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Joint Standing Committee on Migration

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into skills recognition, upgrading and licensing

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Terms of Reference

  1. Investigate and report on current arrangements for overseas skills recognition and associated issues of licensing and registration for:
  • Skills stream migrants who obtain assessment prior to migrating;
  • Families of skill stream migrants, family stream migrants and humanitarian entrants who seek assessment/registration/upgrading after arrival;
  • Temporary residents who need skills assessment/recognition;and
  • Australian citizens returning after significant time overseas, with overseas qualifications.

  1. Consider how Australia’s arrangements compare with those of other major immigration countries.
  2. Identify areas where Australia’s procedures can be improved including in terms of:
  • Communication of processes to users
  • Efficiency of processes and elimination of barriers
  • Early identification and response to persons needing skills upgrading (e.g. bridging courses)
  • Awareness and acceptance of recognised overseas qualifications by Australian employers
  • Achieving greater consistency in recognition of qualifications for occupational licensing by state and territory regulators
  • Alternative approaches to skills assessment and recognition of overseas qualifications.
