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Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Treaties tabled 12 August 2003.

Terms of Reference

The Committee is reviewing the following treaties tabled 12 August 2003

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Treaty National Interest Analysis Regulation Impact Statement Treaty text Letters
Agreement between Australia and the Kingdom of Belgium on the Gainful Employment of Certain Dependants of Diplomatic and Consular Personnel, done at Sydney on 19 November 2002; PDF 20KB n/a PDF 15KB n/a
Protocol, done at Sydney on 30 June 2003, concerning the Bougainville Transition Team made pursuant to the Agreement, done at Port Moresby on 5 December 1997, between Australia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, New Zealand and Vanuatu concerning the Neutral Truce Monitoring Group for Bougainville, as amended by the Protocol, done at Port Moresby on 29 April 1998; PDF 29KB n/a PDF 23KB n/a
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium on Working Holiday Arrangements (Canberra, 20 November 2002). PDF 22KB n/a PDF 15KB 34KB

The Committee invited interested persons and organisations to make submissions on the purpose or content of the treaty actions in the above list, which were tabled on 12 August, by Tuesday 26 August 2003.

Printed copies of the National Interest Analyses and treaty texts for these proposed treaty actions can also be obtained from the Committee Secretariat.
