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Report 133 Treaties tabled on 1 November 2012

May 2013

© Commonwealth of Australia 2013

ISBN 978-1-74366-030-0 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-1-74366-031-7 (HTML version)

View the report as a single document - (PDF 322KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Preliminary pages (PDF 102KB)
Chapter 1 Introduction (PDF 85KB)

Purpose of the report
Conduct of the Committee’s review

Chapter 2 Six Air Agreements (PDF 173KB)

Overview and national interest summary
Basic provisions common to all Agreements
Specific provisions in each Agreement
The Sri Lanka Agreement
The Air Transport Agreement and Exchange of Notes with the United States
Amendment to the Japan Air Services Agreement
The Kenya Agreement
The Palau Agreement

Chapter 3 Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment, done at Cape Town on 16 November 2001 Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment, done at Cape Town on 16 November 2001 (PDF 121KB)

Overview and national interest summary
Reasons for Australia to take the proposed treaty action

Chapter 4 Minor Treaty Actions (PDF 74KB)

Minor treaty actions
Amendment of Australia’s Schedule annexed to the Marrakesh Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
Amendment to Annex 3 of the 2007 Agreement on Operational and Strategic Cooperation between Australia and the European Police Office

Appendix A – Submissions (PDF 23KB)
Appendix B – Witnesses (PDF 28KB)
