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Chapter 2 Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Singapore concerning the Location of a Republic of Singapore Air Force Helicopter Squadron at the Australian Army Aviation Centre Oakey done at Singapore on 1 June 2012

[1]       National Interest Analysis [2012] ATNIA 11 with attachment on consultation Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Singapore concerning the Location of a Republic of Singapore Air Force Helicopter Squadron at the Australian Army Aviation Centre Oakey done at Singapore on 1 June 2012, 2012 ATNIF 7, (Hereafter referred to as ‘NIA’), para 1.

[2]       NIA, para 2.

[3]       NIA, para 3.

[4]       NIA, para 5.

[5]       NIA, para 4.

[6]       Colonel Duncan Hayward, Director, Army International Engagement, Army Operations, Deputy Chief of Army Division, Army Headquarters, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 5.

[7]       Mr Martin Kennedy, Acting Director-General, South East Asia Branch, International Policy Division, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, pp. 6-7.

[8]       Colonel Duncan Hayward, Director, Army International Engagement, Army Operations, Deputy Chief of Army Division, Army Headquarters, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 7.

[9]       Colonel Peter Steel, Director, Exercise Planning, Joint Exercises and Evaluation Branch, Headquarters Joint Operations Command (formerly Commandant of the Army Aviation Centre, Oakey), Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 2.

[10]     Mr Martin Kennedy, Acting Director-General, South East Asia Branch, International Policy Division, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 3.

[11]     Colonel Peter Steel, Director, Exercise Planning, Joint Exercises and Evaluation Branch, Headquarters Joint Operations Command (formerly Commandant of the Army Aviation Centre, Oakey), Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 4.

[12]     Evidence provided at the public hearing indicates that this access to highly sophisticated technology is an indirect benefit to Australia through the broader Singaporean armed forces – Australian armed forces relationship rather than through this specific Agreement.  See the comments made by Colonel Peter Steel, Director, Exercise Planning, Joint Exercises and Evaluation Branch, Headquarters Joint Operations Command (formerly Commandant of the Army Aviation Centre, Oakey), Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 2.

[13]     NIA, para 5.

[14]     NIA, para 6.

[15]     NIA, para 7.

[16]     NIA, para 8.

[17]     Mr Martin Kennedy, Acting Director-General, South East Asia Branch, International Policy Division, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 2.

[18]     Mr Martin Kennedy, Acting Director-General, South East Asia Branch, International Policy Division, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 4.

[19]     Apart from the Eurocopter Puma, ‘Chinook’ helicopters may also be deployed under the proposed Agreement.  Colonel Peter Steel, Director, Exercise Planning, Joint Exercises and Evaluation Branch, Headquarters Joint Operations Command (formerly Commandant of the Army Aviation Centre, Oakey), Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 3.

[20]     NIA, para 9.

[21]     NIA, para 10.

[22]     NIA, para 10.

[23]     NIA, para 11.

[24]     NIA, para 12.

[25]     NIA, para 13.

[26]     NIA, para 14.

[27]     NIA, para 15.

[28]     NIA, para 16.

[29]     NIA, para 17.

[30]     NIA, para 18.

[31]     NIA, para 19.

[32]     NIA, para 20.

[33]     NIA, para 21.

[34]     NIA, para 22.

[35]     NIA, para 23.

[36]     NIA, para 24.

[37]     NIA, para 25.

[38]     NIA, para 26.

[39]     Mr Martin Kennedy, Acting Director-General, South East Asia Branch, International Policy Division, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 2.

[40]     Colonel Charles Kevin Packham, Director of Operations and Training Area Management, Defence Support Operations, Army, Australian Defence Force, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 5.

[41]     Mr Martin Kennedy, Acting Director-General, South East Asia Branch, International Policy Division, Department of Defence, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 2.

Chapter 3 Two Tax Information Exchange Agreements

[1]       National Interest Analysis [2012] ATNIA 12 with attachment on consultation Agreements between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain on the Exchange of Information with Respect to Taxes done at Manama on 15 December 2011 [2011] ATNIF 34; and  the Government of Australia and the Government of the Principality of Andorra  on the Exchange of Information with Respect to Taxes done at New York on 24 September 2011 [2011] ATNIF 20  (hereafter referred to as ‘NIA’), para 1.

[2]       The full list of countries can be found at:, accessed 17 July 2012.  Further additional information can be found at:, accessed 17 July 2012.

[3]       NIA, para 4.

[4]       Mr Gregory Wood, Manager, International Tax Treaties Unit, International Tax & Treaties Division, Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, pp. 9-10.

[5]       NIA, para 5.

[6]       NIA, para 6.

[7]       Mr Gregory Wood, Manager, International Tax Treaties Unit, International Tax & Treaties Division, Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, pp. 10-11.

[8]       Mr Gregory Wood, Manager, International Tax Treaties Unit, International Tax & Treaties Division, Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 10.

[9]       NIA, para 7.

[10]     Further information can be found at ‘OECD – Tax Information Exchange Agreements’:,3746,en_2649_33767_38312839_1_1_1_1,00.html, accessed 17 July 2012.

[11]     NIA, para 8.

[12]     Mr Gregory Wood, Manager, International Tax Treaties Unit, International Tax & Treaties Division, Treasury, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 11.

[13]     NIA, para 9.

[14]     Miss Anna Cyran, Exchange of Information Officer, Transparency Practice – Large Business & International, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 10.

[15]     Miss Anna Cyran, Exchange of Information Officer, Transparency Practice – Large Business & International, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 10.

[16]     Mr Neil Cossins, Director, Exchange of Information Unit, Transparency Practice – Large Business & International, Australian Taxation Office, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 10.

[17]     NIA, para 11.

[18]     NIA, para 12.

[19]     NIA, para 13.

[20]     NIA, para 14.

[21]     NIA, para 15.

[22]     NIA, para 16.

[23]     NIA, para 17.

[24]     Institutions similar to trusts or foundations.

[25]     NIA, para 18.

[26]     NIA, para 19.

[27]     NIA, para 20.

[28]     NIA, para 21.

[29]     NIA, para 22.

[30]     NIA, para 23.

[31]     NIA, para 26.

[32]     NIA, para 24.

[33]     NIA, para 25.

[34]     NIA, para 26.

[35]     NIA, para 27.

[36]     NIA, para 28.

[37]     NIA, para 29.

[38]     NIA, para 30.

[39]     NIA, para 31.

Chapter 4 Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Rome, 13 June 1976)

[1]       Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 60, tabled 16 June 2004, para. 5.9.

[2]       National Interest Analysis (2012) ATNIA 13 with attachment on consultation Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Rome, 13 June 1976) [2012] ATNIF 11, (hereafter referred to as ‘NIA’), para. 4.

[3]       Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 60, tabled 16 June 2004, para. 5.4.

[4]       NIA, para. 3.

[5]       Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Rome, 13 June 1976) [2012] ATNIF 11, p. 4.

[6]       NIA, para. 7.

[7]       NIA, para. 8.

[8]       NIA, para. 10.

[9]       NIA, para. 13.

[10]     NIA, para. 10.

[11]     NIA, para. 15.

[12]     Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 60, tabled 16 June 2004, para. 5.16.

[13]     Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 60, tabled 16 June 2004, para. 5.28.

[14]     Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 60, tabled 16 June 2004, para. 5.40.

[15]     NIA. para. 8.

[16]     Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 60, tabled 16 June 2004, para. 5.20.

[17]     Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, Report 60, tabled 16 June 2004, para. 5.112.

[18]     Rebecca Bryant, Assistant Director General, Food Security, Infrastructure, Mining and Trade Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 15.

[19]     Rebecca Bryant, Assistant Director General, Food Security, Infrastructure, Mining and Trade Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 15.

[20]     NIA. para. 4.

[21]     International Fund for Agricultural Development, Strategic Framework 2011 – 2015, p. 26.

[22]     International Fund for Agricultural Development, Contacts page,, accessed on 15 August 2012.

[23]     See in particular the sections on the operation of the Fund in the Agreement, pp. 12-14.

[24]     NIA. para. 5.

[25]     NIA. para. 6.

[26]     NIA. para. 10.

[27]     NIA, para. 7.

[28]     Under the terms of the Agreement, Australians were prevented from working for the Fund while Australia was not a member state.

[29]     NIA. para. 26.

[30]     NIA. para. 27.

[31]     NIA. para. 28.

[32]     NIA, para. 13.

[33]     NIA, para. 14.

[34]     Paul Wojciechowski, Assistant Director General, Multilateral Policy and Partnerships Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 15.

[35]     NIA, para. 15.

[36]     NIA, para. 16.

[37]     NIA, para. 17.

[38]     Paul Wojciechowski, Assistant Director General, Multilateral Policy and Partnerships Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 15.

[39]     See for example NIA. para. 8.

[40]     Rebecca Bryant, Assistant Director General, Food Security, Infrastructure, Mining and Trade Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 16.

[41]     Paul Wojciechowski, Assistant Director General, Multilateral Policy and Partnerships Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 15.

[42]     The Millennium Development Goals were commissioned by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2002 to develop a concrete action plan for the world to reverse the grinding poverty, hunger and disease affecting billions of people.  Millennium Development Goal 1 is the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger.

[43]     Rebecca Bryant, Assistant Director General, Food Security, Infrastructure, Mining and Trade Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 14.

[44]     Rebecca Bryant, Assistant Director General, Food Security, Infrastructure, Mining and Trade Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 14.

[45]     Rebecca Bryant, Assistant Director General, Food Security, Infrastructure, Mining and Trade Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 14.

[46]     Bob Quiggin, Director, Food Security Policy Section, Infrastructure, Mining and Trade Branch, Australian Agency for International Development, Committee Hansard, 13 August 2012, p. 14.

[47]     International Fund for Agricultural Development, 2007,  IFAD – a key Player in Adapting to Climate Change.
