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Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

5th Report CONTENTS



Wednesday, 30 October 1996, at Canberra

Attorney-General's Department

Dr R Balkin
Acting Senior Government Counsel

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Ms G Bird
Assistant Secretary, Peace, Arms Control and Nuclear Disarmament Branch

Mr I Cousins
First Assistant Secretary, International Security Division

Mr H Fox
Defence Policy Section

Mr J Griffin
Director, Conventional and Nuclear Disarmament Section

Australian Agency for International Development

Mr P Buckley
Manager, Asia-Pacific Humanitarian Relief Section

Department of Defence

Lieutenant Colonel G Cartledge
Director of International Law

Ms A Jackson
Assistant Secretary, Major Powers and Global Security Branch

Colonel G Pearce AM
Director of Engineers-Army

Australian Customs Service

Mr P Gulbransen
Director, Import Policy

Monday, 2 December 1996, at Canberra

Australian Council for Overseas Aid

Ms J Hunt
Executive Director

Ms P Lee
Director, Research and Information

International Committee of the Red Cross

Ms S Hoyt
Information Officer

Australian Red Cross

Mr G Boas
International Humanitarian Law Officer


Mr E Ellem
National Director

Caritas Australia

Mr L Halloran
National Committee Member

Medical Association for the Prevention of War

Dr S J Wareham

Dr I K Buckley
ACT Coordinator

Australian Network, International Campaign to Ban Landmines

Sister Patricia Pak Poy RSM
National Coordinator

Returned and Services League

Major General A Clunies-Ross AO MBE (RL)
Chairman, National Defence Committee

Tuesday, 3 December 1996, at Canberra

Dr W L Maley
Reid, ACT

Friday, 6 December 1996, at Moorebank, New South Wales

Department of Defence

Colonel G Pearce AM
Director of Engineers-Army

Major G A Membrey
Directorate of Engineers-Army

Monday, 3 February 1997, at Canberra

Attorney-General's Department

Dr R Balkin
Acting Senior Government Counsel

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Mr M Peek
Acting First Assistant Secretary, International Security Division

Mr J Griffin
Director, Conventional and Nuclear Disarmament Section

Australian Agency for International Development

Mr P Buckley
Manager, Asia-Pacific Humanitarian Relief Section

Department of Defence

Colonel G Pearce AM
Director of Engineers-Army

Defence Science and Technology Organisation

Mr R Bird
Manager, Landmine Countermeasure Task

Australian Customs Service

Mr P Gulbransen
Director, Import Policy
