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Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Report 81

Treaties tabled on 8 August 2006 (2)

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Appendix B – Exhibits

1 M Campbell
Uranium (Related to Submission No. 25)
2 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Martin Ferguson and Uranium Mining (Related to Submission No. 29)
3 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Summary of Presentation (Related to Submission No. 29)
4 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Transcript: Nuclear Terrorism is a threat: El Baradei
(Related to Submission No. 29)
5 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Excerpt from "Yellow Cake Country: Australia's Uranium Industry" (Related to Submission No. 29)
6 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
The Age, 4 October 2006 'Opinion: More threat than panacea' (Related to Submission No. 29)
7 Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia
US Department of State's Adherence and Compliance with arms control, non proliferation disarmament agreements and commitments (Related to Submission No. 27)
8 Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia
CRS Report for Congress: China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues (Related to Submission No. 27)
9 People for Nuclear Disarmament, Perth
The Green's 3rd Edition, Let the Facts Speak: An Indictment of the Nuclear Industry (Related to Submission No. 19)
10 Future Directions International Pty Ltd
Australia's Energy Options, 6 October 2005 (Related to Submission No. 28)
11 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
A Guide to Administrative Arrangements (Related to Submission No. 30)

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