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Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Treaties tabled on 15 and 16 June 2010

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Terms of Reference

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There is currently a total of 10 treaties in the following list.

The following treaties were tabled on 15 June 2010

  • Treaty text: Second Protocol to the Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Austria on Social Security (Vienna, 17 February 2010) (PDF 43KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation on social security (PDF 38KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
    Letters: not applicable

  • Treaty text: 2010 Amendments to Appendices I and II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, done at Doha on 25 March 2010 (PDF 29KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (PDF 85KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
    Letters: not applicable

  • Treaty text: United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts, done at New York on 23 November 2005 (PDF 59KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts (PDF 46KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
    Letters: not applicable

  • Treaty text: Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness Covering Design Approval, Production Activities, Export Airworthiness Approval, Post Design Approval Activities, and Technical Assistance Between Authorities under the Agreement on the Promotion of Aviation Safety Between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America, done at Canberra on 21 June 2005. (7 May 2010) (PDF 289KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation for Airworthiness Covering Design Approval (PDF 53KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: RIS (PDF 44KB)
    Letters: not applicable

  • Treaty text: Universal Postal Union: Eighth Additional Protocol to the Constitution of 10 July 1964, as Amended; Convention and Final Protocol; First Additional Protocol to the General Regulations; Postal Payment Services Agreement done at Geneva on 12 August 2008 (PDF 1334KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation on the Universal Postal Union (PDF 50KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
    Letters: not applicable

  • Treaty text: Amendments to the Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization adopted at the Twentieth Session of the Assembly, done at Malta on 2 October 2008 (PDF 368KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation on the International Mobile Satellite Organization (PDF 33KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
    Letters: not applicable

  • Treaty text: Convention between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion (PDF 80KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes (PDF 47KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: RIS (PDF 42KB)
    Letters: not applicable

  • Treaty text: World Wine Trade Group Agreement on Requirements for Wine Labelling, Canberra, 23 January 2007 (PDF 195KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation for Wine Labelling (PDF 74KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: RIS (PDF 63KB)
    Letters: not applicable

  • Treaty text: The Agreement Establishing the Advisory Centre on WTO Law (Seattle, 30 November 1999) (PDF 149KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation on WTO Law (PDF 36KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
    Letters: not applicable

The following treaty was tabled on 16 June 2010
  • Treaty text: Exchange of Notes Amending Annex 4-A of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (Done at Washington on 18 May 2004) (PDF 14KB)
  • Related documents: NIA and Consultation on the United States Free Trade Agreement (PDF 25KB)
    Regulation Impact Statement: not applicable
    Letters: not applicable

The Committee invites interested persons and organisations to make submissions addressing the terms of reference by Friday 16 July 2010. Anyone now seeking to make a submission should contact the Committee Secretariat. Please refer to our brochure called preparing a submission for more information.

Printed copies of the National Interest Analyses and treaty texts for these proposed treaty actions can also be obtained from the Committee Secretariat.
