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Preliminary Pages

Membership of the Committee



Mr Kelvin Thomson MP


Deputy Chair

Senator Simon Birmingham
(from 12/9/11)



Ms Sharon Bird MP

Senator the Hon Helen Coonan
(until 23/8/11)


Mr Jamie Briggs MP

Senator David Fawcett
(from 23/8/11)


Mr John Forrest MP

Senator Scott Ludlam


Ms Sharon Grierson MP

Senator the Hon Lisa Singh


Ms Kirsten Livermore MP

Senator Matthew Thistlethwaite


Ms Melissa Parke MP

Senator Anne Urquhart


Ms Michelle Rowland MP



The Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP



Committee Secretariat



James Catchpole

Inquiry Secretary

Kevin Bodel


Andrew Gaczol

Administrative Officers

Heidi Luschtinetz


Michaela Whyte


Resolution of Appointment


The Resolution of Appointment of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties allows it to inquire into and report on:

a)                  matters arising from treaties and related National Interest Analyses and proposed treaty actions and related Explanatory Statements presented or deemed to be presented to the Parliament;

b)                 any question relating to a treaty or other international instrument, whether or not negotiated to completion, referred to the committee by:

(i)                 either House of the Parliament, or

(ii)              a Minister; and

c)                  such other matters as may be referred to the committee by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and on such conditions as the Minister may prescribe.


List of recommendations


2     Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America Relating to the Operation of and Access to an Australian Naval Communication Station at North West Cape in Western Australia, done at Washington on 16 July 2008

Recommendation 1

The Committee supports Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America Relating to the Operation of and Access to an Australian Naval Communication Station at North West Cape in Western Australia, done at Washington on 16 July 2008 and recommends that binding treaty action be taken.

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