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Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Report 84 Treaty tabled on 6 December 2006

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June 2007


© Commonwealth of Australia 2007

ISBN 978 0 642 78950 1 (printed version)

ISBN 978 0 642 78951 8 (HTML version)


Membership of the Committee
Resolution of appointment
List of abbreviations
List of recommendations
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Indonesia on the Framework for Security Cooperation
Chapter 3 A broad consideration of the Agreement
Chapter 4 Cooperation provisions of the Agreement
Chapter 5 Conclusions
Appendix A - Submissions
Appendix B - Exhibits
Appendix C - Witnesses
Dissenting report

Membership of the Committee


Dr Andrew Southcott MP


Deputy Chair

Mr Kim Wilkie MP



Hon Dick Adams MP

Senator Andrew Bartlett


Mr Michael Johnson MP

Senator Carol Brown


Mr Michael Keenan MP

Senator The Hon Ian Macdonald
(from 23/3/2007)


Mr Andrew Laming MP
(from 14/2/2007)

Senator Brett Mason
(until 23/3/2007)


Mrs Margaret May MP

Senator Julian McGauran


Mrs Sophie Mirabella MP
(until 14/2/2007)

Senator Glenn Sterle


Mr Bernie Ripoll MP

Senator Russell Trood


Hon Bruce Scott MP

Senator Dana Wortley

Committee Secretariat


James Rees

Inquiry Secretary

Serica Mackay
(from 24/1/07)


Stephanie Mikac
(until 24/1/07)

Research Officer

Clare James
(from 24/1/07)

Administrative Officer

Heidi Luschtinetz


Doris Cooley
(from 1/5/07)


Resolution of appointment

The Resolution of Appointment of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties allows it to inquire into and report upon:

  1. matters arising from treaties and related National Interest Analyses and proposed treaty actions presented or deemed to be presented to the Parliament;
  2. any question relating to a treaty or other international instrument, whether or not negotiated to completion, referred to the committee by:
    1. either House of the Parliament, or
    2. a Minister; and
  3. such other matters as may be referred to the committee by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and on such conditions as the Minister may prescribe.


List of abbreviations


Australian Conservation Foundation


Australian Council for International Development


Australian Defence Force


Australian Federal Police


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation


Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office


Australian Agency for International Development




Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Joint Standing Committee on Treaties


Memorandum of Understanding


National Interest Analysis


New South Wales


Tentara Nasional Indonesia


List of recommendations

3 A broad consideration of the Agreement

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that the Australia Government continue to address widely expressed concerns about human rights in Indonesia with the Indonesian Government and in appropriate international fora.

4 Cooperation provisions of the Agreement

Recommendation 2

The Committee recommends that the Australian Government increase transparency in defence cooperation agreements to provide assurance that Australian resources do not directly or indirectly support human rights abuses in Indonesia.

Recommendation 3

The Committee recommends that the Australian Government encourage the Indonesian Government to allow greater access for the media and human rights monitors in Papua.

5 Conclusion and recommendations

Recommendation 4

The Committee recommends that the Australian Government engage in a campaign to increase public support for the Australia – Indonesia relationship. This campaign would have the goal of increasing awareness of the democratic reforms in Indonesia and the value to Australian security of strong relations with Indonesia.

Recommendation 5

The Committee supports the Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Indonesia on the Framework for Security Cooperation (Mataram, Lombok, 13 November 2006) and recommends binding treaty action be taken.

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