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House Standing Committee on Petitions

Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into Electronic Petitioning

Inquiry home | Terms of reference | Submissions | Media releases | Report

Schedule of public hearings, programs and transcripts

The schedule of public hearings, programs and (proof and final) transcripts of evidence for this inquiry are below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If you have difficulty accessing the information, please contact the Committee Secretariat. For more information on public hearings, please refer to our brochure on appearing as a witness.

To view or print the programs and transcripts, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

There is currently a total of 5 public hearings in the following list.


  • Canberra: Wednesday, 26 November 2008 (discussion with Clerk and Clerk Assistant (Table), House of Representatives)
    Transcript (PDF 116KB)
  • Canberra: Wednesday, 26 November 2008 (teleconference with Scottish Public Petitions Committee)

Transcript (PDF 126KB)

  • Canberra: Wednesday, 24 June 2009 (teleconference with Clerk of the Parliament of Queensland)
    Transcript (PDF 76KB)
  • Canberra: Wednesday, 12 August 2009 (discussion with Serjeant-at-Arms and Director, Information Systems and Publishing,
    Department of the House of Representatives)

Transcript (PDF 77KB)




Comments to: The Committee Secretariat on PH: 02 6277 2152 or 6277 4670 or FAX: 02 6277 4627
or e-mail: