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Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

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Report 94 Treaties tabled on 14 May 2008

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Appendix A – Submissions

Treaties tabled 14 May 2008

Agreement with the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the Use of Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes

1 Australian Patriot Movement
1.3 Australian Patriot Movement
2 Professor Richard Broinowski
3 Australian Uranium Association
3.1 Australian Uranium Association 
4 Ms Rosalind Byass
5 Department of the Premier and Cabinet
6 Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)
6.1 Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)
6.2 Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)
7 International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
7.1 International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
8 Australian Conservation Foundation
9 Paladin Resources Limited
10 NSW Government
13 Greenpeace Russia
14 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Australian Section) Inc
15 The Wilderness Society Inc
16 Ms Mary Cusack
17 Friends of the Earth, Australia
17.1 Friends of the Earth, Australia 
17.2 Friends of the Earth, Australia 
17.3 Friends of the Earth, Australia
18 Professor Richard Broinowski
20 Mr Egor Sofronov
21 Queensland Government
22 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
22.1 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 
22.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America Concerning Defense Trade Cooperation

11 Dr Simon Rice, Director of Law Reform and Social Justice, ANU College of Law
11.1 Dr Simon Rice, Director of Law Reform and Social Justice, ANU College of Law
12 CEA Technologies Pty Ltd
19 Department of Premier and Cabinet
23 Department of Defence

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