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Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Full list of completed inquiries and reports

Committee members - 44th Parliament

Under the Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951, the Committee consists of 16 members of Parliament, including 6 Senators and 10 Members of the House of Representatives.

Dr Andrew Southcott MP Chair (Liberal Party of Australia, Boothby SA)

Mr Pat Conroy MP Deputy Chair (Australian Labor Party, Charlton NSW)

Senator Cory Bernardi (Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for SA)

Ms Gai Brodtmann MP (Australian Labor Party, Canberra ACT)

Ms Lisa Chesters MP (Australian Labor Party, Bendigo VIC)

Senator Alex Gallacher (Australian Labor Party, Senator for SA)

Mr Craig Laundy MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Reid NSW)

Senator the Hon Kate Lundy (Australian Labor Party, Senator for ACT)

Senator Anne Ruston (Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for SA)

Senator Dean Smith (Liberal Party of Australia, Senator for WA)

The Hon Tony Smith MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Casey VIC)

Mrs Jane Prentice MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Ryan QLD)

Mr Michael Sukkar MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Deakin VIC)

Mr Angus Taylor MP (Liberal Party of Australia, Hume NSW)

Mr Tim Watts MP (Australian Labor Party, Gellibrand VIC)

Committee Secretary
Mr David Brunoro
Ph: 02 6277 4615


For further information on the Committee and its Sectional Committees contact the Committee Secretariat.