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Preliminary pages

Membership of the Committee


Mr Kelvin Thomson MP


Deputy Chair

Senator Julian McGauran



Mr Jamie Briggs MP

Senator Simon Birmingham


Mr John Forrest MP

Senator Michaelia Cash


Ms Jill Hall MP

Senator Don Farrell


Mrs Julia Irwin MP
(from 5/2/09 until 12/3/09)

Senator Scott Ludlam


Hon John Murphy MP
(from 12/3/09)

Senator Louise Pratt


Ms Belinda Neal MP

Senator Dana Wortley


Ms Melissa Parke MP



Mr Luke Simpkins MP



Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP


Committee Secretariat



Jerome Brown

Inquiry Secretaries

Julia Searle


Sonya Fladun

Research Officer

Geoff Wells

Administrative Officers

Heidi Luschtinetz

  Dorota Cooley

Resolution of Appointment

The Resolution of Appointment of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties allows it to inquire into and report on:

  1. matters arising from treaties and related National Interest Analyses and proposed treaty actions and related Explanatory Statements presented or deemed to be presented to the Parliament;

  2. any question relating to a treaty or other international instrument, whether or not negotiated to completion, referred to the committee by:

    1. either House of the Parliament, or

    2. a Minister; and

such other matters as may be referred to the committee by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and on such conditions as the Minister may prescribe.

List of abbreviations     

AG’s  Attorney General’s
AWBC Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation
DEWHA Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
DFAT   Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
EC European Community
MCA Music Council of Australia
MEAA Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance
NIA National Interest Analysis
RIS  Regulatory Impact Statement
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
WFA Winemakers’ Federation of Australia

List of recommendations

2 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

Recommendation 1

The Committee supports the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and recommends that binding treaty action be taken.

3 Agreement between Australia and the European Community on Trade in Wine

Recommendation 2

The Committee supports the Agreement between Australia and the European Community on Trade in Wine and recommends that binding treaty action be taken.

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