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Chapter 1 Introduction

[1]       Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Report into Materiel Acquisition and Management in Defence, March 2003, pp. xv-xvi.

[2]       Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951 (Cth), 8(1)(c).

Chapter 2 Major Projects Report 2010-11

[1]       Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, Australian National Audit Office, Canberra, p. 29.

[2]       ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 30-31.

[3]       ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 16.

[4]       ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 13.

[5]       ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 13.

[6]       ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, pp. 142-143.

[7]       ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 49.

[8]       ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 52.

[9]       ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 51.

[10]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 62.

[11]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 62.

[12]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 67.

[13]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 69.

[14]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 51.

[15]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 24.

[16]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, pp. 71 and 111.

[17]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, pp. 168-170.

[18]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 16.

[19]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 32.

[20]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 17.

[21]     Defence Materiel Organisation, DMO 2011-12 Major Projects Report Guidelines, p. 3.

[22]     Defence Materiel Organisation, DMO 2011-12 Major Projects Report Guidelines, p. 4.

Chapter 3 Committee review - Evaluation

[1]       Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, Australian National Audit Office, Canberra, pp. 68-69.

[2]       Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA), Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report, April 2011.

[3]       Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), 2008-09 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, Australian National Audit Office, Canberra, pp. 56-58; ANAO, 2009-10 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, Australian National Audit Office, Canberra, pp. 100-101.

[4]       Department of Defence – Defence Materiel Organisation, ‘A Financial Performance Reporting Proposal for the Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report: A response to Recommendation 7 of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report’, p. 4. (See Appendix C)

[5]       For a definition of the various dollar types see Department of Defence – Defence Materiel Organisation, ‘A Financial Performance Reporting Proposal for the Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report: A response to Recommendation 7 of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report’, p. 2. (See Appendix C)

[6]       JCPAA, Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report, p. 35.

[7]       JCPAA, Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report, p. 35.

[8]       JCPAA, Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report, p. 37.

[9]       Department of Defence - Defence Materiel Organisation, ‘A Financial Performance Reporting Proposal for the Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report: A response to Recommendation 7 of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report, p. 13. (See Appendix C)

[10]     Correspondence from Mr Ian McPhee, Auditor-General to Mr Robert Oakeshott, Chair, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. (See Appendix D)

[11]     Correspondence from Mr Ian McPhee, Auditor-General to Mr Robert Oakeshott, Chair, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. (See Appendix D)

[12]     Correspondence from Mr Ian McPhee, Auditor-General to Mr Robert Oakeshott, Chair, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. (See Appendix D)

[13]     Correspondence from Mr Warren King, Chief Executive Officer, Defence Materiel Organisation to Mr Robert Oakeshott, Chair, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. (See Appendix E)

[14]     Correspondence from Mr Warren King, Chief Executive Officer, Defence Materiel Organisation to Mr Robert Oakeshott, Chair, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. (See Appendix E)

[15]     Correspondence from Mr Warren King, Chief Executive Officer, Defence Materiel Organisation to Mr Robert Oakeshott, Chair, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. (See Appendix E)

[16]     Mr Ian McPhee, Auditor-General, Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 2.

[17]     Mr Warren King, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 4.

[18]     Mr King, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 4.

[19]     Mr King, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 4.

[20]     Mr King, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 4.

[21]     Mr King, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 4.

[22]     Mr King, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 5.

[23]     Mr King, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 5.

[24]     Mr Steve Wearn, Chief Finance Officer, Defence Material Organisation (DMO), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 5.

[25]     Mr Wearn, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 5.

[26]     Mr Wearn, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 5.

[27]     Mr McPhee, ANAO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 5.

[28]     Mr McPhee, ANAO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 5.

[29]     Mr McPhee, ANAO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 6.

[30]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, pp. 84-85.

[31]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 84.

[32]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 40.

[33]     Mr E.J. Bushell, Air Commodore, RAAF, Rtd, Submission 1, p. 11.

[34]     Mr Bushell, Submission 1, p. 11.

[35]     Defence Materiel Organisation, Submission 3, Answer to Question on Notice, Question 5.

[36]     JCPAA, Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report, p. 30.

[37]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 22.

[38]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 22.

[39]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 51.

[40]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 51.

[41]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 62.

[42]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 118.

[43]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, pp. 62-63.

[44]     Defence Materiel Organisation, Submission 3, Answer to Question on Notice, Question 1.

[45]     Defence Materiel Organisation, Submission 3, Answer to Question on Notice, Question 3.

[46]     Defence Materiel Organisation, Submission 3, Answer to Question on Notice, Question 2.

[47]     Defence Materiel Organisation, Submission 3, Answer to Question on Notice, Question 2.

[48]     Defence Materiel Organisation, Submission 3, Answer to Question on Notice, Question 2.

[49]     JCPAA, Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report, p. 20.

[50]     JCPAA, Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report, p. 20.

[51]     Department of Defence, ‘Government Response to Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report’. (See Appendix F)

[52]     The Fundamental Inputs to Capability (FIC) are: organisation, personnel, collective training, materiel systems, supplies, facilities, support, command, and management. See ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 111.

[53]     Department of Defence, ‘Government Response to Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report’. (See Appendix F)

[54]     Department of Defence – Defence Materiel Organisation, ‘Proposal to establish exit critera (sic)  for projects in the Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report: Additional submission to ‘Government Response to the JCPAA Report 422: Review of the 2009-10 Defence Materiel Organisation Major Projects Report’ of 8 November 2011, regarding Recommendations 3 and 4. (See Appendix G)

[55]     Ms Shireane McKinnie, General Manager Systems, Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO), Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 2.

[56]     Mr McPhee, ANAO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 2.

[57]     Defence Materiel Organisation, Submission 3, Answer to Question on Notice, Question 6.

[58]     ANAO, 2010-11 Major Projects Report: Defence Materiel Organisation, p. 95.

[59]     Mr King, DMO, Committee Hansard, Canberra, 21 March 2012, p. 1.

[60]     Defence Materiel Organisation, Submission 3, Answer to Question on Notice, Question 4.

Dissenting Report—Senator Mark Bishop

[1]       DMO response to Recommendation No. 7 JCPAA Report 422, paragraph 15.

[2]       JCPAA Report 429, paragraph 3.23.

Appendix C

[1]       In the 2007-08 and 2008-09 Major Projects Reports, the base date value requirement only applied to the prime contract details provided in Table 2.7. The "base date" was taken as the date of contract signature unless otherwise specified in the contract. For the later MPRs, the term "base date" has not been defined and has been variously taken to mean prime contract signature date, Government Approval date and Government Second Pass Approval date.

[2]      Method used to present forward looking cost estimates for Government consideration.

[3]     Defence Materiel Organisation - Major Projects Report 2007-08 ANAO Report No. 9 2008-09, p. 96

[4]      excluding the effect of inflation and exchange variation from the date of signature.
