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Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

5th Report CONTENTS



1.       'Blinding Laser Weapons and International Humanitarian Law', by Bengt Anderberg, Ove E Bring and Myron L Wolbarsht in Journal of Peace Research, Vol 29 (3), August 1992, pp 287-297

2.       Hidden Killers: The Global Problem with Uncleared Landmines - A Report on International Demining, prepared by the United States Department of State Political- Military Affairs Bureau, Office of International Security Operations (1993)

3.       Blinding laser weapons: questions and answers, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 16 November 1994

4.       Blinding weapons: alarming report on laser weapons, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 1 February 1995

5.       Blinding Weapons Campaign Brochure, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 1 May 1995

6.       Newsbreaks, June 1995, Laser Focus World, p 2

7.       Blinding Laser Weapons Reported - June 12, 1995, Laser Focus World

8.       Briefing Papers: Anti-Personnel Landmines and the Inhumane Weapons Convention - The Australian Government's Approach, Departments of Defence and of Foreign Affairs and Trade (August 1995)

9.       Landmines must be stopped, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 1 September 1995

10.       DoD Defines Blinding-Laser Policy - September 15, 1995, Laser Focus World

11.       DoD: Lasers are critical to defense, Promt, Navy News & Undersea Technology, 18 September 1995

12.       US Army Cancels Blinding Laser Weapon, Reuter News Service, 12 October 1995

13.       Vienna Diplomatic Conference Achieves New Prohibition on Blinding Laser Weapons and Deadlock on Landmines, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 13 October 1995

14.       Blinding Laser Weapons are banned by the UN, Daily Telegraph, 14 October 1995

15.       Land Mines and the Inhumane Weapons Review Conference 1995, Research Note No 27, 25 October 1995, Parliamentary Research Service, Parliamentary Library

16.       The Vienna Review Conference: success on blinding laser weapons but deadlock on landmines, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 1 November 1995

17.       'The Review Conference of the Inhumane Weapons Convention', by Jozef Goldblat, Chapter Summary from the SIPRI Yearbook 1996: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996)

18.       Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects, Geneva, 15-19 January 1996, and President's Text.

19.       Anti-Personnel Landmines - Friend or Foe? A study of the military use and effectiveness of anti-personnel mines, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 28 March 1996

20.       Study Find Landmines "of little military use", Reuter, 29 March 1996, 0248

21.       Joint Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Defence, Australia Pledges Support for a Global Ban on Anti-Personnel Landmines: Unilaterally Suspends Use, FA 22, 15 April 1996

22.       Media Release: Government's Backing of Landmines Ban Courageous and Realistic, Community Aid Abroad, 15 April 1996

23.       Media Release: Non-Government Organisations Applaud the Australian Government's Suspension on the Use of Landmines and its Call for a Global Ban, AUSTCARE, 15 April 1996

24.       Press Release.Newsflash: Aid Council Welcomes Government's Ban on Landmines, Australian Council for Overseas Aid, 13/96, 15 April 1996

25.       'USA takes first step in banning anti-personnel mines', Jane's Defence Weekly, 22 May 1996, p 3

26.       'The Horror of Land Mines', by Gino Strada in Scientific American, May 1996, pp 26- 31

27.       'One false step ... and you're dead', by Justin Mullins in New Scientist, 4 May 1996, pp 32-37

28.       Material supplied by AUSTCARE, dated 17 September 1996

29.       Blinding Laser Weapons Ban in Question?, Laser Focus World, 10 May 1996

30.       Cambodia, Handicap International

31.       DoD Budget Support Laser Weapons, Laser Focus World, 28 June 1996

32.       Press Release: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Handicap International Awarded Nansen Medal, 1 October 1996

33.       International Strategy Conference, Ottawa, 3-5 October 1996, Declaration of the Ottawa Conference: Towards a Global Ban on Anti-Personnel (AP) Mines

34.       Anti-personnel mines: An overview 1996, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 26 September 1996

35.       'Landmines in PNG raise doubts over aid', The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 October 1996, p 7

36.       Australia in the Second Rank of Nations on Landmine Ban, AAP, 22 October 1996, 1436

37.       Transcript: Landmines, 7.30 Report, ABC, 23 October 1996

38.       Letter: Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, dated 23 October 1996

39.       'Landmines: The Real Weapons of Mass Destruction' in The Defense Monitor, Vol XXV, No 5, July 1996, pp 1-8

40.       Anti-Personnel Mines: Controlling the Plague of 'Butterflies', by Paul Cornish, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1994

41.       'Anti-personnel Landmines: An Ethical Reflection', by Jef Van Gerwen, SJ, PhD, Jesuit Refugee Service, Europe

42.       'Landmines', The Reality of Aid 1996: An Independent Review of International Aid, Earth Scan, pp 32-35

43.       Extract from CCW News, Tuesday 30 April, 1996

44.       Afghanistan: Mine Clearance Programme Annual Report 1995, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan (UNOCHA)

45.       Dealing with Mines: Strategies for Peacekeepers, Aid Agencies and the International Community, edited by William Maley, Australian Defence Studies Centre, Australian Defence Force Academy, 1994

46.       'A High Priority Problem', by David Davis in The House Magazine, July 8,1996, p 16

47.       'Taming the land mine', by Peter La Franchi in Australian Defence Magazine, Vol 4, No 2, February 1996, pp 36-39

48.       Summary of Amended Protocol II to the IWC, prepared by the ADF

49.       'Land Mines', by Wolfgang Koerner, Research Branch, Library of Parliament, Canada

50.       'After the Guns Fall Silent: The Enduring Legacy of Landmines' by the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, 1995

51.       'U.S. Holds Key to Ban of Land Mines', by Dana Priest in The Guardian Weekly, week ending January 12, 1997, p 15

52.       Material re the UN General Assembly supplied by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

53.       'Landmines: the gap between law and humanity', by Gideon Boas in Law Society Journal, Vol 34, No 9, October 1996, pp 60-63

54.       'Political will and cash "needed to speed up removal of landmines" ', by Steve Nadls in Nature, Vol 385, Issue No 6612, 9 January 1997, p 101

55.       The Age, 20 January 1997, p A8

56.       'U.S. Snubs Canada On Land Mine Ban', by Dana Priest in The Guardian Weekly, week ending January 1997, p 18

57.       Address by the Hon Alexander Downer, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, 30 January 1997
