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Chapter 2 Measure 1 (2005) Annex VI to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty: Liability arising from environmental emergencies (Stockholm, 17 June 2005)

[1]       National Interest Analysis [2011] ATNIA 13 with attachment on consultation Measure 1 (2005) Annex VI to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty: Liability arising from environmental emergencies(Stockholm, 17 June 2005), [2011] ATNIF 7; National Interest Analysis [2011] ATNIA 14 with attachment on consultation Measure 4 (2004) Insurance and contingency planning for tourism and non-governmental activities in the Antarctic Treaty area (Cape Town, 4 June 2004) [2011] ATNIF 8;  National Interest Analysis [2011] ATNIA 15 with attachment on consultation Measure 15 (2009) Landing of persons from passenger vessels in the Antarctic Treaty area (Baltimore, 17 April 2009) [2011] ATNIF 9; para 1.  (Hereafter referred to as ‘NIA’ ‘Measure 1’, ‘Measure 4 and/or  ‘Measure 15’)

[2]       ‘Australian Antarctic Division: Treaty Partners’, <>, accessed 13 September 2011.

[3]       ‘Australian Antarctic Division: Treaty Partners’, <>, accessed 13 September 2011.

[4]       NIA Measure 1, Measure 4 and Measure 15, para 6.

[5]       NIA Measure 1, Measure 4 and Measure 15, para 7.

[6]       Regulation Impact Statement (RIS), Measure 1, para. 1.8.

[7]       RIS, Measure 15, paras. 1.3 & 1.4.

[8]       RIS, Measure 1, para. 1.8.

[9]       RIS, Measure 1, paras. 1.8 & 1.9.

[10]     RIS, Measure 4, para. 1.5.

[11]     NIA Measure 4, para. 10.

[12]     RIS, Measure 1, para. 1.7.

[13]     RIS, Measure 1, para. 1.8.

[14]     RIS, Measure 1, para. 1.9

[15]     NIA Measure 15, para. 9

[16]     NIA Measure 15, para. 10.

[17]     RIS, Measure 15, paras. 1.3 & 1.4.

[18]     RIS, Measure 1, paras. 1.17 & 1.19; RIS, Measure 4, para 1.14 – 1.15, & RIS, Measure 15, para. 4.14.

[19]     Mr Jonathon Barrington, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic branch, Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Sustainability , Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 22 August 2011, p. 6.

[20]     Mr Jonathon Barrington, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic branch, Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Sustainability , Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 22 August 2011, pp. 6-7.

[21]     NIA, Measure 1, para 12; Measure 14, & 15, para. 15.

[22]     Mr Jonathon Barrington, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic branch, Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Sustainability , Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 22 August 2011, p. 8. 

[23]     NIA, Measure 1, para. 12.

[24]     Mr Jonathon Barrington, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic branch, Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Sustainability , Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Committee Hansard, 22 August 2011, pp. 7 – 8.

Chapter 3 Five tax agreements involving the Marshall Islands, Mauritius and Montserrat

[1]       Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Information Brief, September 2011, <>, viewed 18 September 2011.

[2]       OECD, The OECD’s Project on Harmful Tax Practices: 2006 Update on Progress in Member Countries, 2006, p. 3.

[3]       OECD, Harmful Tax Competition: An Emerging Global Issue, 1998, p. 71.

[4]       OECD, Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Information Brief, September 2011, <>, viewed 18 September 2011.

[5]       National Interest Analysis [2011] ATNIA 16, Agreements on the Exchange of Information with Respect to Taxes between Australia and: the Marshall Islands [2010] ATNIF 34; Mauritius [2010] ATNIF 52; and Montserrat [2010] ATNIF 50, Para. 5. Hereafter referred to as the TIEA NIA.

[6]       Mr Gregory Wood, Manager, International Tax Treaties Unit, International Tax and Treaties Division, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 2.

[7]       TIEA NIA, para. 5.

[8]       TIEA NIA, para. 6.

[9]       TIEA NIA, para. 13.

[10]     TIEA NIA, para. 13.

[11]     TIEA NIA, para. 8.

[12]     TIEA NIA, para. 27.

[13]     TIEA NIA, para. 30.

[14]     TIEA NIA, para. 30.

[15]     TIEA NIA, para. 16.

[16]     TIEA NIA, para. 16.

[17]     TIEA NIA, para. 18.

[18]     TIEA NIA, para. 18.

[19]     TIEA NIA, para. 22.

[20]     TIEA NIA, para. 23.

[21]     National Interest Analysis [2011] ATNIA 17, Agreements for the Allocation of Taxing Rights with Respect to Certain Income of Individuals and to Establish a Mutual Agreement Procedure in Respect of Transfer Pricing Adjustments between Australia and the Marshall Islands ([2010] ATNIF 36) and Mauritius ([2010] ATNIF 53), para. 8. Hereafter called the Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA.

[22]     Mrs Deborah Anne Robinson, TIEA Project Leader, Internationals, Large Business and Internationals, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 4.

[23]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 18.

[24]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 22.

[25]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 7.

[26]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 13.

[27]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 14.

[28]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 15.

[29]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 10.

[30]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 11.

[31]     OECD, About Transfer Pricing, <> viewed 18 September 2011.

[32]     OECD, About Transfer Pricing, <> viewed 18 September 2011.

[33]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 16.

[34]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 16.

[35]     Allocation of Taxing Rights NIA, para. 16.

[36]     Mrs Deborah Anne Robinson, TIEA Project Leader, Internationals, Large Business and Internationals, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 3.

[37]     Australian Taxation Office, Compliance Program 2011-12, p. 25.

[38]     Mr Gregory Wood, Manager, International Tax Treaties Unit, International Tax and Treaties Division, Department of the Treasury, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 4.

Chapter 4 Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Hungary on Social Security (Gödöllő – 7 June 2011)

[1]       National Interest Analysis (NIA) [2011] ATNIA 19, Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Hungary on Social Security [2011] ATNIF 12, para. 3.

[2]       NIA, para. 3.

[3]       Mr Peter Hutchinson, Section Manager, Agreements, International Branch, Department of Families, Housing, community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 6.

[4]       NIA, para. 4.

[5]       NIA, para. 5.

[6]       NIA, para. 4.

[7]       Mr Peter Hutchinson, Section Manager, Agreements, International Branch, Department of Families, Housing, community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 6.

[8]       Mr Peter Hutchinson, Section Manager, Agreements, International Branch, Department of Families, Housing, community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 6.

[9]       Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Hungary on Social Security, Article 12.

[10]     Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Hungary on Social Security, Article 13.

[11]     Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Hungary on Social Security, Article 14.

[12]     Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Hungary on Social Security, Article 15.

[13]     Mr Peter Hutchinson, Section Manager, Agreements, International Branch, Department of Families, Housing, community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 8.

[14]     Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Hungary on Social Security, Article 19.

[15]     NIA, para. 15.

[16]     Mr Peter Hutchinson, Section Manager, Agreements, International Branch, Department of Families, Housing, community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 7.

[17]     Mr Peter Hutchinson, Section Manager, Agreements, International Branch, Department of Families, Housing, community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 8.

[18]     NIA, para. 17.

[19]     NIA, paras. 17-18.

[20]     NIA, para. 19.

[21]     Mr Peter Hutchinson, Section Manager, Agreements, International Branch, Department of Families, Housing, community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Committee Hansard, 12 September 2011, p. 8.
