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Joint Standing Committee on Migration
Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Negotiating the maze

Review of arrangements for overseas skills recognition, upgrading and licensing

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Appendix C: List of exhibits

Exhibit No.


1 Australian Nursing Council, Competency Based Assessment Programs for Overseas Nurses, May 2004 (related to Submission No. 5)
2 Letter of the month (Using skills) June 2005, Charter Magazine, Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia , Personal letter from Lindsay Bridgland
3 Australian Pharmacy Examining Council Inc, Pharmacy Candidates’ Information Handbook, June 2005 (related to Submission No. 6)
4 Planning Institute Australia , Findings and Recommendations of the National Inquiry into Planning Education and Employment, August 2004 (related to Submission No. 14)

Western Australian Department of Education, ‘Does society reflect what happens in our schools or do schools reflect what happens in society?’ Workbook for Good Practice Regarding the Placement of Overseas-Trained Teachers (related to Submission No. 20)

6 Wagner , R. (ed) Recognition of Prior Learning in Higher Education and the Australian Labour Market: The Case of Skilled Migrants and Refugees, University of Western Sydney, July 2003 (related to Submission No. 21)
7 Victorian Settlement Planning Committee’s Inter-Agency Working Group on Overseas Skills Recognition, Discussion Paper on ‘Access to Recognition Services for Migrants with Overseas Professional and Trade Qualifications’, August 2004
8 CPA Australia, Migration and the Accounting Profession in Australia, Report prepared for CPA Australia by Dr Bob Birrell and Virginia Rapson, May 2005 (related to Submission No. 39)

VisAustralia International, Correspondence related to Case Studies 1-7 (related to Submission No. 40)

10 Colic-Peisker, V. and Tilbury, V. Refugees and Employment: The Effects of Visible Difference on Discrimination, Interim Report, Centre for Social and Community Research, Murdoch University, August 2005
11 Australian Medical Council, Tables Relating to AMC Examination Processes (related to Submission No. 44)

Recommendations of the Senate Inquiry into Australian Expatriates (related to Submission No. 46)

13 Migrant Network Services ( Northern Sydney ) Ltd, Skilled Migrant Employment Issues: Pilot Project Proposal, January 2004 (related to Submission No. 54)
14 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ‘Guidelines for recognition of Singapore and Australian law degrees under SAFTA’ (related to Submission No. 71)
15 Parliament of Australia , Parliamentary Library, ‘ Australia ’s Migration Program, Research Note’, 10 May 2005 (related to Submission No. 72)
16 Newcomers Network, Newcomers Network Pre-Departure Jobs Kit (related to Submission No. 26)
17 Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, General Skilled Program, Part 3: Points Test and Self-Assessment (related to Submission No. 80)
18 Dr  Peter   Mulrooney , Curriculum Vitae (related to Submission No. 81)
19 New South Wales Government, Appendices 1-15 to submission (related to Submission No. 84)

Pivot Point Australia, Correspondence from Service Skills Victoria regarding Job Hours for Hairdressing (related to Submission No. 88)


Skills Matching Application: (related to motor mechanic position) (related to Submission No. 89)

22 Australian Refugee Association Inc, Australian Refugee Association 1975-2005: 30 Years of Experience, June 2005
23 Australian Refugee Association, Australian Refugee Association: Helping Refugees, Transforming Lives (Brochure)
24 Amendments to UAC: Further information about TRA Skilled Pathway ‘E’ requirements (related to Submission No. 92)
25 PRC—Passing Percentages: PRC Facts and Figures (related to Submission No. 92)
26 Applicants’ Guide to the Application Assessment and Audit (‘AAA’) Sheet, Trades Recognition Australia (related to Submission No. 92)
27 Trades Recognition Australia , Application Assessment and Audit Sheet (related to Submission No. 92)
28 Trades Recognition Australia : Uniform Assessment Criteria, July 2005 (related to Submission No. 92)

Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc,
Stage 1—Modified Desktop Audit Non-CCE Accredited, Form A001: Application for recognition of chiropractic qualifications and eligibility to undertake practical clinical competency in Australia, March 2005 (related to Submission No. 51)


Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc,
Competency Based Standards for Entry Level Chiropractors, August 2003 (related to Submission No. 51)

31 Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc, Sample Questions—Written BasicCompetency (related to Submission No. 51)

Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc,
Sample Questions: Written Clinical Competency (related to Submission No. 51)

33 Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Inc, Candidate Guide: Suitability for Migration and Eligibility to Apply to Practise as a Chiropractor in Australia: Evaluation Process, July 2004 (related to Submission No. 51)

Western Australian Department of Education and Training,
Overseas Qualifications Unit Proposed Skills Shortage Project: to Identify Good Practice Skills Recognition Pathways for Migrants with a Trade Skills Background, Draft Discussion Paper, June 2005 (related to Submission No. 20)

35 ANTA and Stara Good Practice Project, FEAST: Ingredients for Good Practice in Assessment and Training, 1999 (related to Submission No. 20)

Western Australian Department of Education and Training, Pilot Project: Child Care Qualifications Assessment Process,
(related to Submission No. 20)

37 Western Australian Department of Education, ‘Teach your children well, You who are on the road must have a code that you can live by’, Good Practice Initiatives in the Recruitment and Placement of Overseas Trained Teachers (related to Submission No. 20)
38 Dr Peter Mulrooney, Items of correspondence relating to Dr Mulrooney’s application for qualification recognition with Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (related to Submission No. 81)
39 Migrant Resource Centre of South Australia , Migrant Resource Centre of South Australia : 2004-05 Annual Report ( related to Submission No. 32)

Western Australian Department of Education and Training,
Career Development Services: Learning, Working, Living
(related to Submission No. 20)

41 Australian Computer Society, Policy Statement on Migration, April 2005 (relates to Submission No. 61)
42 Process flowchart for an electrician seeking to migrate to Australia , provided by Ms S Fletcher, Goldfields Esperance Development Commission (related to Submission No. 38)

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists,
Anaesthesia Services for Areas of Need in Australia, February 2003


Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists,
Overseas Trained Specialists Assessment Process, October 2003

45 Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Accreditation Submission to the Australian Medical Council, Volume 1, Submission April 2002

Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Inc, About AVBC
(related to Submission No. 15)


Messenger, B. and Kamala Baskaran, S. Welcome Aus.Com, made by migrants for migrants (copy of presentation)
(related to Submission No. 73)

50 Wagner , R. and Hare, S. So Dentists Become Taxi Drivers, presentation to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration, 23 November 2005 (related to Submission No. 21)
51 Richardson , Professor S. The Most Recent Migrant Experience: Evaluation of General Skilled Migration, presentation at Parliament House, 7 November 2005 (provided by VETASSESS)
52 Johne, M. Immigrants get help finding employment, information about the Canadian mentoring project and website, July 2002, provided by Migrant Employment and Training Taskforce
53 Refugee Council of Australia , Australian Mentoring Programs for Refugee and Humanitarian Entrants, May 2005 (provided by Migrant Employment and Training Taskforce)
54 Carr , J. Refugee Employment programs, in particular those using mentoring, Churchill Study Tour Report, January 2005 (provided by Migrant Employment and Training Taskforce)
55 Ecumenical Migration Centre, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Refugees in the labour market: Looking for cost-effective models of assistance, September 2004 (provided by Migrant Employment and Training Taskforce)
56 Equal Employment Opportunity Network of Australia , 2005 Australasian Diversity and Equality Survey: Moving Ahead on Equality and Diversity, Final Report, July 2005 (related to Submission No. 18)
57 Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union, Construction and General Division, Apprentices: Building Australia ’s Future—The CFMEU’s 10 point plan to reduce skill shortages, November 2005


Australian Institute of Radiography, Guidelines for Assessment of Medical Radiation Science Qualifications Gained Outside Australia , August 2004
59 Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, State Specific and Regional Migration Mechanisms (provided by Business SA)
60 Migration Institute of Australia, Migration Agents: Who are They? Presentation by Brian Jones , SA Branch President (provided by Business SA)
61 Business SA, ‘Population and Prosperity: Creating new opportunities for South Australian business through skilled and business migration’, International Business Week, 2005
62 Sunny Yang, Acting Director, Department of Trade and Economic Development,Presentation to IBW Business SA Seminar ’
63 Business SA, ‘Population seminar to educate business about migration’ (media release, August 2005)
64 Humanitarian/Refugee Entrant Job Seeker Pilot Project , May 2005 (provided by the Migrant Employment and Training Taskforce)
65 The Race to Qualify: Report of the Committee for the Review of Practices for the Employment of Medical Practitioners in the NSW Health System , October 1998
66 TRA—Trade Classifications Assessed , December 2005 (provided by Adult Multicultural Education Services)
67 Which Industries (occupations) are covered by the Competency Assessment Service? (provided by Adult Multicultural Education Services)
68 Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Ltd, Information regarding ACOPRA
69 Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Ltd, Report following September 2005 Written Examination
70 Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Ltd, Assessment Process—Frequently Asked Questions
71 Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Ltd, The Assessment Process for Overseas Qualified Physiotherapists
72 Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Ltd, Physiotherapy in Australia
73 Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Ltd, Assessment of Overseas Physiotherapists 2005 Report
74 Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Ltd, ACOPRA letter to the editor, The Sunday Times ( Perth ), dated 5 December 2005
75 Queensland Government Submission to the Productivity Commission report on Australia ’s Health Workforce , November 2005
76 Migrant Settlement Services, Migrant Employment Service (brochure)
77 Migrant Settlement Services, Migrant Settlement Services: Helping Migrants Make Australia Home (brochure)

Queensland Department of Employment and Training,
Queensland Skills Plan

79 Filipino Migrants Forum, ‘Is your school listed in the “ Philippines country education profile?”’ and copy of the resolutions passed by FILCCA (related to Submission No. 92)

Tasmanian Department of Education, Office of Youth Affairs,
‘Ready, Willing and Able’, State of Our Youth: Young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, December 2005 (related to Submission No. 77a)

81 Kortman, B. and May, E. ‘Enabling model for assessing overseas trained occupational therapists seeking work in Australia’, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 52, pp. 251-56, 2005 (provided by Council of Occupational Therapists Registration Boards (Australia and New Zealand) Inc)
84 Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine Inc, Application for Assessment of Eligibility to Undertake the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine Overseas Qualification Assessment Exam in Nuclear Medicine Technology (related to Submission No. 106)
85 Chapman, E. Skills Recognition and Upgrading: Australia , Canada and Singapore (paper prepared during a placement under the Australian National Internship Program), May 2006

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