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<< Return to previous page | Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories

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Preliminary Pages

Membership of the Committee



Senator Louise Pratt


Deputy Chair

Mr  Luke Simpkins MP



The Hon Dick Adams MP

Senator Judith Adams (until 4/4/12)


Ms Gai Brodtmann MP

Ms Anna Burke MP(until 9/10/12)

The Hon Simon Crean (from 22/4/13)

Mrs Natasha Griggs MP (from 20/8/12)

Dr Andrew Leigh MP (until 22/4/13)

The Hon Bruce Scott MP (from 9/10/12)

Mr Patrick Secker MP (until 20/8/12)

Hon Peter Slipper MP (until 24/11/11)


Senator Trish Crossin

Senator Gary Humphries

Senator Stephen Parry






Committee Secretariat



Mr Peter Banson


Inquiry Secretary

Dr Bill Pender





List of abbreviations



Administrative Appeals Tribunal


Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service


Goods and Services Tax


Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area


Memorandum of Understanding


List of recommendations


1     Report of the visit to Norfolk Island

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that the commitment of the Norfolk Island Government and the Australian Government to reform should be documented in a joint statement and timetable. This timetable should document the legislative changes required of both the Norfolk Island and Australian Governments to improve governance and administration and integrate Norfolk Island into the Australian taxation and welfare system. Any timetable should be predicated on the Norfolk Island Government introducing its own revenue streams (such as municipal rates), immigration reforms and divestiture of their Government Business Enterprises.




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