
    Financial Delegations for the Expenditure of Public Monies in FMA Agencies
    Across Agency

The Committee decided to take evidence at public hearings on the following audit reports:

  • No. 25 Performance Audit
    Intellectual Property Policies and Practices in Commonwealth Agencies
    Across Agency
  • No. 34 Performance Audit
    The Administration of Major Programs
    Australian Greenhouse Office
  • No. 36 Performance Audit
    The Commonwealth's Administration of the Dairy Industry Adjustment Package
    Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Dairy Adjustment Authority

At the dissolution of the 40th Parliament on 31 August 2004, the inquiries into the above reports lapsed. However, in December 2004 the JCPAA of the 41st Parliament resolved to continue the above inquiries, and to accept the evidence received in the previous Parliament.


Selection of Audit Reports: 4th Quarter 2003-04


In February 2005 the Committee considered the following Audit Reports, which were tabled in the 4th Quarter of 2003-04:

  • No. 43 Performance Audit
    Defence Force Preparedness Management Systems
    Department of Defence
  • No. 44 Performance Audit
    National Aboriginal Health Strategy Delivery of Housing and Infrastructure to Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Communities Follow-up Audit
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services
  • No. 45 Performance Audit
    Army Individual Readiness Notice Follow-up Audit
    Department of Defence
  • No. 46 Performance Audit
    Client Service in the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Magistrates Court
    Family Court of Australia, Federal Magistrates Court
  • No. 47 Performance Audit
    Developing Air Force’s Combat Aircrew
    Department of Defence
  • No. 48 Performance Audit
    The Australian Taxation Office~ Management and Use of Annual Investment Income Reports
    Australian Taxation Office
  • No. 49 Business Support Process Audit
    The Use and Management of HRJS in the Australian Public Service
    Across Agency
  • No. 50 Performance Audit
    Management of Federal Airport Leases
    Department of Transport and Regional Services
  • No. 51 Performance Audit
    HIH Claims Support Scheme - Governance Arrangements
    Department of the Treasury
  • No. 52 Performance Audit
    Information Technology in the Department of Veterans’Affairs-Fol1ow-up Audit
    Department of Veteran’s Affairs
  • No. 53 Performance Audit
    The Implementation of CrimTrac
  • No. 54 Performance Audit
    Management of the Detention Centre Contracts--Part A
    Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
  • No. 55 Protective Security Audit
    Management of Protective Security
    Across Agency
  • No. 56 Performance Audit
    Management of the Processing of Asylum Seekers
    Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
  • No. 57 Business Support Process Audit
    Administration of Freedom of Information Requests
    Across Agency
  • No. 58 Financial Statement Audit
    Control Structures as part of the Audit of Financial Statements of Major Australian Government Entities for the Year Ending 30 June 2004
    Across Agency
  • No. 59 Performance Audit
    Defence’s Project Bushranger: Acquisition of Infantry Mobility Vehicles
    Department of Defence

Selection of Audit Reports: 1st and 2nd Quarter 2004-05


In February 2005 the Committee considered the following Audit Reports, which were tabled in the 1st and Second Quarters of 2004-05:

  • No. 1 Performance Audit
    Sale and Leaseback of the Australian Defence College Weston Creek
    Department of Defence
  • No. 2 Performance Audit
    Onshore Compliance – Visa Overstayers and Non-Citizens Working Illegally
    Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
  • No. 3 Business Support Process Audit
    Management of Internal Audit in Commonwealth Organisations
    Across Agency
  • No. 4 Performance Audit
    Management of Customer Debt
  • No. 5 Performance Audit
    Management of Standard Defence Supply System Upgrade
    Department of Defence
  • No. 6 Performance Audit
    Performance Management in the Australian Public Service
    Across Agency
  • No. 7 Performance Audit
    Administration of Taxation Rulings Follow-up Audit
    Australian Taxation Office
  • No. 8 Performance Audit
    Management of Bilateral Relations with Selected Countries
    Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • No. 9 Performance Audit
    Assistance Provided to Personnel Leaving the ADF
    Department of Defence; Department of Veteran’s Affairs
  • No. 10 Business Support Process Audit
    The Senate Order for Departmental and Agency Contracts (Calendar Year 2003 Compliance)
    Across Agency
  • No. 11 Performance Audit
    Commonwealth Entities' Foreign Exchange Risk Management
    Department of Finance and Administration
  • No. 12 Performance Audit
    Research Project Management Follow-up Audit
    Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
  • No. 13 Business Support Process Audit
    Superannuation Payments for Independent Contractors working for the
    Australian Government
    Across Agency
  • No. 14 Performance Audit
    Management and Promotion of Citizenship Services
    Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
  • No. 15 Performance Audit
    Financial Management of Special Appropriations
    Across Agency
  • No. 16 Performance Audit
    Container Examination Facilities
    Australian Customs Service
  • No. 17 Performance Audit
    The Administration of the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality
    Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Department of the Environment and Heritage
  • No. 18 Performance Audit
    Regulation of Non-prescription Medicinal Products
    Department of Health and Ageing - Therapeutic Goods Administration
  • No. 19 Performance Audit
    Taxpayers' Charter
    Australian Taxation Office
  • No. 20 Performance Audit
    Management of the Energy Grants (Credit) Scheme
    The Australian Taxation Office
  • No. 21 Performance Audit
    Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities for the Period Ended 30 June 2004
    Across agency

The JCPAA discussed the above audit reports and considered whether the issues and findings in the reports warranted further examination at a public hearing. In making this assessment the Committee considered, in relation to each audit report:

  • the significance of the program or issues canvassed in the audit report;
  • the significance of the audit findings;
  • the response of the audited agencies, as detailed in each audit report; and
  • the extent of any public interest in the audit repo

The Committee selected the following reports for review:

2003-04, 4th Quarter:

  • No. 46 Performance Audit
    Client Service in the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Magistrates Court
    Family Court of Australia, Federal Magistrates Court
  • No. 50 Performance Audit
    Management of Federal Airport Leases
    Department of Transport and Regional Services

2004-05, First and Second Quarters:

  • No. 4 Performance Audit
    Management of Customer Debt
  • No. 5 Performance Audit
    Management of Standard Defence Supply System Upgrade
    Department of Defence
  • No. 21 Performance Audit
    Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities for the Period Ended 30 June 2004
    Across agency
  • No. 15 Performance Audit
    Financial Management of Special Appropriations
    Across Agency
  • No. 16 Performance Audit
    Container Examination Facilities
    Australian Customs Service
  • No. 18 Performance Audit
    Regulation of Non-prescription Medicinal Products
    Department of Health and Ageing - Therapeutic Goods Administration

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