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Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry home | Submissions | Public hearings | Media releases | Preliminary report | Final report

Terms of Reference

  1. a Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government be appointed to inquire into and report on the majority finding (financial recognition) of the Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Local Government including by amending section 96 of the Constitution, and in conducting its inquiry, the Committee will assess the likelihood of success of a referendum on financial recognition, and will take into account the following matters:

    1. the report of the Expert Panel on constitutional recognition of Local Government, including preconditions set by the Expert Panel for the holding of a referendum;

    2. the level of State and Territory support;

    3. the potential consequences for Local Government, States and Territories of such an amendment; and

    4. any other matters that the Committee considers may be relevant to a decision on whether to conduct a referendum, and the timing of any referendum.
