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<< Return to previous page | Parliamentary Joint Committee on Joint Standing Committee on Migration

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Preliminary Pages

Membership of the Committee


Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP


Deputy Chair

Mrs Louise Markus MP



The Hon Teresa Gambaro MP

Senator Michaelia Cash


Mr Steve Georganas MP

Senator Alex Gallacher


Mr Rowan Ramsey MP

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young


Mr Tony Zappia MP

Senator the Hon Lisa Singh



Committee Secretariat




James Catchpole

Inquiry Secretary

Loes Slattery

Administrative Officers

Heidi Luschtinetz


Michaela Whyte



Terms of reference



On 10 May 2012, the House of Representatives adopted the report by the House of Representatives Selection Committee entitled Report No. 51: Private Members’ Business and Referral of Bills to Committee.


In that report, the Selection Committee determined that the Migration (Visa Evidence) Charge Bill 2012 and Migration (Visa Evidence) Charge (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012 be referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration for inquiry and report.


List of recommendations

Commentary on the bills

Recommendation 1

That the Department of Immigration and Citizenship amend the explanatory memoranda for the Migration (Visa Evidence) Charge Bill 2012 and the Migration (Visa Evidence) Charge (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012 to more clearly explain the policy rationale and costing methodology underpinning the measures contained in those bills.

Recommendation 2

That the Migration (Visa Evidence) Charge Bill 2012 and the Migration (Visa Evidence) Charge (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2012 be passed without amendment.



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